Pilgrimage, Christian celebrations, local parish church Flashcards
Why do people go to pilgrimages?
- strengthen their faith and become closer to God
- fulfil their religious duty or show commitment to their religion
- ask for help or receive healing
- say thank you for something good that has happened
- make- up something they have done wrong (penance)
- follow tradition
Name the different places of pilgrimages
- Jerusalem
- Taize
- Iona
- Walsingham
Why is Jerusalem significant?
Because it is where Jesus :
- spent his last few days on Earth
- attended the Last supper
- agonised in the Garden of Gethsemane before he was arrested
- was tried and crucified and resurrected
Mount of olives: taught his disciples the Lord’s prayer and ascended into Heaven at the end of his time on Earth
Holy Sepulchre: the place where Jesus was crucified and died. The location of Jesus’ tomb, where he was buried and resurrected
Why is Iona significant?
- home of St Columba, an Irish abbot, who is credited with spreading Christianity throughout Scotland and performing many miracles
- considered a very holy as many saints lived there
What is Taize significant?
- its a symbol of reconciliation between different Christian denominations and other groups of separated people
- chants create a sense of unity
Why is Walsingham significant?
- It is where Richeldis de Faverches is believed to have had a vision of the Virgin Mary
- The holy house there represent an important Christian belief that Jesus was both human and divine
What is the importance of pilgrimage for Christians today?
some Christians argue that :
- it is more important than ever in today’s hectic lifestyle
- can help people realise how few material things they need to be happy
- can break a dependency on technologies (e.g. engaging with social media)
- can set you free from the stresses and strains of everyday life and put everything into perspective
Why do some Christians think that pilgrimages are not important?
- it is unnecessary to go to a particular place to feel closer to God as God is omnipresent
- going on a physical journey to another place and leaving normal responsibilities behind can take away from the daily pilgrimage of the Christian life
- it involves needless expense, which might either place a financial burden on Christians who go on Pilgrimage or could be used to help others
How do Christians celebrate Christmas?
– card and presents are given
- houses are decorated
- special church services such as midnight mass are held
- Carols are sung and nativity plays put on
- Families come together to share a special meal
- Christians attend a special Christmas day service
How is Easter celebrated by Christians?
- special services are held
- maybe a re-enactment of the crucifixion on Good Friday
- hot cross buns may be eaten to remind people of Jesus’s death on the cross
- cards and presents may be given on Easter Sunday
- easter eggs may be given to represent the empty tomb of Jesus after his reurrection
What is Lent and why is it important and what do Christians do during this time?
a time of spiritual preparation over a 40 day period
- it recalls that Jesus was tested by the Devil in the wilderness before he began his ministry
- Some Christians give up things they enjoy for Lent in remembrance of this
- others do voluntary or fundraising work
What is Holy Week?
Describe the different days of Holy week
The final week of Lent before Easter
Palm Sunday: the beginning of Holy Week. Jesus entering Jerusalem, a joyful occassion
Maundy Thursday: last supper (remembered through Bread and wine)
Good Friday: when Jesus was crucified
Holy Saturday: last day of lent
Easter Sunday: the resurrection of Jesus
Why is the local church community is important?
- unites the local community
- provides support and comfort when needed
- can give advice from sources of authority such as the minister or vicar
- gives identity and belonging to people in a community
How does the local church community help through CENTRE OF CHRISTIAN IDENTITY
- they organize events to bring together people in the community and create a sense of Christian identity
- clubs for children, such as Sunday school or youth groups: to educate
- social groups, such as coffee mornings to create social opportunities for Christians to share in their faith together
- Bible study groups where Christians can understand and discuss their faith together
How does the local church community help through ECUMENISM
- tries to break down barriers between different Christian denominations, reminding all Christians that they are followers of God and believe in Jesus
- groups may visit each other or hold events to help achieve unity
- may share buildings or hold joint services
How does the local church community help through OUTREACH WORK
going out to the local community
working with families to resolve problems
visiting those in prison or hospital
organizing and running community activities
some act as Street or Night Pastors = go into the local community at night to build relationships with locals. Offer a listening ear, practical support, and prayer
What is the importance of the worldwide church?
- gives a global identity to Christians
- Promotes unity
- Provides support when needed- to Christians, other religious believers and non-religious individuals
- shows how Christian teachings can be put into action globally
Christian teaching about charity
- compassion and treating other people fairly “love your neighbour as yourself”
- Jesus taught about helping others e.g. the parable of the Good samaritan
- Christians believe God made all humans in his image, so all people should have equality and dignity
- Christians believe they will be accountable to God for their actions in this life: the parable f the sheep and the goats in the book of Matthew