Deck Safety Flashcards
The spread of fire is prevented by __________________.
Cooling surfaces adjacent to the fire
The most effective cooling agent used to fight fires is ________________.
Water fog or spray
In addition to the heat, fuel, and oxygen what is required to have fire?
Chain Reaction
During a Coast Guard inspection all carbon dioxide fire extinguishers aboard will be _________________.
What primary hazard, other than fire damage, is associated with a class C fire?
Electrocution or shock
What are the three part to the fire triange?
Fuel, Heat, and Oxygen
A fire hose with a nozzle attached must be connected to each hydrant except when exposed to heavy weather or when the __________________________.
Fire hose might be damaged by cargo operations
When fighting an oil or gasoline fire down in the bilge, what should not be used?
Solid stream of water.
The straight stream setting of an all-purpose nozzle is used in fighting a class A fire to ________________.
Break up burning material
Which method of heat transmission does not require physical contact for fire to be spread between decks, bulkheads, or other surfaces?
Ventilation systems connected to a compartment in which a fire is burning are closed to prevent the rapid spread of the fire by ___________________.
Dry chemical extinguishers may be used on which classification of fires?
B or C Class fires
Ventilation systems connected to a compartment that a fire is burning in are normally closed to prevent the rapid spread of the fire by __________________.
Removing which element below will extinguish a fire?
Size I and II extinguishers are designated as ___________________________.
When discharging a portable Carbon Dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher, you should not hold the horn of the extinguisher because the horn ____________________________.
Becomes extremely cold
A disadvantage of using CO2 is that the _____________.
CO2 does not cool the fire
Shipboard Fire hose couplings _____________________.
Are made of bronze, brass, or soft alloy metals
A fire in the trash is made up of paper waste. What class fire is this?
Foam effectively extinguishes a fire mainly by __________________.
Which fire extinguishing agent will absorb the most heat?
All approved portable fire extinguishers must be capable of being ___________________.
Carried by hand to a fire
A squeeze-grip type carbon-dioxide portable fire extinguisher has been partially discharged. It must ____________________.
Labeled empty and recharged as soon as possible
Fixed CO2 systems would not be used on crew’s quarters or __________________.
Spaces open to the atmosphere
Fire extinguishers are numbered by size I through V, with I being __________________.
The smallest
You can determine that a Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher is fully charged by ___________.
Weighing on a properly calibrated scale
The most important characteristic of the extinguishing agent in fighting a class “C” fire is ______________________.
Electrical non-conductivity
The primary process by which fires are extinguished using dry chemical powder is by breaking the combustion chain. TRUE or FALSE?
What condition can cause Spontaneous combustion?
A chemical action within a substance.
What categories are fires grouped into?
Class A, B, C, and D
Gasoline tanks should be filled ____________.
To near the top with some space allowed for gasoline expansion
In general, the fuel injected into a marine diesel engine combustion chamber is ignited by _________________.
Heat of compression
The shut off valve at the gasoline tank, which can be, operated from outside the tank space _________________.
Shuts off the gasoline supply at the tank
When fueling your vessel has been completed _____________________.
All hatches should be opened and all compartments should be ventilated
Your vessel has a gasoline engine and a mechanical exhaust ventilation system. BEFORE starting the engine, the exhaust blower should be run long enough to _______________.
Insure at least one complete change of air in the compartments concerned
While fueling, the nozzle of a gasoline hose or can should be kept __________________________.
In contact with the fill opening to guard against static spark
If a gasoline engine turns over freely but will not start, the cause is generally ___________.
A defective ignition system
How should the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear?
When troubleshooting the cause of a gasoline engine’s failure to start, you should _____________________.
Check the battery, spark plugs, carburetor, and fuel line
On most vessels gasoline fumes tend to __________________________.
Settle near the bottom of the bilge
A call is received from the U.S. Coast Guard addressed to all stations. The call begins with the words “Pan-Pan” (3 times). Which type of emergency signal would this be?
Urgency signal
You have just called another vessel on the VHF and they have not replied. How long should you wait before calling that station again?
Two minutes
The national distress, safety, and calling frequency is channel _____________.
The reception of weak radio signals may be improved by “opening up” the squelch control. What is the normal setting of the squelch control?
Adjust the squelch control until the noise (static) can be heard, then adjust it slightly in the opposite direction until the noise stops
What is the minimum size power-driven vessel, that is not engaged in towing, required to comply with the vessel bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations?
20 meters
A Coast Guard radiotelephone message about an aid to navigation that is off station is preceded by the word ________________.
Which of these are likely to be affected by atmospheric disturbances - MF/HF radiotelephone; Safety Net; or VHF DSC?
MF/HF radiotelephone
If you wished to transmit a message by voice concerning the safety of navigation, you would preface it by the word ____________.
The VHF frequency designated to be used only to transmit or receive information pertaining to the safe navigation of a vessel is ___________.
156.65 MHz (channel 13)
The height of a VHF radio antenna is more important than the power output of the radio because __________________.
VHF communications are basically “line of sight”
What word is used as an international distress signal when transmitted by radiotelephone?
All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode, which means that _____________.
Only one person may talk at a time
A radiotelephone safety message urgently concerned with safety of a person would start with the word _________________.
Which vessels must comply with the vessel bridge-to-bridge radiophone regulations while underway?
Passenger vessels of 100 gross tons or greater, carrying one or more passengers for hire while navigating.
During radiotelephone communications, the prefix PAN-PAN indicates that ___________________.
A calling station has an urgent message about the safety of a person
An approved immersion suit without assistance, turn an unconscious person’s mouth clear of water within 5 seconds. TRUE or FALSE?
The lights on the outside of the canopy on an inflatable liferaft operate _________.
Automatically when the raft is inflated
Approved Inflatable liferafts carried on passenger vessels must be annually _______________.
Sent to a Coast Guard approved service facility
The Master in charge of the vessel shall ensure that the Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) is ______________.
Tested monthly
Every life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced _________________.
On or before the expiration date of the power source
What does the acronym “EPIRB” stand for?
Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon
While reviewing the muster list for your vessel you see that “3 short blasts on the whistle and 3 short rings on the general alarm bells” is the signal for _______________.
Dismissal from fire and emergency stations
Every vessel that operates on the high seas, or beyond 3 miles from the coastline of the Great Lakes must carry a Category I 406 MHz EPIRB that _________________________.
Will float free and clear of the sinking vessel and automatically activate
While on watch you find an inflatable liferaft container with steel bands around the case, you should _______________.
Leave the bands in place
Life preservers are designed to turn an unconscious person’s face clear of the water.TRUE or FALSE?
Which USCG approved lifesaving device is required for each person onboard a power-driven vessel carrying passengers?
Life jacket
Traditionally, the emergency signal for fire aboard ship is ___________________.
Continuous sounding of the ship’s whistle and the general alarm for at least 10 seconds
A liferaft has been installed on your vessel. The operating cord should be ___________.
Attached to the raft stowage cradle or to a secure object nearby with a float-free link (weak link)
While underway an inflatable liferaft is thrown into the water from a sinking vessel. What occurs automatically after the painter trips the CO2 bottles to inflate the raft?
The sea anchor deploys.
On an approved inflatable liferaft, the knife will always be located ______________________.
In a special pocket near the forward entrance
By regulation, life preservers aboard an uninspected passenger vessel must be ____________________.
Readily accessible
What safety device prevents an inflatable liferaft from being pulled under by a vessel which sinks in water over 100 feet in depth?
The weak link in the sea painter line.
When will the float-free EPIRB be activated after abandoning ship?
Immediately after floating free
An USCG approved immersion suite must be equipped with a(n) __________________________.
Whistle, light and retroreflective material
Which vessel is required to carry onboard a Category I, 406 MHz EPIRB?
A vessel operating on the high seas or beyond 3 miles from the coastline of the Great Lakes.
Your vessel is required to have a waste management plan. This plan must be in writing and describe procedures for ______________.
Collecting and discharging garbage
Most minor oil spills are caused by _________________.
Human error
You are operating on Inland Waters of the United States. You may discharge overboard ______________.
It is illegal to dump waste on Inland Waterways.
Regardless of local regulations, when in a U.S. port, all oil spills must be reported to the ________________.
National Response Center (USCG)
When may plastic material be discharge into the marine environment from a vessel?
Discharging plastics is prohibited.
While taking on fuel you notice oil on the water near your vessel. You should FIRST ___________.
Stop fueling
Which marine sanitation device (MSD) is used solely for the storage of sewage and flush water at ambient air pressure and temperature?
Type III
If you do not notify the Coast Guard of an oil spill, you may be imprisoned up to ____________.
5 years
Small oil spills may cause serious pollution, as the effect tends to be cumulative. TRUE or FALSE?
The MARPOL treaty defines requirements pertaining to the discharge into the marine environment of ______________.
If oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after reporting the discharge?
Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
MARPOL regulations require that garbage discharged from vessels that are located between 3 and 12 nautical miles from the nearest land must be ground to less than __________.
1 inch
Oil spills must be reported to the _____________________.
U.S. Coast Guard National Response Center
How is the person in charge of the operation of a vessel required to keep the crew informed of the regulations concerning the discharging of garbage overboard?
Keep placards prominently posted.
When cleaning up an oil spill, straw is an example of a ___________________.