Piano Lesson 4 Cumulative Flashcards
The 5 lines music is written on is called the…
music staff
What are the 2 names of this staff?
Treble Clef - G Clef
Name this pitch
C (middle C)
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name and # Beats in 4/4 Time
whole note - 4 beats
Name and # Beats in 4/4 Time
half note - 2 beats
Name and # Beats in 4/4 Time
quarter note - 1 beat
What does this time signature mean?
4 beats/measure - Qtr note gets 1 beat
What is this symbol called and what does it indicate to do?
crescendo - gradually get louder
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
decrescendo - gradually get softer
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
forte - play loud
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
piano - play soft
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
mezzo forte - play medium loud
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
mezzo piano - play medium soft