Piano Lesson 12 Cumulative Flashcards
The 5 lines music is written on is called the…
music staff
What are the 2 names of this staff?
Treble Clef - G Clef
Name this pitch
C (middle C)
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name and # Beats in 4/4 Time
whole note - 4 beats
Name and # Beats in 4/4 Time
half note - 2 beats
Name and # Beats in 4/4 Time
quarter note - 1 beat
What does this time signature mean?
4 beats/measure - Qtr note gets 1 beat
What is this symbol called and what does it indicate to do?
crescendo - gradually get louder
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
decrescendo or diminuendo - gradually get softer
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
forte - play loud
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
piano - play soft
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
mezzo forte - play medium loud
what is this symbol and what does it indicate to do?
mezzo piano - play medium soft
What are the 2 names of this music staff?
Bass Clef - F clef
Name this pitch
C (middle C)
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
Name this pitch
One quarter note is equal to _____ eighth notes.
Name and # beats in 4/4 time
Pair of 8th notes
1/2 beat each (one beat combined)
A pair of 8th notes is connected by a ______.
Music is the organization of ______ and ______.
Sound and Silence
Name this symbol
Quarter Rest
In 4/4 time, how many beats of silence does a quarter rest represent?
Name and # beats in 4/4 time
Dotted half note = 3 beats
What does this time signature mean?
3 beats per measure
quarter note = 1 beat
The distance between two notes
The interval of a 2nd STEPS up or down to the next
Letter Name
The interval of a _________ SKIPS a key, a letter name, and a finger.
Identify the interval
3rd (skip)
Identify the interval
3rd (skip)
Identify the interval
3rd (skip)
Identify the interval
2nd (step)
Identify the interval
2nd (step)
Identify the interval
2nd (step)
Identify the interval
2nd (step)
On the staff, which interval goes line-to-space or space-to-line?
2nd (step)
On the staff, which interval goes line-to-line or space-to-space?
3rd (skip)
Identify the direction and interval
Down a 2nd
Identify the direction and interval
Up a 2nd
Identify the direction and interval
Down a 3rd
Identify the direction and interval
Up a 3rd
Three or more notes played together form a ______.
What 3 pitches form a C chord?
C, E, G
The C chord is made up of which interval?
Musical term that means “short and separated”
Musical term that means “smooth and connected”
A curved line that combines 2 notes of the same pitch
A curved line that means to play different notes smooth and connected.