Pilates 1 Flashcards
What exercises are in arms in straps series (7)
Triceps press
Arm press
Snow angels
Arm circles
Ab prep with arms/ legs extensions
Hundreds of
What exercises are in back rowing series (7)
Biceps curls
Roll down
Roll down with biceps curls
What exercises are in chest expansion series (2)
Pulling back
Crossed rowing back
What exercises are in front rowing series (4)
Forward press
Hug a tree
What exercises are in arms pulling prone long box series (4)
Pulling straps
Pulling T or airplane
Triceps pulling straps
Long box prone pulling back bars
What exercises are in long box overhead press series (4)
Triceps pushing bar
Elbows wide pushing bar
Arm jumping prone on bar
Swan prone on long box
What exercises are in bridge and legwork series (1)
Bridge with legwork
What exercises are in side kneeling arm work series (6)
External rotation
Side twist
Pull across
High fifth
What exercises are in side lying footwork and foot in straps series (6)
Parallel and externally rotated
Bottom foot on footbar
Bend and stretch
Forward kick
What exercises are in side lying arm work series (4)
Frontal plane arm arc
Shoulder extension
Tricep press
What exercises are in short box abdominal series (4)
Round back
Round back full
Flat back
Oblique twist
What exercises are in short box mermaid series (2)
Side bend
Mermaid with falcon and lift
What exercises are in knee stretch series (3)
Knees down flat back
Round back
Long stretch plank
What exercises are in elephant series (1)
What exercises are in reverse abdominal series (3)
Reverse abdominals
Reverse teaser
Reverse kneeling abdominals
What exercises are in the side split series (7)
Side splits
Skater prep 1 & 2
Picking daisies
Side lunge - light spring
Splits adduction - light spring
Adduction with squats
What exercises are in front splits and lunges series (3)
Single thigh stretch
What exercises are in back lunge series (2)
Back lunge
Back splits
What exercises are in mermaid series (2)
Mermaid with rotation
What exercises are in legs in straps series (5)
Lower and lift
Bend and stretch
Leg circles
Peter Pan / pas de chat
What exercises are in footwork series and single leg footwork series (5)
Footwork series
Single leg footwork series
Table top
single leg stretch
Leg circles
What positions are there for footwork (8)
First position
Parallel heels
Eagle toes
Second position
Second position with one heel and one ball
Internal rotation
Balls of feet