Pineal Gland Flashcards
What does the pineal gland develop from?
neuroectoderm of the posterior portion of the roof of the diencephalon & remains attached via a small stalk
Where is the pineal gland located
posterior wall of the third ventricle near the center of the brain; covered by pia matter
What is the function of the pineal gland?
releases melatonin in response to the dark, Through the retinohypothalamic tract, regulates daily body rhythms & day/night cycles and steroidgenic activity of the gonads (particularlu menstrual cycle)
What divides the pineal gland into lobules?
connective tissue trabeculae, extend from the capsule into the substance of the gland, contains the blood vessels
What are pinealocytes?
chief cells of the pineal gland that produce melatonin, arranged in clumps/cords within lobules
large, deeply infolded nuclei with prominent nucleoli, euchromatic nuclei
What are interstitial glial cells?
closely resemble astrocytes or look similar to pituicytes, elongated nuclei that stain more heavily than pinealocytes, usually found in perivascular areas & between groups of pinealocytes
What is brain sand?
corpora arenacea, predominantly composed of calcium and magnesium salts, not pathological, appear white on an MRI and scans, natural landmark used by radiologists and neurologists
What runs along the septa in the pineal gland?
unmyelinated tracts of sympathetic fibers, associated indirectly with photoreceptive neurons in the retinas and running to the pinealocytes to stimulate melatonin release in periods of darkness