Pinnipeds Flashcards
Young harbor seal unique cardiac finding?
Patent foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus up to 67 week old (ZP)
What is the family and scientific name of the walrus?
What are some defining characterisitics?
- Odobenidae (Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
- Flippers – allow weight on them but not very agile
- On land – able to walk on 4 legs
- In water use side to side motion of hind quarters
- Maxillary canine – tusks
- Haircoat – sparse
- Rely on adipose within modified skin and SQ tissue for insulation
- Male walrus – diverticulae of the oropharynx
- More prone to GI obstruction due to smaller pyloric outflow tract
- Flippers – allow weight on them but not very agile
What is the family of sea lions and fur seals?
What are some defining characteristics?
How do you tell fur seals apart from sea lions?
- Otoriidae (sealion, fur seals)
- 14 spp
- Thoracic appendages (flippers) dominant.
- On land – use to “walk” on all 4 limbs
- In water propel with front flippers
- Large trachea, carina near thoracic inlet
- External pinnae
- Have hepatic sinus, but not as prominent abdominal plexus (vs phocids)
- Flat central area to cornea
- Pelage
- Sea lions – short, stout, slick hair
- Rely on SQ fat for insulation
- Fur seals – prominent guard hair and secondary hairs that trap air and help with their thermoregulation
- Sea lions – short, stout, slick hair
What is the family of true seals?
What are some defining characteristics of this group?
- Phocidae (true seals/earless)
- 19 spp total
- Most endangered – Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) and Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) and Caspian seal
- Flippers do not allow weight on them
- On land – flounder
- In water use side to side motion of hind quarters
- Lack external pinnae
- Unique anatomy external auditory canal – canal is surrounded by vascular plexus – may protect ear canal from pressures at depth during dives
- Otitis externa in seals housed in shallower pools
- Unique anatomy external auditory canal – canal is surrounded by vascular plexus – may protect ear canal from pressures at depth during dives
- Carina near heart base
- Thermal regulation – skin adaptation & SQ adipose
- Vascular adaptation for diving
- Spinal cord surrounded by vascular sinus
- Site for blood collection
- Large hepatic sinus and abdominal venous plexus
- Diaphragm – muscular sphincter – adjusts cardiac preload during dives
- Spinal cord surrounded by vascular sinus
- 19 spp total
Compare and contrast the internal organ anatomy of phocids & otarrids.
What are the differences in the respiratory system?
What about the kidney structure?
What about skin structure?
What about their teeth?
Describe some of the unique anatomy of pinnipeds:
What about renal anatomy?
Why are their teeth brown?
What adaptations exist for diving?
What is their placentation?
- Appendages (flipper) allow for locomotion in water and thermoregulation
- Femur, patella, tibia and fibula – incorporated within trunk. Tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges – hind flippers
- Reniculate kidneys have a thick capsule and prominent outer cortical veins
- Sexual dimorphism: males larger, large sagittal crest or tusks (species dependent)
- Blubber, no arrector pili muscles in epidermis, increased number of sebaceous glands
Teeth: brown discoloration with age
- polyphydont and heterodont
- Deciduous teeth absorbed prior to or at birth, permanent erupt shortly after birth
- Walrus tusks: larger ventral directed upper canines
- polyphydont and heterodont
- Adaptation for diving
- Larger liver and kidney
- Liver and lung lobulated
- Kidney multireticulated
- Vascular adaptations
- Enlarged hepatic sinus, caudal vena cava, proximal aorta and spleen
- Thermoregulation
- AV anastomosis in skin and repro organs
- Lung prominent fibrous interlobular septate
- Small airways reinforced
- With cartilage (otariids)
- Smooth muscle (phocid)
- Combination of smooth muscle and cartilage (odobenid)
- Larger liver and kidney
- Placenta: zonary, endotheliochorial; placental scars can be seen up to 12 months following pregnancy, Delayed implantation
Describe appropriate exhibit design and husbandry for pinnipeds.
Special Housing Requirements (look at Animal Welfare Act requirement) – F8
- Need access to water
- Adapted to maintaining body temp while in cooler waters
- When out of the water, higher risk for hyperthermia
- Ocular disease common
- Protect exposure to solar radiation
- Need to provide shade – darkened non reflective surfaces, feeding underwater and good water quality
- Water quality – Coliform – shall not exceed 1000 MPD (most probably number) per 100 mL of water
Husbandry (CRC 41)
- Pools and Enclosures
- Should be housed in salt water if possible
- Fresh water associated with higher incidence of ophthalmic disease.
- Animals is fresh water need oral salt supplementation
- Provide shade
- Should be housed in salt water if possible
- Feeding
- Typically a mix of herring, mackerel, capelin, squid, smelt in captivity
- Thiamine and vit E supplementation should be provided
Describe appropriate feeding for pinnipeds.
What vitamins should be supplemented?
Do any species have natural fasting periods?
What issues can arise with neonatal pinnipeds?
How is walrus nutrition different?
Nutrition (F8)
- Carnivorous and largely piscivorous
- Captive populations – fed similarly to cetacean diet – teleost fish based (herring, mackerel, smelt)
- Can have thiamine deficiency
- Most facilities supplement multivitamin with Vit A, E, thiamine
- not needed for free-ranging wild pinnipeds as marine fish have good amount of fat soluble vitamins
- proper handling of food fishes – time-temp profile
- shorter the time product is held and colder temp it is held at, higher expected quality
- Some have natural fasting periods
- Ex elephant seal weanlings – fast 4-6 weeks following departure of dam
- Adult male pinniped go “off feed” during time of rut
- Preweaned orphans require mild protein
- Mainly piscivore – protein source other than fish are not optimal
- Pinniped milk – devoid of CHO
- Can have GI probles in hand reared neonate seals
- In wild switch from nursing to eating solids quickly
Walrus Nutrition (CRC 42)
- Not considered “deep divers”. Avg < 100 ft
- Primary prey are benthic inverts – mollusks, clams, invert
- Mollusk removed from shells by powerful suction. Shells are not ingested.
- Captive diet is generally clams, herring, capelin, but often limited by availability.
Describe pinniped handling and restraint.
Where is the ideal injection site for pinnipeds?
Describe intubation.
What are some common issues with thermoregulation under anesthesia?
Restraint and handling F8
Physical Restraint
- In Rehab, field setting – can use barriers
- In permanent collection – training
- can use manual restraint – using towel or conical net designed to fit over head
Chemical Restraint
- Induction time longer and less predictable with thigh muscle injection vs in the neck/shoulder
- Airway
- Distensible pharyngeal soft tissue – can obstruct
- Optimal position – head and neck extension with mouth open. Facilitates intubation
- ETCO2 – usually 70-80 mm Hg
- Core temp – tend to trend towards ambient temperature
- Smaller animals of those that are thin - hypothermic
- Careful with hot water bottles – can cause thermal burns
- Larger or obese animals – hyperthermic
- Smaller animals of those that are thin - hypothermic
Restraint (CRC 41)
- Behavioral – training
- Physical – towel and straddle methods. Limited by sized. Otariids have strong forelimbs.
- Mechanical – Boards, restraint boxes, squeeze cages.
- Chemical
- Phocids: Benzodiazepines, butorphanol, propofol, alfaxalone, telezol
- Masking with iso/sevoflurane possible, but animal may breath hold
- Apnea common on induction, prepare to intubate.
- Otariids: Midazolam, torb, medetomidine, ketamine, alfaxalone
- Smaller animals may be induced with mask
- Phocids: Benzodiazepines, butorphanol, propofol, alfaxalone, telezol
Describe the unique anatomic & physiologic adaptations of phocids that make restraint challenging.
How should these species be transported or handled?
What are commonly used vascular access sites?
Describe intubation.
Anatomy and Physiology
- Thick layer of blubber to insulate body, arteriovenous anastomoses in the trunk and flippers.
- Dive adaptations – leopard and Weddell seals have little cartilaginous support of the trachea and flexible rib cage
- Relaxation of pharyngeal and palatine tissues, muscle of rib cage, and pulmonary airways can contribute to airway obstruction 🡪 susceptible to VQ mismatch
- Dive response – bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction, shunting of blood to hear and brain. Controlled by central mechanisms, with input from stretch receptors, baroreceptors, and trigeminal receptors.
- Bradycardia and apnea suggested due to dive response. Dive response could be elicited by anesthetic agents, but cardiac arrest can be elicited by hypoxia in any mammal.
- Herd using baffle boards and funneling arrangements
- Captive, wild (Weddell and southern elephant seals)
- Crates - able to open at both ends, well ventilated; width and height that does not allow animal to turn around
Physical Restraint:
- Minimally invasive short procedures - physical restraint in those 100kg or less
- Hoop net then manual restraint vs grasping in front of hind flipper in young
- Larger phocids restrained using a head bag then manual restraint with one person over shoulder and one over hindquarters
- Elephant seals had shorter induction and recovery and less variable responses than those given the agents by IM injection.
- Excessive restraint may compromise breathing via occlusion of the airway or constriction of thoracic wall.
Vascular Access
- The extradural intravertebral vein is most frequently used. Located dorsal to spinal cord in epidural sinus.
- In sternal – dorsal midline in lower lumbar region. Spinous processes of L3-4, needle perpendicular between these processes (18g, 3in harbor seal adult)
- Must sterile prep skin, potential for vessel trauma if struggle and bone marrow contamination
- Plantar interdigital veins of hin flippers also have been used – directly over 2nd digit or medial to 4th digit. Must apply firm pressure to prevent hematoma.
Endotracheal intubation
- Strongly recommended to maintain airway and ventilate.
- Spongy peri-pharyngeal tissues and flaccid soft palate may prevent visualization of laryngeal opening. Weddle seal has narrow laryngeal orifice.
- Most easily done by manual palpation of laryngeal opening. Laryngoscopes can be used if <100kg with aid of a spatula to visualize glottis.
- Apnea may be associated with endotracheal tube placement in elephant seals.
- Robert-shaw demand valve with O2 flow of up to 300L/min
What are some important preanesthetic considerations for phocids?
Describe the administration of anesthetics to phocids.
Preanesthetic considerations
- Rapid and safe restraint, restrict access to water, control temperature and animal interactions.
- Weight fluctuations often the result of deposition or utilization of blubber and lean body mass varies much less dramatically. Blubber less metabolically active – do not dose anesthetic agents on total body mass alone.
- Lipophilic drugs move out of the blood stream and into the blubber more rapidly in fatter animals 🡪 shorter duration of anesthesia, but there may be prolonged drug effects in fatter animals due to gradual passage from fat stores. The time to complete recovery (as opposed to duration of effective chemical immobilization) might therefore be expected to be longer in fatter animals
Chemical Restraint:
- Often not recommended to manually restrain prior to delivery due to heightened state of excitement.
- May be able to hand inject with needle attached to extension tubing. Head bagging can increase operator safety.
- Remote injection - dart or pole syringe
- Large and dangerous species (leopard seal) or those that are known to become agitated or flee when approached by humans (crabeater seal). Must take into consideration flight distance and likelihood that animal will be stimulated to enter the water.
- Response to drug administration is less predictable following delivery by remote delivery systems than manual (extradural vein or lumbar musculature).
- Once restrained - anesthesia induced or maintained via IV parenteral drugs or inhalant anesthesia
- Inhalant is preferred due to ability for precise control of depth and control of airway, less risk
Describe the use of the following anesthetics in phocid seals:
Alpha 2 Adrenergic Agonists
- Minimal cardiopulmonary depression
- Poor muscle relaxation and tremors when used alone
- Used with benzodiazepines or alpha-2-agonists
- Good muscle relaxation, minimal cardiovascular effects, and reversible
- Often used as premed – delivered remotely to aide physical restraint.
- Midazolam - rapid onset of action - lipid soluble at body pH
- Moderate to heavy sedation depending on dose
- Harp seals given IM midaz premed did not improve quality of isoflurane anesthesia and had prolonged recoveries in some individuals.
Alpha-2-Adrenergic Agonists:
- Associated with undesirable cardiovascular side effects 🡪 decreased CO, bradycardia, increased peripheral vascular resistance.
- Prolonged anesthetic recovery, bradycardia and variable anesthesia in harbor and elephant seals following medetomidine use.
- Xylazine alone or medetomidine ketamine 🡪 hyperthermia, bradycardia, mortality in leopard and elephant seals.
- Reversible. Has been used in harbor and gray seals alone and in combination with ketamine.
- IM or IV at 1:1 combination.
- Variable planes of anesthesia with prolonged apnea and death in Weddell seals (IM)
- Effective in elephant and leopard seals for induction. Required supplemental ketamine for maintenance. Effective in harbor seals, grey seals.
- IV more predictable with fewer adverse side effects (apnea, muscle tremors) compared with IM
- Reversible, mild cardiovascular and respiratory side effects at low dosages
- Meperidine and midazolam used in elephant seals for deep sedation, but unsatisfactory in leopard seals due to variable responses and respiratory depression.
- Butorphanol in harbor seals provided mild sedation and combined with diazepam allowed for more invasive procedures.
- Potent opioids 🡪 respiratory depression, hyperexcitability, prolonged apnea in hooded and gray seals.
- Short duration, good muscle relaxation, and rapid recovery (IV)
- Large volume
Inhalant anesthetics:
- Useful for prolonged procedures or surgeries
- Large tidal volume 🡪 rapid and efficient uptake and distribution of inhalant anesthetics.
- Prone to respiratory obstruction with reduced cartilaginous support of the trachea. Many phocids have fleshy pharyngeal region that may contribute to respiratory obstruction when muscular tone is reduced by sedation.
Describe the monitoring of phocid seals under anesthesia.
What is the aerobic dive limit?
What are some supportive drugs that may be beneficial for phocid anesthesia?
What are some commonly used analgesics?
- Plane of anesthesia - head and flipper movements, jaw tone, palpebral reflexes
- HR - - auscultate with esophageal stethoscope, HR by visual of thoracic wall movement, ECG
- Prolonged apnea common – respiratory pattern of sleeping phocids characterized by frequent periods of apnea.
- Aerobic dive limit – defined as time beyond which animal must rely on anaerobic metabolism to prolong the dive. Species capable of deep/prolonged dives (elephant and Weddell) have greater ADL and expected to tolerate longer periods of apnea.
- Hypoventilation - RR and tidal volume must be continuously monitored. IPPV is reduced thoracic excursions or increasing etCO2 noted.
- SpO2 – vulva, lip, tongue. Also use EtCO2 to assess ventilation.
- Respiratory obstruction likely to occur in leopard seals and associated with mortality in this species
- Assisted ventilation if ETCO2 > 55. ETCO2 similar to terrestrial mammals.
- NBIP not applicable due to lack of available peripheral arteries.
- Temperature requires rectal probes > 30 cm in length in large phocids. Can become hyper/hypothermic depending on environment.
Supplemental drugs
- Doxapram – increased depth and frequency of respiration and stimulated breathing in apnea elephant seals (via intratracheal, not by IV extradural sinus).
- May see shaking/hyper-responsiveness at high doses.
- Atropine – eliminated reflex bradycardia in harbor seals but often not routinely included in drug protocols. May also help manage excessive salivation and URT secretion
- Deny access to water until fully recovered. Premature removal of endotracheal tube increases risk for respiratory obstruction.
- Butorphanol and flunixin (anorexia reported side effect of flunixin), along with meloxicam and carprofen.
Describe the transport and physical restraint of otarrid seals.
What are the most commonly used sites for vascular access?
Describe endotracheal intubation.
What are some important preanesthetic considerations?
- Captive - trained to follow keepers and voluntarily move areas or enter crates
- Herd to different area or into crate with herding boards, chutes, mobile fencing
- Rehabilitated wild or young free-living
Physical Restraint:
- Training for voluntary exams and minimally invasive procedures minimizemk8ctwcs restraint required
- Towels, protective gloves, +/- sedation
- Mechanical or chemical sedation recommended for animals >90kg
- Limitations – minimal duration of procedure, poor accessibility, lack of analgesia, risk of injury and undue stress to the animal
- Control of head is essential
- Front flippers raised slightly and held against side of animal
- Ensure airway integrity – ensure head straight to not collapse trachea, too much weight on thorax inhibits ventilation
Mechanical Restraint:
- Squeeze cages
- Vise or noose that entraps animals neck should be avoided 🡪 collapse trachea due to incomplete tracheal rings
- Monitor MM and RR, ensure do not pinch extremities when squeezing
- Specialized tubular nets – wide enough to capture animal but then taper to point to control the head
- Monitor for hyperthermia and exhaustion after capture
Vascular Access
- Interdigital veins in pelvic limbs – not accessible in CSLs.
- Cephalic, jugular, subclavian, and vessels long digits of hind flipper
Endotracheal Intubation
- Similar intubation to terrestrial carnivores with cuffed ET tubes and standard laryngoscope
Preanesthetic Considerations
- Animals in rehabilitation setting often dehydrated, malnourished, +/- infectious disease 🡪 stabilize prior to immobilization
- Parasitic pneumonia caused by Parafilaroides decorus (CSL) may exacerbate ventilation issues. Hookworm (uncinaria) in fur seals may lead to anemia and make more prone to hypoxemia
- CSL stranding late summer/early fall 🡪 potential for leptospirosis and renal compromise
- Debate over use of atropine 🡪 may prevent bradycardia associated with dive reflex and control airway/oral secretion. Alpha 2 agonists cause bradycardia and some studies indicate use of atropine is associated with increased mortality.
What are the best sites for anesthetic injection in otarrid seals?
What are some commonly used sedation protocols?
Describe the use of the following anesthetics in otarrids:
Medetomidine/Ketamine or Medetomidine/Telazol
Inhalant anesthetics
Chemical Restraint:
- IV sites – poorly accessible
- IM injections - muscles overlying the lower lumbar spine, tibia and hips, and shoulders
- Hand injection - physical or mechanical restraint
- Remote injection - dart
- Captive and free-living
- Inhalant is preferred due to ability for precise control of depth and control of airway, less risk, titrate to effect
- Training program, physical/mechanical restraint, or use of chemical restraint facilitates inhalation anesthesia.
- Free-living scenario - risk of fleeing to water after darting
- Oral diazepam prior to transport - useful for physical restraint
- Midazolam - more reliable sedation - CA sea lions, fur seals
- Benzodiazepines - reversible (flumazenil)
- Butorphanol - mild sedation and analgesia
- Torb + Midazolam - increased level of sedation
- Medetomidine - sedation for electroencephalography - lack interference with brain waves
- Small volume, low cost, dependable deep sedation and immobilization
- Significant mortality, prolonged recovery, narrow margin of safety reported
- “Top-up” doses to increase anesthetic depth associated with increased mortality. Additional ketamine used successfully.
- Effective, safe immobilization
- Moderately variable anesthetic depth, high cost
- Reliable anesthesia with reasonable cost
- Tremors, ataxia, disorientation during recovery (less than with telazol alone); one mortality
- Reversible (Atipamezole + Flumazenil + Naltrexone), safe, light anesthesia
- Supplemented with isoflurane for deeper anesthesia
- Atropine given after combo injection
- In free-ranging CSL 🡪 superior immobilization than medet+telazol and medet+midaz
Inhalant Anesthetics:
- Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Halothane
- Iso and sevo - safest anesthesia with best recovery
- Uptake gases very rapidly and efficiently - readily induced with mask
- Inhalants alone - reliable and safe in otariids if possible to accomplish restraint and masking
- Premed and induction with IM meds facilitates masking and maintenance anesthesia
- Once maintained reversible induction agents may be antagonized
Describe the monitoring of otarrid seals under anesthesia.
What SpO2 and EtCO2 values suggest changes are needed?
- Trends in measure variables more important than individual values
- HR, RR, BP, ETCO2, SpO2, temp, CRT
- Plane of anesthesia – response to noise and pain (web or ear pinch), head and flipper movements, jaw tone, palpebral reflexes
- Hypoventilation, apnea - RR and tidal volume must be continuously monitored. Apnea is common and may be due to excessive anesthetic, immobilization drug or dive reflex
- Bradycardia, hypoxemia - auscult with esophageal stethoscope, palpate, HR by visual of thoracic wall movement just caudal to the axilla, ECG
- Sudden or progressive bradycardia - dive reflex (or from alpha 2)
- Blood pressure – cuff on proximal portion of limb or base of tail.
- Pulse oximetry (tongue, nasal septum - large animals, rectally, vaginally, or along buccal or gingival mucosa) – does not reflect adequacy of tissue perfusion
- Low SpO2 (<85%) reported in sea lions with telazol and medet+ket.
- Capnography – elevations or sudden decrease may indicate ventilation problems.
- High EtCO2 (>70) assoc with acidemia support need for mech ventilation in some animals
- Long anesthesia, deep anesth plane and pressure on thorax are prone to developing hypercapnia
- Hypo-/Hyperthermia – peripheral body temperature does not accurately reflect core temp. Rectal temperature probe inserted at least 10cm into rectum or esophageal probe inserted to level of heart
- Hyperthermia 🡪 larger animals, ketamine
- Hypothermia 🡪 isoflurane
- Vascular access for catheter placement difficult in some
- Arterial blood sometimes obtained from caudal gluteal vein
- Interdigital and jugular v.
Describe immobilization of wild otarrids in the field.
What protocols are recommended, which should be avoided?
Field Immobilization
- Select animals for capture away from water and calm demeaner (sleeping) with least risk of escaping into water
- Darken stabilizers with black permanent marker -🡪 react more to bright colored stabilizer.
- Use nonbarbed and noncollared needles so they fall out as soon as possible
- Pups can be herded to haul out sites or temporary pens. Large animals can be trapped on artificial haul outs then funneled through chutes to squeeze cages
- Stellar sea lions captured with divers, baited nooses and surface capture team in boats
- Telazol by dart associated with risk in stellar sea lions
- Authors report reduced reliability of anesthesia via dart vs hand injection
- Medet+midaz+butor via dart in steller 🡪 safe for sampling and telemetry placement. Smooth induction and full recovery before entering water (reversed atipam and naltrexone)
- If went into water 🡪 dart with reversals and monitor or monitor until spontaneously recovered
What are some of the unique anatomic and physiologic issues with anesthesia in walruses?
What are the most commonly used sites for vascular access.
Describe intubation.
Anatomy and Physiology Issues:
- Prolonged breath holding and low heart rates - “dive reflex”
- Apnea and bradycardia associated with high mortality during immobilization
- Small nostrils with large muscles to close openings during submersion
- Nasal passages - small, no large meatus (prevent water passage)
- Large oral cavity with large, thick tongue and high arched hard palate
- Lower jaw moves between large tusks from upper canine
- Rostral opening to mouth very small
- Difficult to manually direct ET tube into larynx
- Pharyngeal pouch can be inflated to provide buoyancy
- Important to direct tube through larynx and not pouch
Physical Restraint:
- Impractical for most
- Cargo nets for young until 100-150kg BW
- Captive can be conditioned to allow PE, oral exam and thoracic auscultation
Vascular Access
- Dorsal extradural intravertebral vein and caudal gluteal vein
- Epidural venous sinus – identical to placement of epidural needles via lubosacral space in other species
- 16-17g, 8.9 cm tuohy needle
- Caudal gluteal vein – lateral to sacral vertebra, 1/3 distance from femoral trochanter to base of tail
Endotracheal Intubation
- Key: extend the neck to straighten oral-laryngeal axis in sternal recumbency
- Use tusks to prop up the head and extend neck
- Separate rope for each tusk - better access to oral cavity
- Palpate larynx and manual direction of ET tube into trachea is recommended if possible - stylet that is 2x as long as ET tube
- Blind intubation not recommended - often lead to intubation of esophagus or pharyngeal pouch
- Small doses of propofol is helpful for muscle relaxation and unconsciousness to facilitate ET intubation in EIV sinus
Where are the best sites for administration of anesthetics in odobenids?
Describe the monitoring of odobenids under anesthesia.
Drug Delivery/Chemical Restraint:
- Thick skin and insulating fat complicate regional nerve blocks
- Effective if injected around surgical site or on sensory nerves to a region
- Chronic pain management - no recommendation can be made for use of NSAIDs
- Best muscles for IM injections - large muscles of the back (epaxial mm)
- Caudal to last rib and cranial to pelvis on both sides of vertebral column
- Also muscles of front limb - beware of large cervical blood vessels cranial to front limbs
- Sublingual Injection into base of tongue - rapid absorption
- Cardiac and resp support drugs in emergencies especially
- Apnea common - Ventilatory support essential
- End tidal gas (ETCO2) and/or blood gas measurement - efficiency of ventilation
- Apnea - resp and metabolic acidosis, arrhythmias, and poor anesthetic delivery - controlled ventilation and expired gas monitoring essential
- Often immobilized with midazolam+meperidine. Atropine recommended to prevent vagal induced bradycardia.
- IM epaxial or hip with 3-4inch needle
- HR typically 80-100 at onset, slows to 60 as anesthesia deepens. Can visualize heartbeat, auscultate or ECG.
- Pulse ox difficult to position – reflectance probe against oral mucosa or rectum
Describe the use of the following anesthetics in odobenids:
Ultra Potent Opioids
- Effective sedative and immobilization agent
- Sedation and restraint are moderate without any detrimental effects
- Recommended that atropine be given for bradycardia
- Highly potent opioids - apnea, muscle spasms, rigidity, death
- Difficult to intubate due to muscle rigidity
- Medetomidine + carfentenil 🡪 improved muscle relaxation, still severe respiratory depression
- Apnea prompted immediate reversal of both drugs
- Carfentenil 🡪 muscle twitching, body tremors, muscle rigidity
- Naltrexone given immediately and repeated at end of work time
- Etorphine 🡪 15-20% mortality
- If using potent opioid, you need to have naltrexone
- Long duration of effect, lack of reversal agent – imperative to prevent partially anesthetized animal from entering water
- Telazol+medetomidine 🡪 low SpO2
- Ketamine+medetomidine 🡪 normal RR, no muscle spasm, smooth and rapid recovery following atipamezole
- Small bolus via EIV sinus to provide unconsciousness and facilitate endotracheal intubation.
- Reduces need for higher doses of immobilization drugs, facilitating spontaneous ventilation
Inhalant anesthetics:
- Isoflurane as maintenance is good
- Sevoflurane - uptake and elimination are faster (lower solubility) may provide shorter recovery and faster induction
- Oxygen set at >4L/min
What are some of the most common surgeries performed in pinnipeds?
How is closure unique in these animals?
- Castrations – bilateral orchidectomy with single prescrotal incision and closed technique
- Ophthalmic and dental surgery – most common
- Wound debridement, abscesses – in rehab
- Orthopedic surgery – most are salvage – amputation or arthrodesis
Surgery (CRC 41)
- Tension relieving sutures often requires. Close in multiple layers to prevent dehiscence.
- Most animals allow access to water in days to a week. Varies. Avoid fecal and urine contamination of surgical sites.
- Fracture repair not commonly reported.
- Amputation may be elected for digits or limbs
- May do well even with front or rear flipper amputations.
- Mandibular fractures are common and can be repaired
- Gastric FB occur
- Often incidental findings.
- Many animals will vomit FBs before they pass further in GI tract.
- Surgery may be needed – impaction, perforation
- Urogenital Surgery
- OVH have been performed, similar to canines.
- Castration in male otariids – scrotal testicles. Pre-scrotal incision as with canines.
- Rarely performed in phocids – para-abdominal testicles.
Describe domoic acid toxicity in pinnipeds.
Domoic acid is produced by what organism?
What is the mechanism of the toxin?
What are the acute v the chronic clinical signs?
What are the common lesions on necropsy?
What are the challenges with detecting domoic acid in affected animals?
Domoic acid toxicity
- Amino acid excitatory neurotoxin produced by diatoms- Pseudo-nitzschia (P. australis commonly affects California sea lions)
- DA binds to glutamate ionotropic receptors -> nerve depolarization -> endogenous glutamate release -> activation of voltage gated calcium changes -> cell dysfunction and death
- While most common in CSLs, also diagnosed in harbor seals and northern fur seals
Acute neuro abnormalities: ataxia, head weaving, abnormal scratching, seizures, coma
- Often strand in clusters associated with blooms
- Acute necrosis affecting granular cells in dentate gyrus, pyramidal neurons in hippocampus, neurons of amygdala and piriform lobe
Chronic neuro abnormalities - intermittent seizures, unusual behavior, vomiting, apparent blindness, may be otherwise clinically normal between neuro events
- Strand individually and may not be associated with specific blooms
- Electroencephalogram abnormalities
- Hippocampal abnormalities on MRI - unilateral or bilateral atrophy
- Eosinophilia, low serum cortisol noted in CSLs
- Brain lesions: hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus, unilateral or bilateral
- Cardiac lesions: regions of myocardial pallor or streaks along epicardial surface, pericardial effusion, flaccid heart
- Histologic lesions of interventricular septum (earliest at base) and left ventricle
- Acute: interstitial edema, rowing of cardiomyocyte nuclei and vacuolated, occasionally necrosis
- subacute/chronic: myocyte loss and replacement by adipocytes or connective tissue
- Histologic lesions of interventricular septum (earliest at base) and left ventricle
- Reproductive: abortion, premature parturition
- Detect within amniotic fluid, fetal stomach contents, urine
- Abnormal behavior in pups and yearlings with suspected in utero exposure
- DA has a short half life - only present in serum of recently exposed animals - can be detected in feces, serum, urine, gastric contents (tandem mass spectrometry with liquid chromatography
What are some of the most common congenital defects in pinnipeds?
- Harbor seals - hernias, skeletal malformations
- Harbor seals can normally have functional patency of foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus up to 6/7 weeks of age - not a congenital affect
- Elephant seals - hydrocephalus, cardiac abnormalities
What is the most common cardiac disease of pinnipeds?
- Myocardial interstitial fibrosis - older CSLs, often males; associated with acute death during anesthesia in addition to myocardial necrosis that can develop with complications in anesthetic events
- Age related arteriosclerosis
- Valvular endocarditis has been reported as well
What are the clinical signs associated with urogenital carcinoma in California sea lions?
What are the potential causes? What virus has been associated?
What lesions are typically seen?
What are the inclusion bodies?
Urogenital carcinoma (CSLs)
- High prevalence in stranded animals along west coast
- Cases reported in managed CSLs, but most born in wild
- Carcinogenesis multifactorial - possible role of infectious agents, genetics (alterations in p53, HPSE2gene), organochlorine contaminants (interaction with steroid hormone receptors)
- Otarine herpesvirus-1 (OtHV-1) is associated
- CS: perineal edema, hind limb paresis, abdominal effusion, penile prolapse with necrosis
- Urogenital epithelium - raised plaques, thickening/roughening or dulling of mucosa, tan firm masses
- Tumors - cervix, vagina, penis, prepuce
- Widespread metastasis common - inguinal ln, sublumbar ln, liver, kidney, lung
- Hydronephrosis common - ureter compression by sublumbar ln masses
- Can also be found incidentally - important to save repro tracts for histo
- Histo: genital epithelium often thickened with dysplastic cells and disordered maturation (full thickness), increased number of mitotic figures, polygonal neoplastic cells with large nuclei, lymphoplasmacytic inflammation
- Central necrosis common within masses
- Intranuclear inclusions infrequently noted
How common is ocular disease in pinnipeds?
Incidence of Lens Diseases in Pinnipeds (Fowler 9)
- Lens disease under human care in 46.8%
- 15% had lens luxation and cataracts; 34% had cataracts alone
- CSL was 44.5%, harbor seals 90%, walrus 50%
- Diagnosed in stranded pinnipeds in many retrospectives; all age groups and sexes affected
- Lens disease overall prevalence 0.6%, n = 337 stranded animals
- Cataracts: n=31 (25 CSL and 6 NES)
- All ages groups of California sea lions, only Northern elephant seal pups
- Lens luxations: n=7 (5 CSL and 2 NES)
- Impossible to determine prevalence of lens disease in free-ranging population
Fowler 7
- Corneal Disease
- Edema, opacities, chronic keratitis common
- Keratitis observed in 45% captive pinnipeds in N America, Bahamas (survey)
- Flare-ups occurred 2-4x/yr in the most affected pinnipeds
- Especially w/ increased exposure to sunlight (Summer), and on sunny winter days w/ snow on ground
- Indoor animals had less severe disease and fewer flare-ups (in some cases)
- Lens Disease
- Increased frequency of cataracts and lens luxations w/ age
- 21% in animals 6-10 yrs old
- 58% in 11-15 yr olds
- 66% in 16-20 yr olds
- 87% in 21-25
- 100% (n=9) in >25 yr old animals
- Increased frequency of cataracts and lens luxations w/ age
What are some risk factors for the development of ophthalmic disease in pinnipeds?
Risk factors/ protective factors
- Aging
- Inadequate ciliary body support -> middle-age to older animals predisposed to lens luxation
- Otariids and phocids more likely to have anterior luxation
- Walrus more likely to have posterior
- Lack of sufficient access to shade
- Pinnipeds without access to sufficient shade 10X more likely to develop lens diseases
- History of fighting (or gunshot)
- Traumatic incident contributing to cataract formation
- History of nonspecific ocular disease
- Keratopathy most common concurrent eye problem in pinnipeds
- Not seen in wild pinnipeds
- Keratopathy does not fully resolve -> results in continuous subclinical uveitis -> cataract formation
- Associated with UV light exposure
- Keratopathy most common concurrent eye problem in pinnipeds
- Suspect genetic predisposition to cataracts -> seen in younger animals
What are the three stages of pinniped keratitis?
- 3 Stages of Corneal Disease:
- 1: faint gray/white corneal opacity, perilimbal corneal edema (gray line just inside limbus), small, superficial corneal ulcers
- Larger gray/white corneal opacity, irregular surface, superficial ulceration, perilimbal edema, may have mild neovascularization and pigmentation, mild to mod blepharospasm, epiphora
- 3: Diffuse corneal edema, infiltrates, superficial to stromal ulcerations, severe blepharospasm, epiphora
What water quality issues may predispose pinnipeds to keratitis?
Water Quality:
- Excessive oxidants used to keep the water clean may cause damage both directly (spikes) or indirectly by binding w/ organic material in water and creating toxic byproducts
Excessive Chemicals, Oxidants, or Noxious Byproducts in the Water:
- Chlorine, Ozone, Bromine (less common than first two)
- Most common oxidizing agents used to reduce pathogen levels in marine systems.
- Byproducts of disinfection are rarely measured
- Disinfection byproducts include halogenated methanes (chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane and dibromochloromethane)
- Repeated chlorine spikes cause corneal damage
- Chlorine should stay below 1 ppm
- Spikes of 0.5 ppm may cause damage even if total chlorine levels remain below 1.0
- Chlorine tablet dispensers are more likely to result in spikes (vs gas or liquid dispensers)
- Municipal water is often 2-4 ppm chlorine
- Chlorine should stay below 1 ppm
- Ozone systems must have an efficient method to de-gas the water
- Residual ozone in the water can cause ocular pain, blepharospasm, epiphora
- Should be no (0) residual ozone levels
- Test kits are inexpensive, but are qualitative
- 1995 survey suggested fresh water as cause of corneal edema. Most facilities changed to salt water pools.
- One pool filled with municipal (unsalted) water, no additives and painted dark = pinnipeds are disease free.
- Therefore salinity not thought to play as big a role anymore.
What anesthetic considerations would you make for an opthalmic surgery in pinnipeds?
What additional medications are needed for eye surgery?
Anesthesia for pinnipeds for ophthalmologic procedures
- Typically general anesthesia required
- Pre-anesthetic health assessment recommended similar to other species, especially with geariatric patients
- Pinniped anesthesia depends on a combination of behavioral, mechanical, and chemical restraint
- Balanced anesthetic protocol ideal and often includes iso, midazolam, butorphanol, and potentially an alpha 2
- Alpha 2s provide good sedation and are easily reversible but may be contraindicated in geriatric patients, also associated with increased risk of periocular hemorrhage
- Use alpha 2s with great caution in phocids (or rather don’t use them)
- Voluntary mask induction more feasible in otorids -> less likely to breath hold compared to phocids
- For non-tractible animals darting or hand injection may be necessary
- Vascular access
- Phocids and odobenids: epidural sinus, pelvic flipper medial saphenous vein (US guidance helpful)
- Otorids: pectoral flipper (cephalic and brachial), US guided jugular catheter
- BP
- Non-invasive methods not validated but can be used to monitor trends
- Can do direct in via US guided arterial catheter in median artery of pectoral flipper or saphenous artery of pelvic flipper in otorids
- Temperature control
- Hypothermia should be addressed, also hyperthermia (alcohol on flippers)
- Neuromuscular blockage often needed for ophthalmologic procedures to properly centralize and immobilize the eye for surgery
- Atracurium commonly used, though rocuronium becoming more common due to rapid onset and fewer adverse events
- Laryngeal neuromuscular function returns slower then pelvic limb -> ensure to keep intubated/ have supplies ready for re-intubation if needed
- If needed can be reversed with edrophonium though this needs to be done in a controlled manner with close monitoring for bradycardia (also makes them feel crummy) -> given rocuronium’s shorter duration of action (~20min in dogs) may not need to be reversed
- Atracurium commonly used, though rocuronium becoming more common due to rapid onset and fewer adverse events
- Pinnipeds have a much higher tolerance for elevated CO2 levels
- Otariids will not spontaneously ventilate until PaCO2 is 60-80mmHg, phocids are unlikely to spontaneously ventilate even if PaCOs >90mmHg
- Mechanical ventilation almost always required (phocids absolutely required)
- Permissive hypercapnia can allow for improved cardiac output but must be closely monitored
- Trigeminocardiac reflex (oculocardiac reflex) can result in cardiac arrest if traction is placed on extraocular muscles; exaggerated in the presence of hypoventilation, hypoxemia, and acidosis
What are the ideal candidates for ocular surgery in pinnipeds?
What are potential sequelae from surgery?
Surgical candidates
- Best outcomes occur in eyes with visually impairing cataracts that are not anteriorly luxated and that have not caused excessive chronic uveitis
- Lensectomy is still indicated in non-visual patients (ie retinal detachment) due to pain relief and cosmetics (otherwise enucleate)
Outcomes and sequelae
- Ideal outcome is resolution of pain and regained sight
- Retinal detachments are uncommon in pinnipeds following cataract surgery; young animals who stranded with cataracts have high risk due to their liquid vitreous
There are two pinniped herpesviruses. What are they?
What subfamilies are they in?
How do they differ in species susceptibility?
How are they transmitted?
How do they differ in clinical signs?
What are the lesions?
Phocine herpesvirus-1 (PhHV-1) - Alphaherpesevirus
- Harbor and gray seals (Europe, North America - both coasts), can be associated with high morbidity and mortality
- Clinical disease and fatal infection most common in neonates or young pups
- Horizontal transmission (direct contact, aerosols) more common, but vertical transmission reported
- Pacific harbor seals: multifocal adrenocortical and hepatic necrosis are the most common lesions
- Necrosis, smudgy eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions
- Other lesions: Adrenal necrosis (mineralization can occur), thymic atrophy in pups, lesions associated with secondary infection/sepsis (omphalophlebitis, pneumonia, meningoencephalitis
- European seals - interstitial pneumonia, massive liver necrosis reported
- Diagnose: virus isolation, PCR, IHC, serology (ELISA)
Otarine herpesvirus-1 (OtHV-1) - Gammaherpesvirus (Rhabinovirus), most common in CSLs
- Associated with urogenital carcinoma and considered likely factor in tumor development
- Prevalence in genital tract higher in adults
- Sexual transmission suspected, females can also transmit to pups during birth
- Single case of genital carcinoma in South American fur seal
- Detected in a Steller sea lion without evidence of neoplasia
What is the genus of pinniped pox?
How is this virus transmited?
What groups commonly have outbreaks?
What are the lesions?
Is this disease zoonotic?
Pox viruses (genus Parapoxvirus)
- Numerous species affected, distinct viruses in Atlantic and Pacific
- Transmission- direct contact (rubbing, biting)
- Outbreaks in rehab facilities - young animals, stress, concurrent disease
- Lesions: raised, firm, +/- ulcerated nodules on head, neck and thorax; plaque-like lesions may arise on tongue and oral commissure
- Histo: epidermal and follicular hyperplasia, ballooning degeneration in stratum spinosum, chunky eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions within epidermal and follicular keratinocytes, mixed inflammation, epidermal necrosis and ulceration
- Typically spontaneously regresses
- Zoonotic - nodular cutaneous lesions
What are the two morbilliviruses affecting pinnipeds?
What are the clinical signs?
What are the lesions?
What are the inclusion bodies?
- Morbillivirus
- Transmission: respiratory, nasal, ocular secretions
- Canine distemper virus (CDV) - Baikal seals
Phocine distemper virus (PDV)
- CS: Oculonasal discharge, conjunctivitis, keratits, coughing, dyspnea, diarrhea, abortion, head tremors, convulsions, increased buoyancy
- Lesions; Bronchointerstitial pneumonia, pulmonary atelectasis, congestion, edema, emphysema (pulmonary, mediastinal, sq), nonsuppurative encephalitis, lymphocyte depletion
- Intracytoplasmic and intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies
- Associated with secondary parasitic or bacterial infection and concurrent viral infections
- 23000 harbor seal deaths in Europe in 1988; 30,000 seals in 2002
- US (Atlantic) - stranding peaks have been linked to infections in harbor, harp, hooded and gray seals
- Morbillivirus antibodies regularly found in Arctic seal species
What are the clinical signs associated with influenza in seals?
What are the lesions seen on necropsy?
- Influenza A
- Harbor seal mortality events in Northeast US - H7N7 (1980) and H4N5 (1983); additional subtypes in US and Europe
- Avian influenza A (H3N8) - 2011 harbor seal die off in NE
- CS: dyspnea, nasal discharge, lethargy, emphysema
- Lesions: partially collapsed lungs, pulmonary congestion, necrotizing bronchitis, bronchiolitis, hemorrhagic alveolitis, bronchial gland adenitis, occasionally interstitial pneumonia, concurrent secondary infection lesions often present
What are the caliciviruses affecting pinnipeds?
What are the clinical signs?
Is this disease zoonotic?
- Caliciviruses
- San Miguel Sea Lion virus (SMSV-1-17) - Vesicular exanthema of swine
- Walrus Calicivirus
- Vesicular dermatitis, progressing to ulceration of primarily non haired surfaces of flippers, necrosis of underlying digits can occur
- ulcerative stomatitis and ulcerated/nodular dermatitis of lips, nasal planum and chin reported in CSLs
- Spongiosis of stratum spinosum followed by subcorneal vesicle formation
- Zoonotic - vesicular dermatitis and flu-like illness
- high variety of marine and terrestrial species affected - opal eye perch may be natural host
- RT PCR can differentiate from reportable vesicular diseases
Leptospirosis is a common disease of what pinniped species?
What is the primary serovar causing disease?
What are the clinical signs and clinicopathologic findings?
What are the classic lesions?
How is this disease diagnosed?
Leptospirosis - free-ranging and managed pinnipeds
- CSLs - Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona; most common between July and December, periodically (every 3-5 years) large numbers strand with clinical disease, asymptomatic carrier state suspected
- CS: Polydipsia, abortion
- Elevated BUN, Creatinine and phosphorus
- Lesions: swollen pale tan kidneys, lack of renule and corticomedullary differentiation
- Leptospira-related liver lesions are not noted
- Histo: lymphoplasmacytic tubulointerstitial nephritis, typically with a plasma cell heavy inflammatory infiltrate
- Zoonotic - PPE measures
- Diagnose - histo, PCR
What are teh clinical signs associated with Klebsiella infection in pinnipeds?
What lesions have been seen?
Klebsiella pneumonia (gram-negative, Enterobacteriaceae)
- Ubiquitous, common healthy animals GI or respiratory tract
- 2002 mass mortality of New Zealand sea lion pups in sub Antarctic caused by a hypermucoviscous phenotype - bacteremia, fibrinosuppurative to histiocytic inflammation of meninges, joints, ln, respiratory tract, peritoneum and subcutaneous tissues
- CSL isolate - pleuritis, pyothorax, pneumonia, abscesses, septicemia, meningoencephalitis; occurs in all ages
- CSLs on San Miguel Island - bacteria were transferred into abdominal cavity on cuticle of hookworms causing septic peritonitis
What is the cause of seal finger?
What are the organisms that affect pinnipeds?
What are the typical clinical signs?
- M. phocicerebrale, M. phocirhinis, M. phocidea, M. zalophi.
- Part of normal pinniped oral flora and cause of Seal Finger in humans
- Infection - skin wounds, abscesses, polyarthritis, lymphadenitis, necrotizing pneumonia in CSLs
- Skin wounds - gray and harbor seals
- M. phocicerebrale - in utero infection associated with myocarditis and pneumonia; abortion in Australian fur seals