Piliavin et al.'s social core study on subway samaritans Flashcards
Assumptions of the learning approach and how they relate to this core study
Behavior can be influenced by groups as others may feel less responsible in an emergency situation due to others being available to help. BYSTANDER APATHY
The psychology that is being investigated
An investigation into diffusion of responsibility and bystander apathy in emergency situations.
The background
The murder of kitty genovese and research into bystander behaviour.
The aims
- study bystander behaviour outside lab in (irl) where ps have a clear view of victim
- if helping behvaiour is affected by victims own responsibilty, race of vitim, effect of modeling help, size of the group
The procedures
- in the new york subway
- a 7.5 min gap between stations
- a team of 4 student boarded train through different doors (collected data for 103 trials)
- female confederates sat outside the critical area and male model and victim raimed stanind
- victim stook next to the pole
- after 70 sec victim collapsed ramined montionless on the floor
- if no help was recived model will help him up before the next station
how many trials a day
Idenitify the 4 victimis
26-35 yrs
3 white one black
dreesed in esienhower jacker old slacks no tie
how was drunk represented
smell of alcohol and carried bottle in brown bag 38 trails
how was the other victim
(not drunk)
carried a black cane 65 trials
why were there more cane then drunk trials
one member for a team disliked playing the drunk charater
What the model was supposed to do in the ‘Critical area – early’
- Model stood in middle of (critical) car.
- Waited until passing the first station (waited for approximately 70s.)
- Then began to help the victim.
Describe the victim in the drunk condition.
- Smelled of liquor.
- Carried a liquor bottle wrapped in a brown bag / brown paper.
- Male
The research method used
field experiment
The number of participants and where they are from
around 4450 passengers
unsolicited participants
45% black 55% white
Describe the Models
4 Models
* White
* Males
* identical casual clothing
The sampling method used
The controls used
- victims all dressed and behaved the same
- all particapants exposed the same standerdized behaviour
Data collection method used
quanitaitive: collected by female confederate of when and who was helping along with time
qualitaitve: commoents made from passangers who witnessed the events
Independent variable used
- victims repsonsbility- operastiolized by ill= low responsibilty drunk= high
- victims race operastiolized as black or white
- presence of model operastionlised if model was closed or distand and if helped after 70 or 150 sec
- numer of bystanders howerver many peopel in the vicinty
Dependent variable used
The amount of people who helped and sped it took to help the people
Ethical issues
* particpants did not provide informed consent to take part in the study could have caused psychologcal harm as vitim was on the floor and ps could have felt guilty
Quantitative/qualitative data & how it is represented and interpeted
* ill victims are more likely to be helped 62/65, compared to drunk ones 19/38
Time taken to help vitims
* The average time it took people to help the ill victim was significantly faster than the average time taken to help the drunk victim
Participants leaving the
critical area.
* People were more likely to leave the critical area when the victim was drunk compared to when the victim was ill
Conclusions drawn
- a person who seems ill more likely to recieve help then if frunk
- men are more likely to help then women
experimental design
independent groups
Methodological issues:
Reserach method, reliabilty,validty,generalibily,& control of variables
ethical issue as particapnts did not know they were part of the study no follow up debreifefing or protection was followed
This study was a field experiment and hence has a high ecological validity. Behaviour was not artificial as it is in a natural environment and increases validity and had no demand characteristics.
Methodological Issues
Reserach method, reliabilty,validty,generalibily,& control of variables
- The study lacked controls hence had a low reliability, making it hard to replicate.For this reason, a causal relationship could not be established.
Everyday life
The issues of application of psychology and how it realtes to the study
o educate people about bystanders’ intervention. in schools with bullying
Individual and Situational explanations debate
how it relates to the study
his study supports the situational side of the debate as there was varaition the subway and victim created the situation ps found themselves in and caused behaviour of helping or not helping