Physiology Vocab 1 Flashcards
the branch of science that deals with the normal functioning of living organisms and their parts
The normal function of the body of salts/electrolytes
To do with abnormal function of the body in a disease state or events only possible in a lab
The regulation of the internal environment of the cell or body so that it maintains a stable constant condition.
Positive Feedback
Amplification of changes in the body
The mechanism by which a disease process causes an organ to fail.
Tomorrow’s Doctors Outcomes for Graduates
Good Medical Practice
Intrapulmonary pressure
Pressure between lungs
Intrapleural pressure
Pressure between the 2 pleura, in the pleural cavity
Peak Systolic Pressure
Highest pressure of blood during cardiac contraction
End diastolic pressure
Blood pressure at the every end of heart relaxation
Giving Birth
Initiation of positive feedback
Amplification of responses
Action Potential
The minimum change in potential difference across a muscle or nerve cell membrane required for the generation of an electrical impulse along the membrane
The loss of p.d. across a nerve cell membrane due to changes within the cell
Of or relating to a disease
Neck-like part which projects at its lower end into the vagina
Endocrine gland attached beneath hypothalamus. Has anterior and posterior parts which secrete different hormones
Gastric Parietal Cell
Cell lining stomach epithelium
Acute Myocardial Infarct (MI)
Heart Attack
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Pathology where heart chambers expand and weaken thus reducing ability of heart to pump blood
Injury caused by pressure, typically affecting ears and lungs
When air gets into pleural space
ST elevation during myocardial infarct (STEMI)
Feature of ECG that is indicative of a heart attack
Hormone released by posterior pituitary gland that causes uterine contractions
Hormone secreted by beta cells in pancreas that causes the uptake of glucose from blood.
Hormone released by alpha cells in pancreas that causes the conversion of glycogen into glucose by muscle and liver cells
Carbonic Anhydrase
Enzyme that catalyses H20+CO2 –>H2CO3–> H+ +HCO3-