Basics Of Nutrition Flashcards
Food - nutritious substance to maintain life and growth
Whole foods - unprocessed and unrefined
Purpose- feed and nourish cells and body functions
Naturopathic nutrition - whole organic nutrition, detox, constitution of pt, find cause of disease not treat symptom
Junk food
- highly processed, GM, sweeteners, pesticides, chemical additives, high fat sugar fat refined carbs, low fibre nutrients, overeating, cheaper.
- increase free radicals, oxidative stress, inflammation, insulin resistance, obesity, accelerate aging, addictive, impair cell to cell communication and flow of VF.
- implicated in atopic conditions
Hormone disturbance, skeletal disorders, CV disease, neurological disease, contribute to cancer pathogenesis
Provide heat and energy. Preferred source of energy by body. Cellulose starches sugars.
-Monosaccharides - glucose fructose galactose
-Disaccharides - sucrose (1 glucose 1 fructose) lactose (1 glucose 1 galactose) maltose (grains)(2 glucose)
-Complex carbs polysaccharides: starches, cellulose digested more slowly balances bg sense of fullness (wheat rice oats millet quinoa buckwheat spelt rye kamut whole bread pasta noodles legumes beans lentils peas seeds nuts veg fruit manuka/raw honey
- refined carbs: sweets white bread
Complex carb from plant cell walls, can’t be digested.
Increases stool bulk, reduce risk diverticulitis colon cancer, reduce absorption dietary cholesterol, slows glucose absorption, reduce risk CV disease/t2dm, weight control, feeds microflora.
Soluble: feeds microflora, attracts water forming gel, slows digestion, regulates bg, satiating effect (oats, legumes, apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, nuts, flaxseed, psyllium, cucumbers, celery, carrots.
Insoluble: doesn’t dissolve in water, move waste through GIT regular bm (whole grains, bran, seeds, nuts, carrots, cabbage, onions, cucumber, celery, dark leafy greens
- Provide body tissue structure (skin bones blood vessels hair etc
- movement eg muscles
- carry substances eg Hb
- act as enzymes
- form hormones eg insulin
-immune defense eg Antibodies
Alternative energy source (less efficient than carbs/fat) - Amino acids: complete 9 ess aa (not produced by body histidine leucine isoleucine lysine methionine phenylalanine threonine tryptophan valine), incomplete (low in 1 or more aa commonly methionine lysine), conditionally essential aa eg certain ages, disease
-plant proteins all 9 ess aa and fibre & phytonutrients: quinoa buckwheat pumpkin seeds chia seeds. Combine foods to get all ess aa eg legumes & nuts/seeds, whole grains & nuts/seeds - soy ensure organic non gmo all ess aa low in methionine. Contains goitrogens decreasing uptake iodine by thyroid.
Lipids: Fats and oils
- Energy production and storage
- Insulation and protection organs nerves bones cell membranes
- Digestion and absorption: carries vit A. D, E, K. Bile production
- Hormone production: estrogen progesterone androgens cortisol
- Fatty acids building blocks of fat:
Saturated coconut (high in MCT - transported directly to liver converted to energy not stored as fat, digested easily, antimicrobial, converted to ketones used for energy by cells) & butter
Polyunsaturated omega 3&6 (ess fa). Signs of deficiency: dry eyes skin hair, painful joints (inflamm) hormone probs, slow cognition, recurrent infections, low metabolic rate & wt gain.
Monounsaturated omega 7&9
Ideal ration omega 6 vs 3 = 5:1 or less.
- Trans fats - reacting oil with hydrogen using catalyst like Nickel: risk heart disease blood clots stiffen cell membranes prone to oxidation leaky membranes.
-70% human adult body
-Regulates body temp, transports nutrients to cells via blood, removes waste, joint/cartilage health, digestion absorption excretion.
- avoid drinking with meals dilution digestive enzymes
-Dehydration: fatigue headache back pain constipation dry skin yellow urine with odour wt gain
Vitamin A
Fat soluble
Supports visual acuity & corneal health.
Controls cell division skin & mucous membranes.
Liver, fish liver oils, egg yolk, mackerel, salmon, carotenes in carrots squash sweet potato need to be converted to active A.
Deficiency: vision impairment, dry skin, recurrent infections, poor growth.
Vitamin D
Fat soluble
Calcium absorption and bone mineralisation
Immune regulation
Sources: sunlight, D2 in mushrooms provided good sun exposure, D3 clo, oily fish, egg yolks
Deficiency: poor bone and tooth formation/bowed legs, poor immunity/immune dysfunction eg infection autoimmunity allergies.
Vitamin E
Fat soluble
Antioxidant protects fa from oxidising, protects against CV disease, Alzheimer’s cancer, immune development & activity.
Food source: fresh raw best, sunflower seeds, almonds, olive oil, avocado, sweet potato, spinach
Deficiency: RBC destruction (exhaustion after light exercise) easy bruising slow healing nerve damage eg neuropathy due to oxidation.
Vitamin K
Fat soluble
K1 abundant in green leafy greens
Best absorbed with dietary fat
K2 made by bacteria in intestines and in fermented food eg natto kefir sauerkraut, probiotics support intestinal k2 production.
Functions: blood clotting and bone formation working with vit d prevents calcification
Deficiency: excessive bleeding bruising bone fractures
Vitamin B water soluble
Vitamin B1 thiamine
Converts carbs to energy ATP. Low Mg affects vit B1
Nerve conduction - produces neurotransmitters eg Ach
Sources: yeast extract, peas, sunflower seeds pulses whole grains meat/fish oranges nuts eg macadamia
Deficiency: depression irritability fatigue memory loss muscle weakness
Vitamin B2 riboflavin
Functions: ATP production, metabolism carbs, fats proteins, liver detoxification support phase 1
Sources: yeast extract spinach wild salmon mushrooms quinoa lentils kidney beans eggs meat almonds
Deficiency: red dry inflamed tongue with sores in corners of mouth
Vitamin B3 Niacin
ATP production in cells
CV health reduces LDL and vasodilatory
Sources: mushrooms, green leafy veg, yeast extracts, sardines, sunflower seeds avocado peanuts meat poultry
Deficiency: dermatitis sunburn like rash, inflamed mouth & tongue sores in mouth corners, fatigue vomiting diarrhoea headache
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic acid
ATP production from carbs protein fats
Important for fat metabolism useful for acne
Co-factor for stress hormones used up quickly if stressed
Sources: shiitake mushroom avocados nuts seeds fish meat. Found everywhere
Deficiency: fatigue insomnia burning sensation in feet and tender heels