Piloting and Navigation General Flashcards
Which daymark shape is used in the lateral system?
A triangular daymark would be marked with the following color(s) ______________________.
The annual change for variation for an area can be found in…
The center of the compass rose on a chart of the area
The light rhythm of Morse (A) is found on ____________________.
Safe water buoys
Under the IALA-B Buoyage System, a conical buoy is _________________.
red in color
A nun buoy will ____________________.
have an even number
You are steering on a pair of range lights and find the upper light is above the lower light you should _______________.
Continue on present course
Continue on present course
In the U.S. Aids to Navigation System, red and green horizontally banded buoys are used to mark ________________________.
Junctions or bifurcation
Some lights used as aids to marine navigation have a red sector to indicate a danger area. The limits of a colored sector of a light listed in the light list in which of the following manners?
True bearings as observed from the ship toward the light
The time required for a lighted aid to complete a full cycle of light changes is called its…
Which buoy listed below may be odd numbered?
Unlighted can buoy
Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is…
Which navigational mark may only be lettered?
A spherical buoy
What are the characteristics associated with an isophase light?
1 sec. Flash, 1 sec. Eclipse
Buoys may be marked with reflective material to assist in their detection by search light. Which statement is true?
A preferred-channel buoy displays either red or green reflective material to agree with the top band of color
What are the colors of a mid-channel daymark?
Red and white
Red lights may appear on ________________.
Horizontally banded buoys
When entering from seaward, a starboard side daymark will ________________________.
have an even number if numbered
Which buoy from the list below may be even numbered?
Unlighted nun buoy
Which feature(s) of a daymark is (are) used to identify the beacon upon which it is mounted?
Color and shape
Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by ________________.
If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same, then __________________.
There is no deviation on that heading
Compass error is equal to the ___________________.
total effect of variation and deviation taken together
If the magnetic heading is greater than the compass heading, the deviation is __________________.
In applying variation to a true course to obtain a magnetic course ___________________.
you should subtract east and add west
Variation is not constant; it is different with every change in __________.
geographic location
If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the earth’s, which statement is true?
Compass error and variation are equal
The difference in degrees between true north and magnetic north is called ____________________.
In going from magnetic to true, you must _______________________.
add easterly variation or subtract westerly variation
The lubber’s line on a magnetic compass indicates__________.
the direction in which the boat’s bow is heading.
Deviation is caused by ____________________.
Magnetic influence inherent to that particular vessel
To find a magnetic compass course from a true course you must apply ________________________.
Deviation and variation
As a vessel changes course to starboard, the compass card in a magnetic compass ____________.
remains aligned with compass north
The most important feature of the material used for making the binnacle of a standard magnetic compass is that it is__________.
Deviation is not constant; it is different with every change in…
Vessel heading
The point where the vertical rise or fall of tide has stopped is referred to as ___________.
The stand of the tide
The movement of water away from shore is called a(n) ____________.
Ebb current
The difference between the heights of low and high tide is the _____________.
The drift and set of tidal, river, and ocean currents refer to the __________________.
Speed and direction toward which current flows.
The term “tide” refers to
Vertical movement of the water
A tide is called diurnal when ____________.
Only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day.
When the moon is either new or full which type of tides occur?
Information about currents on the Pacific Coast of the U.S. can be found in the ______________.
Tidal Current Tables
The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the ____________.
Height of tide
To predict the actual depth of water using the Tide Tables the number obtained from the Tide Tables is ______________.
Added or subtracted to the charted depth
Spring tides occur ___________________.
When the Sun, Moon, and Earth are nearly in-line, in any order
Which term refers to the direction a current is flowing?
The datum from which the predicted heights of tides are reckoned in the tide tables is ______.
The same as that used for the charts of the locality
Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location on a particular day of the year?
Tide Tables
The term “flood Current” refers to that time period when the water _______________.
Is flowing towards land
To safely anchor a vessel there must be sufficient scope in the anchor cable. Scope is the ratio of_______________.
The length of the anchor line or anchor rode to the depth of the water
The holding power of an anchor is primarily determined by the ___________.
Anchor’s ability to dig in
The best method of determining if a vessel is dragging anchor is to note _________.
Changes in bearings of fixed objects onshore
The best method of determining if a vessel is dragging anchor is to note _________.
Changes in bearings of fixed objects onshore
What is the normal length of anchor rode used to anchor a vessel?
Five to seven times the depth of water
The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor is to _________.
Pay out more anchor rode
By paying out more anchor rode, you_________.
Increase the holding power of your anchor
Which type of bottom, listed below, is best suited for holding an anchor of a small boat?
A mixture of mud and clay
Using a scope of 6, determine how much anchor rode you should put out to anchor in 12 feet (3.7 meters) of water.
72 feet (21.9 meters)
The holding power of an anchor at a given scope of cable increases when the ___________.
Amount of chain lying along the bottom increases
While anchoring your vessel, the best time to let go the anchor is when the vessel is ___________.
Making slight sternway due to wind or current
A sufficient amount of anchor rode must be used when anchoring a vessel to ensure ____________.
The anchor flukes bite into the bottom of the seabed
Which part of the anchor actually digs into the bottom and provide holding power?
When a small craft’s anchor refuses to break free, the operator should ___________.
Run in a wide circle, slowly, to change the angle of pull
You are approaching a RACON it may be identified on the radar by __________.
A coded signal appearing on the same bearing at a greater range.
The ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditions, especially dense rain. TRUE or FALSE
Small wooden boats may not show up on radar. TRUE or FALSE
The highest level of navigational accuracy is provided by __________.
Radar may be used at night in low visibility conditions. TRUE or FALSE
An electronic depth finder operates on the principle that __________.
Sound waves travel at a constant speed through the water
A fathometer shows the depth from ________.
The bottom of the vessel to the seabed
What does not contribute to the accuracy of a GPS?
Ship’s speed
What should you apply to a Fathometer reading to determine the actual depth of water?
Add the draft of the vessel.
The description “RACON” besides an illustration on a chart would mean a __________?
Radar Transponder Beacon
In modern depth indicating equipment the sonic or ultrasonic sound signals are produced electrically by means of a(n)
When using GPS (Global Positioning System) you may expect your position to be accurate within a radius of
20 meters
All modern depth sounders can measure the __________.
Depth of the water below the location of the transducer