Pilates Mat2 Flashcards
Spine Twist purpose
Increase spinal rotation, core
Teaser purpose
Strengthen inner unit , abdominals
Strengthen hip flexors
Develop coordination an balance
Hip circles purpose
Str. Inner unit and abdominals
Str. hip flexors
Increase torso rotation
Improve scapular stability
Coordination and balance
Control torso and legs
Roll over pupose
Core strength and control
Increase flexibility, articulation spine
Learne to stabilize the shoulders
Modified corkscew purpose
Increase spinal rotation
core support and control
Mobilize the hips
Increase scapular stability
Neck pull purpose
Abdominal strength
Flexibility and articulation of the spine
Leg pull down purpose
Str. entire body: core, scapular stab. lumbopelvic stab
Stengthen hip ext- hamstrings
Leg pull up purpose
Str. entire body: core, scapular stab. lumbopelvic stab
Stengthen hip ext- hamstrings and gluteus max.
Increase shoulder range of motions
Jackknife purpose
Core strength and control
Flex and articulation spine
Learn how stab the shoulders
Kneeling side kicks purpose
Hips incl.the abductors, hip flexors, hip extensors
Strengthen the shoulder- latissimus dorsi, teres major,
rotator cuff and deltoid
Pelvic stability
Flexibility of the hamstrings and hip flexor
Improve balance
Seated twist purpose
Str, entire body
Str lateral torso- obligue abdominals, latissimus dorsi , quadratus lumborum
Str. shoulder girdle- latissiums dorsi, serratus anterior, rotator cuff
Impr. control, balance, coordination
Side bend twist purpose
Str. lateral tosro
Shoulder girdle - latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior rotator cuff
Control, balance, coordination
Side bend mermaid purpose
Str lateral torso- obligue abdominals, latissimus dorsi , quadratus lumborum
Shoulder girdle - latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior rotator cuff
Control, balance, coordination
Hundred preparation purpose
Warm up the body
Breath deeply and fully into the lungs
Abdominal strength
Teach how to lift the head
Hundred purpose
Warm up Breath deeply Abdominal strength Stability of the torso and lower back How lift the head
The roll up purpose
Abdominal strength
Flexi and articulation of the spine
Single leg circles purpose
Pelvic stability
Hips flexibility and mobility
Scapulat stability
Rolling like a ball purpose
Pelvic stability and control
Flexi and articulation of the spine
Coordination and balance
Scapular stability
Single leg stretch purpose
Pelvic stability and core control
Abdominal strength
Double leg stretch purpose
Pelvic stability and core control
Abdominal strength
Single straight leg stretch purpose
Pelvic stability and core control
Abdominal strength
stretching of hamstrings
Double straight leg stretch purpose
Abdominal strength
Str. hip flexors
Pelvic stability and core control
Spine stretch forward purpose
Sit tall up
Stretch the mid and upper back
Mobility of the shoulder blades
Pelvic stability
Spine stretch side purpose
To sit with core support
Stretch sides of the torso
Pelvic stability
Saw purpose
How to sit with support Rotation of the spine Stretch the mid and upper back Mobility of the shoulder girdle Pelvic stability