Hölzel et al.'s biological core study on mindfulness and brain scans Flashcards
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Assumptions of the biologiccal approach and how they relate to this core study
The first assumption of the biological approach that cognitions can be explained by the working brain relates to the Holzel study due to the increase in grey matter concentration that was found in the brain. The improvement in their level of mindfulness is a result of the brain changes that occurred.
The psychology that is being investigated
- mindfulness meditation a form of mental training to induce changes inthe brain through repeated practice
- Neurplasticity study hypothesizes that mindfulness meditation can lead to changes in brain structures, indicating that the brain is not a static organ but is malleable and can be shaped by experiences, including meditative practices.
- Stress Reduction and Psychological Well-being studies like MBSR, can reduce stress and improve overall psychological health. mindfulness can alter one’s relationship to stressful events,
- Brain Areas Associated with Mindfulness Practices The focus on specific brain areas changes in these areas might underlie the psychological benefits
The background
Studies in the past conducted to measure the hippocampus and right anterior insula after mindfulness exercises showed an increase in grey matter density in these areas, however, these 6 studies outlined by holzel et al were cross sectional, meaning only measured at one point in time.
what is neuroplasticity
he brain is adaptable and can be reshaped by experiences like meditation.
hippocampus and prefrontal cortex responsibility
brain areas responsible for attention, emotion regulation, and self-awareness
The aim
To investigate the potential long term effect of a mindfulness-based stress reduction program on brain grey matter density
The procedures
- MSRB program consisted of 8 weekly meetings lasted 2.5 hours each with 1 full day session on week 6
- including topics such as body scans (to feel the body as a complete whole, being made aware of any sensations) , mindful yoga (gentle stretching exercises) , and sitting meditation (focusing on the sensation of breathing and becoming aware of other sense
- The course also assigned each participant homework, 45 minute audio recording that was meant to be listened to when performing everyday tasks such as riding the bus or doing laundry.
The research method used
- Experimental using longitudinal design.
- Self-reports and brain scans.
The number of participants and where they were from
- 16 in total
- 10 females
- 6 males
- enrolled in a MBSR course at the University of Massachusetts Medical School
- mostly white (had 3 other ethinicticy)
- all right handed
- 25- 55 years old range
Describe the control gorup
- 17 particpants
- 11 males
- 6 females
Critera to be part of study
- be right handed
- commitment to attend all eight classes
- perform the prescribed daily homework.
The sampling method used
The participants were enrolled in the MBSR course so it could have been volunteer or opportunity.
The experimental design
Independent measures
MBSR stands for…
mindfulness-based stress reduction
Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
* Observing : attending to or noticing internal or external stimuli
* Describing : noting or mentally labelling these stimuli with words
* Acting with awareness: being attentive to current actions
* Non-judging : not evaluating emotions, sensations or cognitions
* Non-reactivity: allowing thoughts and feelings to drift in and out
reverse-scoring used
Study used a pre____ design
pre-post design where research measured gray matter concentration pre and post the MBSR program
Then comapred to the control group of 17 who did not complete the MBSR programe.
The controls used
- made sure that the participants did not have any metallic implants or claustrophobia, which could affect the MRI scans.
- They also made sure that the participants did not have any other meditation experience in the past 6 months, no more than four classes in the past 5 years, or 10 classes in their lifetime.
Data collection method used
Slef report
- a five facet mindfulness questionnaire
- 39 item scale that measure observing, describing, acting with awareness, non judging of inner experience, and non reactivity to inner experience
- 1= never 5=very often
Brain Scan
- all participants were scanned twice, once at the beginning of the study and once at the end, approximately two months apart.
- Voxel based morphometry- measures concentration of brain tissue.
Independent and dependent variables used
- MBSR and Control Group
- FFMQ results and voxel-based morphology scores
Ethical issues
Participants had to partake in an MRI Brain Scan. This could cause them stress which means participants did not exit with the same physiological state they entered with.
- procedure was approved by IRBs of massachutes general hospital and univeruty of massachites medical school
- had the right to withdraaw as 2 ps did not come back.
Quantitative/qualitative data & how it is represented and interpeted
- MBSR grp identified a small cluster in left hippocampus with increased grey matter concentration
- MBSR group demonstrated significant improvements in ‘acting with awareness’, ‘observing’ and non-judging’
- amount of hw did no affect gray metter density
Conclusions drawn
- Demonstrates longitudinal changes in brain grey matter conc following an 8 week mindfulness bases stress reduction course compared to control grp
- Hypothesized increases in GMC within the left hippocampus were confirmed
The adult nervous system has the capacity for plasticity and the structure of the brain can change in response to training.
Methodological issues:
Reserach method, reliabilty,validty,generalibily,& control of variables
- ** Use of a control group** – The study included a control group of individuals who did not participate in the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program. Allowed the researchers to compare changes in gray matter concentration between the MBSR group and the control group. The use of a control group strengthens the ** internal validity** of the study by ruling out alternative explanations for the observed changes in gray matter concentration.
- Use of voxel-based morphometry To measure changes in gray matter concentration in the brain. VBM is a well-established method for measuring changes in gray matter concentration and has been used in numerous studies of mindfulness and meditation. The use of VBM strengthens the validity of the study’s findings by providing a reliable and objective measure of changes in gray matter concentration.
Methodological Issues
Reserach method, reliabilty,validty,generalibily,& control of variables
The use of questionnaires is a weakness in Holzel et al. This is because the completion of the FFMQ before and after the program might have made some participants rate differently based on wanting to look good rather than it being a valid reflection of the program itself. (social desired answers)
Generalisability is a weakness because the sample only had right handed people in it. This could make generalisations difficult. This is because left handed people may use their brain differently to right handed people when undertaking mindfulness activities. Therefore, the findings about brain changes as a result of mindfulness may only apply to right handed people.
Everyday Life
The issues of application of psychology and how it realtes to the study
People who are having memory problems could benift from an MBSR style programme. Help increase brain denisty in the hippocampus and lead to a more effiecent memory system
Individual and Situational explanations debate
how it relates to the study
different perosnalities of ps may have caused them to be lees successfull in the programe also the person lifestyle and how they practice and did homeowrk in their daily life
the people engaged in a MBSR program did affect the gray brain matter density compared to the conrtol group so the MBSR programe did have a effect ont the brain
Nature vs. Nurture Debate
how it relates to the study
Hölzel et al.’s findings significantly contribute to the nature versus nurture debate in psychology. Mindfulness, a psychological practice (nurture), can lead to structural changes in the brain (nature). Specifically, increases in gray matter density in certain brain regions were observed, suggesting that regular meditation practices can result in biological alterations. Showing that nurture can have a tangible impact on nature. This finding empahsies the interplay between psychological experiences and biological structures.