Pioneers Flashcards
Hippocrates - 468-377BC
Restore balance to promote healing with the patient taking responsibility in the healing process
Samuel Thompson 1769-1843
Father of American herbalism.
Trilogy of healing: elimination (herbs), restore body heat (cayenne), promote sweating (vapour bath).
Johanes Schroth 1798-1856
Austrian naturopath
Rhythmic changes to stimulate body to reduce oxidative stress and detoxify.
-Dry diet (low calorie, high alkaline veg, little water) / wet diet (soups, broths, juices)
-Exercise/ relaxation
Vincenz Priessnitz 1799-1852
Father of naturopathy.
Understood importance of bio-individuality.
Treat the patient not the disease.
Cold water bandage around chest & abdomen to draw out toxins.
Heinrick Franke 1805-1848
Cold water - increases respiration, slows circulation
Hot water - restores respiration, increases circulation
Alternating stimulates blood flow, increases delivery oxygen & nutrients, promotes lymphatic drainage.
Sebastian Kneipp 1821-1897
Father of hydrotherapy. Cured own TB.
Bioindividuality treating person not disease.
- Louis Kuhne 1835-1901
Formulated unity of disease theory.
Cold water hydrotherapy to stimulate lower abdomen and improve detoxification. Introduced Sitz baths.
Harvey Kellogg 1852-1943
Importance of intestinal microflora
Regular enemas to remove matter preventing auto-toxaemia.
Adolf Just 1859-1936
-Raw food and earthing
-Used clay poultices
-Grounding reduced build up of electromagnetic stress by taking up negative ions from earth.
- moisture increases conductivity, anti-inflammatory and thins blood
Steiner 1861-1925
Lindlahr 1862-1924
Steiner - imbalance in 4 planes of man physical emotional mental spiritual
Lindlahr - healthy elimination mobilising toxins to restore health
Pioneer of iridology. Inner reflection and fasting
Ehret 1866-1922
Alkaline diet to build new blood.
Fasting and veg esp fruit diet.
Avoiding mucus forming foods.
Theory of vitality power minus obstruction
Gerson 1881-1959
Gerson - alkalising body fresh veg juices and detox coffee enemas.
Unity of disease - one underlying imbalance, illnesses are symptoms of that imbalance.
Shelton 1895-1985
Toxaemia cause of disease.
Food combining, raw foods, fasting
Jensen 1908-2001
Bowel cleansing using chlorophyll in enemas and colonics. Colon hydrotherapy.
Every tissue fed by the blood which is supplied by the bowel.
Terrain vs germ theory
Pasteur - germ theory, developed pasteurisation
Bechamp and Bernard - terrain low oxygenated, acidic internal environment. Disease from within the body and microbes after effects not causes. Don’t kill germs promote health diet exercise cleansing
Naturopathic Principles
- Healing power of nature given right conditions and tx - VF stimulated by fresh air, sun, clean water, healthy diet, fasting, detox
- Prevention better than cure
- Treat the cause not symptom
- Whole person treated not one size fits all
- Health more than absence of infirmity, need VF for abundant vitality
- Treat person not the disease
- Individual is unique
- Disease stems from imbalance
- Disease due to internal environment
- Addressing deficiency and excess
- Ailments should not be suppressed
- Naturopath = educator