Individual Exercises Foundational Flashcards
Tricep Press
Arms in strap series
Face footbar
Neutral spine
Legs tabletop
Arm press
Arms in strap series
Face footbar
Spine neutral
Legs tabletop
Snow Angel
Arms in strap series
Facing footbar
Spine neutral
Legs table top
Palms facing each other
Arm circles
Arms in straps series
Facing footbar
Spine neutral
Legs table top
Ab prep with arm and leg extension
Arms in strap series
Facing footbar
Neutral spine
Cervical flexion
Legs extended 45 degree angle
Arms in straps series
Facing footbar
Neural spine
Cervical spine flexion
Legs extended 45 degrees
Arms in straps series
Facing footbar
Spine neutral
Legs extended 45 deg angle
Hip ER. 3 Taps
Pulling back
Chest expansion series
Facing posts / back of machine
Spine neutral
Knees against shoulder rests
High kneeling with knees , toes tucked under
Long straps
Prep .. start kneeling
Open front of hips ; tailbone softens down
Turn head both directions; lengthen crown of head towards sky
Collarbone long
Pulling back
Chest expansion series
Facing posts / back of machine
Spine neutral
Knees against shoulder rests
High kneeling with knees , toes tucked under
Long straps
Prep .. start kneeling
Open front of hips ; tailbone softens down
Turn head both directions; lengthen crown of head towards sky
Collarbone long
Crossed rowing back
Chest expansion series
Facing posts/ back of machine
Kneeling with knees against shoulder rests
Can start seated before high kneeling
Cross straps
Smaller loops
1 red spring
Deep core muscles engaging. Glutes engaging
Front row
Front rowing series
Seated Facing footbar close to shoulder rests ; legs extended out in front
Spine neutral
Short loops
Palms facing forward
Arms to shoulder height
If hs tight; cross legs
Collarbones wide
Blue spring ( lighter than back row )
Front rowing series
Facing footbar
Seated with legs extended
Neutral spine
Elbows bent
Collarbones long
Hug a tree
Front rowing series
Facing footbar
Seated with legs extended in front
Spine neutral
Palms facing each other
Sit tall. Lengthen spine. Feel deep core mm. Legs active
Front rowing series
Facing footbar
Seated with legs extended
Spine neutral
Bend elbows to back of head
Elbows scaption position
Hinge forward slightly
Can do with one hand; keep other hand on back of head
Pulling straps
Arms pulling straps long box prone series
Facing posts / back of machine
Soine neutral
Edge of box just below breast or chest
Footbar down
Red spring
Hold ropes rather than straps
Fold over box; legs active
Pulling straps
Arms pulling straps long box prone series
Facing posts / back of machine
Soine neutral
Edge of box just below breast or chest
Footbar down
Red spring
Hold ropes rather than straps
Fold over box; legs active
Triceps pulling straps
Arms pulling straps long box prone series
Facing posts / back of machine
Neutral spine
Airplane or T
Arms pulling straps long box prone series
Falling posts / back
Neutral spine
Arms wide to side as go into extension
Upper body flexes over box in between reps
Long box prone pulling back bars
Arms pulling straps long box prone series
Facing posts / back
Neural spine
Walk up machine to grab posts
Pull towards post ; bend elbows in
Neutral shoulder blade position
Collarbones long; legs active
Triceps pushing bar
Long box overhead press series
Facing footbar
Prone spine neutral
Bar at top setting depending on how much upper back extension
Red spring
Triceps presses
Braline or breats just beyond box
Maintain extension in upper back
Lower abs mm gently tucked inwards
Elbows wide pushing bar
Long box overhead press series
Facing footbar
Spine neutral
Elbows wide
Back line active including legs
Arm jumping prone on box
Long box overhead press series
Facing footbar
Neutral spine
Press out more explosively
Jump out
Land softly by supporting arms
Swan prone on long box
Long box overhead press series
Facing footbar
Spine neutral
Arms stay straight
Inhale up to Swan. Exhale back to neutral spine
Elephant series
Facing foot bar
Standing with hands shoulder width apart on footbar
Neutral spine for flat back
Flexion for round back
Elephant series
Facing foot bar
Standing with hands shoulder width apart on footbar
Neutral spine for flat back
Flexion for round back
Elephant series
Facing foot bar
Standing with hands shoulder width apart on footbar
Neutral spine for flat back
Flexion for round back
Side bend
Short box mermaid series
Seated facing sideways
Leg closest to footbar under ankle strap
Other leg on box with hip ER
Neutral spine
Mermaid with falcon and lift
Short box mermaid series
Seated sideways
Neutral spine
Footwork series
Facing footbar
Neutral pelvis
Footbar 45 deg angle
Headrest up or down
3 red springs or all springs on
10 reps each position
Lowest ribs relaxing down
- First position. Balls on bar. Feet together. 45 deg angle. Stop just before stopper. Maintain neutral spine. Fully extend legs w/out hyperextending. Think of Pushing bar away from you
- Heels on bar. Palms facing down. Both legs move at exactly same speed. Exhale out. Inhale in. Notice if on outer or inner edge of heel. Try to remain in centre
- Arches of feet.
- Eagle toes. Wrap toes around bar. Heels come down. Imagine eagle talons wrapping around bar. Maintain neutral
- Second position. Feet are wide. Heels on bar. Knees out to sides. Let knees relax all the way out. Then Lift knees an inch from there. Relax shoulders position
- Stay in second position. Ball of right foot and heel of left foot. Asymmetrical exercise. Calf on one side. VMo on other. Then switch sides. Heel of one foot and ball of other
- Heels wide. IR legs. Works outer quads more. Caution with knee issues or tha
Heel raises / calf raises
Pony Trot
Footwork series
Face footbar
Neutral spine
Kneecaps lifted. Quads active
Heel raises
balls of feet on footbar
Heels elevated to start. Then lower. Then lift. Use full breath to lower down and full breath to lift
Pony Trot / tendon stretch
Lower one heel down. Bend other knee. Then lift both heels high. Alternate
On last one can do a longer stretch and release heel below bar
To finish bring both heels high, then bring legs in
Can also do pulses and partial range
Table top
Single lab stretch
Footwork series single leg
Face footbar
Neutral spine
Two red springs
Ensure hips in middle of platform
Balls of feet on footbar. In line with sit bones
Right leg to tabletop. Shin parallel to floor
Maintain high heel lift as press out and in
Single leg footwork in table top
Single leg stretch
As bend left knee. Extend R leg at 45 deg angle over bar
When bend in only bend in to table top. Not closer to chest. Maintain neutral spine
Single leg footwork series
Face footbar
Neutral spine
Draw toes up knee
Extend leg up to sky
Lower right leg down
Float back up
Lower both heels down
Lift both heels up ( point )
Bend knee in
Extend over bar
Leg circles
Single leg footwork series
Face footbar
Neutral spine
Extend left leg. Lift R leg up
Circle leg down across and up. While keeping left hip completely still
Keep left heel elevated entire time
Tha don’t cross midline
Lower and lift
Legs in strap series
Facing footbar
Neutral pelvis
Two red springs
Straps in hands. Press legs out to straight.
Headrest flat. Ribcage soft. Collarbones wide
Lift legs to point where you can still stay in neutral spine
Go from 90 deg to 45 deg
Maintain neutral spine while legs moving up and down
Bend and stretch
Legs in straps series
Facing footbar
Neutral spine
ER legs from hip / thigh bone
Bend knees flex feet. Extend legs and point feet
Arms with palm down
Legs in straps series
Face footbar
Neutral spine
Bend knees - plie
Extend legs out. Beat x 3. Legs widen just wider than shoulder width
Heels Max 3 feet apart from one another
Three beats
Peter Pan. Pas de chat
Legs in straps series
Face footbar
neutral spine
Bend r knee flex r foot. Flex one foot and bend knee. Other leg straight and arcs out to side. Keep hips still. Spine neutral
Leg circles
Legs in straps series
Facing footbar
Neutral spine
Either in parallel or ER
Both legs moving simultaneously. Same speed and same amount of pressure in ropes
Reverse direction
Circle can be as small or big as hips feel comfortable
Mermaid with rotation
Mermaid series
Seated sideways
Bar 45 deg
Red spring
Foot close to shoulder rest back. Other foot forward
Can sit crosslegged or with feet off floor
Hand on bar. Not quite in scaption
Sweep top arm up and over
Side bend
Can do counter stretch
Mermaid with rotation
Press platform out
Collarbones square to bar
Can roll through flexion. Then extend back up
Back lunges
Back lunge series
Facing back of reformer
Standing.. one foot facing shoulder rests and other foot on footbar with ball of foot on bar
Hands on shoulder rests. Eventually no hands
Neutral spine
Back lunges
Back lunge series
Facing back of reformer
Standing.. one foot facing shoulder rests and other foot on footbar with ball of foot on bar
Hands on shoulder rests. Eventually no hands
Neutral spine
Back Splits
Back lunge series
Facing back of reformer
Standing.. one foot facing shoulder rests and other foot on footbar with ball of foot on bar
Hands on shoulder rests
Neutral spine
Back Splits
Back lunge series
Facing back of reformer
Standing.. one foot facing shoulder rests and other foot on footbar with ball of foot on bar
Hands on shoulder rests
Neutral spine
Front splits and lunges series
Facing footbar
One foot on floor and one against shoulder rest Hands hold footbar
Spine neutral
Front splits and lunges series
Facing footbar
One foot on floor and one against shoulder rest Hands hold footbar
Spine neutral
Single thigh stretch
Front squat and front splits series
Facing footbar
One ball of foot on footbar. Other foot on carriage against shoulder rest Hands hold
Spine neutral
Side splits
Side split series
Facing sideways
One foot on footbar , one on carriage. Feet parallel
Spine neutral
Skater prep 1
Side splits series
Facing sideways
One foot on carriage and one on platform
Neutral spine
Platform leg bent into squat and carriage side leg extended
Skater prep 2
Side splits series - carriage slide
Facing sideways
Squat on both legs
One foot on carriage and one on platform
Neutral spine
Carriage leg bent into squat and platform side leg extended
Side splits series
Facing sideways
One foot on carriage and one on platform
Neutral spine
Carriage leg bent into squat and platform side leg extended. Weight over carriage leg
On way back platform side leg bent and carriage leg extended