Physiology of the Eye and Retina Flashcards
What is visible light?
- Visible light is electromagnetic radiation between the wavelengths of about 350 nanometers (blue) and 750 nm (red)
What comprises the lacrimal apparatus? What do these components do?
- Consists of the lacrimal gland and associated ducts. Lacrimal glands secrete tears which provide an optically smooth refracting surface. They also contain antibodies and lysozyme to prevent bacterial growth. Secretion is stimulated by parasympathetic stimulation via the facial nerve (via reflex or irritation)
- Used to keep cornea clean and moist
- Tears enter the eye via excretory ducts: they exit the eye medially via a lacrimal punctum. Drain into the nasolacrimal duct
See diagram on lecture notes
How is lacrimation (tears) stimulated?
parasympathetic efferents travel in the facial nerve (VII) and then branch off in the greater petrosal nerve which goes to the pterygopalatine ganglion (PPG). Post ganglionic fibres from the PPG pass into the lacrimal nerve to the lacrimal glands.
See diagram on autonomic innervation of lacrimal gland in lecture notes
What does the eyeball consist of (3 layers of tissue)?
- The eye is a fluid-filled sphere enclosed by three layers of tissue:
1. The outer layer is the sclera which surrounds the eyeball. This is continuous with the dura covering the optic nerve. At the front of the eye the sclera thins and becomes transparent and is known as the cornea
2. The middle layer consists of blood vessels & connective tissue including the iris, the ciliary body and the choroid
3. The inner layer is the retina (the light sensing organ)
See diagram in lecture notes
What is the sclera?
- The edge of the sclera is visible as the white of the eye. The sclera is made of tough connective tissue and is continuous with the epidural sheath of the optic nerve
- The tendons of the extraocular muscles are attached to it
What are the iris and pupil?
- The pupil is the orifice that lets light into the eye; pupil diameter ranges from about 3-7 mm
- Surrounding the pupil is a sphincter muscle to that can constrict or dilate the pupil
- Eye color (brown, green, blue, etc.) dependent on amount and distribution of the pigment melanin
What is the cornea and what are its features?
- The cornea is the clear bulging surface in front of the eye. It is the main refractive surface of the eye.
- Features:
o Primary refractive surface of the eye
o Index of refraction: n = 1.37
o Normally transparent and uniformly thick
o Nearly avascular
o Richly supplied with sensory unmyelinated nerve fibers from trigeminal nerve
o Sensitive to foreign bodies, cold air, chemical irritation
o Nutrition to cells from aqueous humor
o Tears maintain oxygen exchange and water content
o Tears prevent scattering and improve optical quality
What is the conjunctiva?
- Is a layer of stratified columnar epithelium, goblet cells & capillaries that covers the sclera and the inside of the eyelids.
- It contains goblet cells produce mucus that mixes with the tears (this may stop the tears draining too quickly)
See diagram in notes
How does light pass into the eye? Which humours are present in the eye? How is light focused?
- Light passes through the cornea into the anterior chamber of the eye which is filled with a watery fluid the aqueous humour. It then passes through the pupil, the lens and into the posterior chamber of the eye. This is the small ringlike space between the iris and the lens. It then passes through the lens and into the vitreous humour.
- Vitreous humour is a semisolid watery gel produced by cells in the ciliary body and retina,. It holds the shape of the eye constant to maintain focussing accuracy.
- The cornea contributes to the focusing of light in the eye as it is where the refractive index of the medium changes from air to transparent tissue. (this is why laser surgery works).The cornea is kept as a spherical surface by the intraocular pressure. (normally between 10 & 21 mm Hg)
Where is visual acuity (sensitivity)? What is the blind spot? What is the focal length? What happens to the lens as we age?
- Visual acuity (sensitivity) is highest in the the centre of the retina, at the fovea. The place where the visual axons leave the eye to form the optic nerve is called the blind spot. (There are no photoreceptors in the blind spot)
- Focal length of eye is 28mm
- Lens becomes less flexible as less able to bulge as we get older, resulting in hypermetropia
What is aqueous humour and where is it formed? Where does it circulate and drain to?
- Aqueous humour is like cerebrospinal fluid (a nearly protein-free filtrate of blood). It is formed by the ciliary body and circulates up behind the iris, through the pupil and into the anterior chamber. It drains into the canal of Schlemm (also known as the sceral venous sinus). This is a small tube or pipe that encircles the eye at the corneal-scleral junction.
See diagram in lecture notes
How is the intraocular pressure formed? Why might high pressure occur and what might it cause?
- The difference between the formation and drainage of aqueous humour produces the intraocular pressure, (which can be measured by pressing on the cornea and measuring the indentation)
- If drainage of aqueous humour is blocked pressure in the anterior chamber rises. This increases pressure on the vitreous humor which in turn presses on the retina. Prolonged pressure damages the retina and causes GLAUCOMA.
What are the two main sub-types of glaucoma?
- Open angle glaucoma (or chronic simple glaucoma) is a slowly progressive condition which occurs when Schlemm’s canal gradually become blocked. The angle between cornea and iris is open i.e. normal (about 40 degrees)
- Closed angle glaucoma (or acute glaucoma) occurs when the iris is pushed forward and the angle between cornea and iris is reduced. This blocks the canal of Schlemm, causing a rapid rise in pressure inside the eye. This causes extreme pain and sudden vision loss (angle may decrease to near zero - see diagram in notes)
What is the impact of glaucoma worldwide and how might it be treated?
- Glaucoma is a worldwide disease affecting approximately 1–2% of the population aged over 35 years in industrial countries and is a major cause of blindness.
- Glaucoma can be treated by drugs or surgery. One surgical procedure involves an incision in the sclera at to the cornea-sclera junction (see diagram in notes). This allows the aqueous fluid to drain out on to the surface of the eye and thus lowers the pressure.
How do drug treatments of glaucoma aim to reduce the intraocular pressure? How are they administered? What are examples of these drugs? Why aren’t these treatments used as often now?
- Drug treatment of glaucoma aims to reduce the intraocular pressure by either reducing the formation of aqueous humor or increasing the drainage. glaucoma medications reduce intraocular pressure. Most are applied topically to the eye
o Prostaglandin analogs increase outflow of aqueous humor through canal of Schlemm
o Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists decrease aqueous humor production
o Alpha2-adrenergic agonists work by a dual mechanism, decreasing aqueous production and increasing outflow.
o Parasympathomimetic agonists and anticholinesterases work by contraction of the ciliary muscle, which opens the canal.
o Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors lower secretion of aqueous humor by inhibiting carbonic anhydrase in the ciliary body. - Decreasing production of aqueous humour can have adverse effects so surgery is increasingly the treatment of choice (if available)
Why is UV light dangerous to human tissue? How can it affect the protections our eyes already have? What condition can this result in?
- Human tissue is easily damaged by ultraviolet light. The light catalyses the formation of free radicals in cells. In your skin, melanocyte cells produce melanin (which darkens the skin). Melanin absorbs the UV light and stops it damaging other skin cells. However light has to pass through the lens in your eye so it can’t be blocked or we would not be able to see.
- The aqueous humour contains antioxidants (vitamin C and others) to protect the lens and inner cornea against free radical damage. Its slightly alkaline nature activates the vitamin C and increases the antioxidant activity.
- If the level of antioxidants is reduced or too much uv light is absorbed, or for many other reasons, the lens can gradually become opaque and the eye is unable to see. This lens opacity is called a CATARACT
- Cataracts can develop with excess exposure to uv radiation, especially if the aqueous humour is low on antioxidants.
How can cataract risk be reduced? How are cataracts treated? Why do cataracts look opaque? What is the impact of cataracts worldwide?
- There is a thought to be significantly decreased risk of cataract if there are high levels of vitamin C and E in the diet. Treatment is by surgical replacement of lens.
- In a cataract the UV light cross-links proteins in the lens and makes them opaque. The lens becomes like the white of an egg which has been cooked Cataracts develop slowly, sometimes as a by-product of other conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. These conditions may reduce the level of antioxidants in the aqueous humour. Exposure to excess UV light or microwaves are also risk factors.
- It has been estimated that age-related cataract is responsible for 48% of world blindness.
What does normal visual acuity (detailed vision) depend on? Is foveal or peripheral retinal damage more serious for our vision? How do our eyes move at rest? How does this involve the fovea? What is the blind spot and why is it called this?
- Normal visual acuity (detailed vision for reading, driving etc) depends on the fovea, where the cones are most closely packed.
- Foveal damage is much more detrimental to vision than damage to the peripheral retina
- Even at rest our eyes are constantly moving back and forth. The fovea can be thought of as our ‘visual fingertip’ Our eyes scan an image so that the fovea moves repeatedly over the area of interest.
- The blind spot has no photoreceptors. It is where the optic nerve axons leave the retina. It is a circular to oval area measuring about 2 x 1.5 mm across.
See diagram in notes
Which type of photoreceptors are located in the fovea? What does this allow for, and when are they active? Why are there three types of these cells? Where are rod cells located and what are their characteristics?
- All cells in fovea are cones. Mediate ability to see detail. Active in daylight. Three types with slightly different sensitivities to wavelength of light enable us to discriminate colours. Called ‘red, green, blue’ but each cone type actually responds to a range of wavelengths.
- Rods: most dense just outside fovea: only one type; very sensitive to light
- Active in dark; no colour differentiation; suppressed in daylight
What are the wavelengths corresponding to the maximum sensitivity of human cones? What colours do these correspond to?
- The wavelengths corresponding to the maximum sensitivity of human cones are:
o Blue: 419: nm
o Green: 531 nm
o Red: 539 nm - Red colour seen when red cone signal > green signal
- Green color seen when green cone signal > red signal
- Blue colour seen when blue cone signal > green signal
- Yellow colour seen when red signal and green signal similar
- size
What is the outer segment of rods and cones? What is the inner segment? What does the outer segment consist of, and how does it differ between rods and cones?
- In both rods and cones the photoreceptive part is the outer segment. The inner segment contains the cell body and the synaptic terminal .
- Outer segment: in rods consists of ‘disks’ of membrane containing the photopigment rhodopsin ( a protein complex that reacts to light (cones contain similar proteins called cone opsins)
- The stacking arrangement means that light passes through all plates in sequence, maximising chance of a photon interacting with a molecule of photopigment.
- Cones have a shorter outer segment made by folding the membrane. There is enough light in daylight to guarantee a photon will react with photopigment
See diagram in notes
What do cones transmit information to? What do these in turn connect to? What are the two types of inhibitory interneuron in the retina?
- Cones transmit information to bipolar cells. Bipolar cells in turn connect to ganglion cells. The ganglion cells have long axons that make up the optic nerve. About 10% of ganglion cells are a special type called parasol cells.
- There are also two types of inhibitory interneuron in the retina, horizontal cells and amacrine cells
See diagram in lecture notes to see how these synapses are activated
When are ‘leak’ channels open in rods and cones? What does this cause? What does absorption of a photon of light cause?
- In the dark sodium ‘leak’ channels are open in rods and cones and thus they are tonically depolarized to about -40 mv. This causes the continuous release of glutamate from their synaptic endings
- Absorption of a photon of light changes the shape of the rhodopsin molecule. The changed rhodopsin then acts via a G-protein to reduce the level of cyclic GMP in the rod. It is this reduction in cGMP which closes the open sodium channels in the membrane. This allows the cell to repolarize (to -70 mv) and stop releasing glutamate.
What is the constant leak of sodium in the outer segment in the dark balanced by? What does this cause? What do these events mean for the photoreceptors?
- The constant inward leak of sodium in the outer segment in the dark is balanced by a constant pumping of sodium out of the cell in the inner segment. This causes a current flow outside the photoreceptors called the dark current. This tonic sodium pump activity means that photoreceptors are one of the most metabolically active cells in the body and require constant uninterrupted supplies of oxygen and glucose. They also use energy constantly pumping the glutamate back into the presynaptic endings at the synapse with a bipolar cell
See diagram in notes for overall process
What are the three main neurons in the path from photoreceptor to optic nerve? What are cells are present in this pathway?
- There are three main neurons in the path from photoreceptor to optic nerve;
1. photoreceptors that connect to
2. bipolar cells that connect to
3. ganglion cells that send axons into the optic nerve - There are also inhibitory interneurons called amacrine cells that modulate transmission at the synapse between the bipolar cell and the ganglion cell.
See diagram in lecture notes
What features of blood supply do the photoreceptors use to help them cope with the demands for oxygen?
- To cope with the demands of the photoreceptors for oxygen the retina has a
- DUAL blood supply.
- The inner retina (ganglion & bipolar cells) is supplied
- by the central retinal artery
- The photoreceptors are supplied by the choroid, a network of capillaries supplied by the ciliary arteries, which branch off the ophthalmic artery and penetrate the sclera at the back of the eye.
How is the orbit supplied with oxygen? How does oxygen diffuse into the photoreceptor? How is debris removed from the photoreceptors? What disease occurs when this does not happen correctly?
- Oxygen diffuses into the photoreceptors from the choroid capillaries, though a layer of cells known as the pigment epithelium. Photoreceptors are constantly growing new membrane at the cell body. This is gradually transported outwards and old, worn out membrane is being shed at the distal tip of the cell. The epithelial cells phagocytose the worn-out ends of the photoreceptors and transfer the debris into the capillaries of the choroid.
- In the disease retinitis pigmentosa the pigment epithelial cells do not carry away the cellular debris fast enough and it accumulates as black pigment in the pigment epithelial layer. This gradually thickens and decreases the diffusion of oxygen to the photoreceptors. Eventually the photoreceptors are so hypoxic they die. The patient slowly goes blind.
What are the key points from this lecture?
- Surface of cornea does most of the focussing of light: lens only does ‘fine tuning’
- The macula and the fovea are where most cone receptors are found and are the most important regions of the retina for vision; (compare fingertips in somatosensory system)
- A cataract is a fogging of the lens. Glaucoma is degeneration of the retinal photoreceptors due to raised intraocular pressure reducing their blood supply
- Photoreceptors consume a very large amount of energy as they are constantly pumping sodium out in the dark; This means they need a large constant blood supply which is supplied by the choroid.
- There are three neurons in the path from retina to brain; photoreceptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells. There are two types of inhibitory interneuron, horizontal and amacrine cells.
- There is a dual blood supply to the retina; you can see only the inner circulation (that arises from the central retinal artery) with an ophthalmoscope; you cannot see the outer (choroid) circulation.
What is the lacrimal apparatus and what does it do?
• = lacrimal gland and associated duct
• Lacrimal gland secretes tears
o Contain mucous, antibodies and lysozyme
o Enter the eye via superirolateral excretory ducts
o Exit the eye medially via the lacrimal punctum
o Drain into the nasolacrimal duct
What are the three layers of the lacrimal apparatus?
• 3 layers
o Outer layer = sclera at the back and thins at the front to becomes the cornea
o Middle layer = iris, ciliary body and choroid
o Inner layer = retina
What is the path of light through the lacrimal apparatus?
• Path of light
o Passes through the cornea into the anterior chamber of the eye which is filled with a watery fluid called the aqueous humour
o Then passes through the pupil, the lens and into the posterior chamber og the eye which is filled with vitreous humour
o This is a watery gel produced by a form of glial cell in the retina – keeps the shape of the eye constant to maintain focussing accuracy
What is the aqueous humour and where is it formed and circulated? How do it produce intraocular pressure?
o Like CSF – protein free filtrate of blood
o Formed in the posterior chamber by the ciliary body and circulates over the anterior surface of the lens and into he anterior chamber
o Reabsorbed in the corners of the eye into the canals of Schlemm
o The difference between the formation and drainage of the aqueous humour produces intraocular pressure
What is the fovea?
o Small depression in the back of the retina
o Surrounded by macula
o Area of highest visual acuity
o Largest concentration of cone cells
What is the blind spot?
o Where the optic nerve leaves the eye and site of the optic disc
o No photoreceptors here
o 2 x 1.5 mm
What is the cornea?
o Primary refractive surface of the eye
o Normally transparent and uniformly thick
o Nearly avascular but richly supplied by nerve fibres
o Kept as a spherical surface by the intraocular pressure (normally 10-21 mmHg)
o Intraocular pressure is critical for the health of the eye
What is the sclera?
o White of the eye
o Flexibility adds strength
o Tendons attach to it
What are the three layers o the eye?
What is glaucoma, what are the two types and how can it be treated?
• Pathological rise in intraocular pressure
• Normally caused by blocked drainage
• Puts pressure on the retinal cells and slowly leads to blindness
• Open angle
o Reduction in the angle, reducing drainage
o Common type
• Closed angle
o Iris has been pushed up against the cornea so the angle has shut so there can be no drainage
o Can go blind very quickly
• Surgery
o Makes a small hole in the sclera at the cornea-sclera junction to allow the aqueous fluid to drain out
• Drug treatments
How does UV light affect tissue? How does the eye protect itself from this? What can UV damage to the eye cause?
• Pathological rise in intraocular pressure
• Normally caused by blocked drainage
• Puts pressure on the retinal cells and slowly leads to blindness
• Open angle
o Reduction in the angle, reducing drainage
o Common type
• Closed angle
o Iris has been pushed up against the cornea so the angle has shut so there can be no drainage
o Can go blind very quickly
• Surgery
o Makes a small hole in the sclera at the cornea-sclera junction to allow the aqueous fluid to drain out
• Drug treatments
What are the types of cells present in the retina? What are the two segments of these? What are the characteristics of rod and cone cells? How is sodium leaked and how does this relate to the entry of light into the retina?
• In rods and cones, the photoreceptive part is in the outer segment
• There is also an inner segment containing the cell body and synaptic terminal
• Rods
o Outer segment made up of discs containing rhodopsin (a protein complex that reacts to light)
o Energy used to remove and replace discs as once the rhodopsin has absorbed the light it becomes useless
o Stacking arrangement means that light passes through all the plates in sequence so maximises the chance of a photon reacting with a molecule of the photopigment
• Cones
o Contain pigment iodopsin
o Shorter outer segment as there is enough light in daylight to guarantee a photon will hit a photopigment
• In the dark, there is a constant inwards leak of sodium in the outermost part of the receptor
• There is also a constant outwards leak of glutamate
• Light prevents the inwards leak of sodium so more sodium leaves so the cell becomes hyperpolarised
• This hyperpolarisation stops the tonic release of glutamate
What feature helps with the demand for oxygen to the photoreceptors? How are the photoreceptors supplied with blood?
- To cope with the demands of the photoreceptors for oxygen, the retina has a dual blood supply
- The inner retina is supplied by the vessels from the central ophthalmic artery
- The photoreceptors are supplied by the choroid, a network of arteries supplied by the ciliary arteries, which branch off the ophthalmic artery and penetrate the sclera at the back of the eye
What is rhodopsin and how does light lead to a reduction in glutamate release?
- Rhodopsin is a G protein coupled receptor
- The change in shape due to light enables the formation of a intracellular intermediate ‘transducin’ which lowers the level of cyclic GMP in the cytoplasm
- This decrease in cGMP closes the sodium channels in the outer segment and stops the inward sodium flux. Hence the cell hyperpolarises and stops releasing glutamate
What are the three main neurons in the eye and how do they connect to each other to form the neurone pathway?
- Photoreceptors – that connect to bipolar cells
- Bipolar cells – that connect to ganglion cells
- Ganglion cell send axons in the optic nerve
How do we achieve colour vision?
- 3 populations of cone cells with slightly different sensitivities to different wavelengths
- Overlap between cells – allow wavelength and intensity to be differentiated
- If the red cones are firing more than the green cones, we see red
- If the red and green cones are firing at the same rate, we see yellow
- The colour is deduced from the different firing rates from the populations
What causes colour blindness and what are its characteristics?
- Involves a loss or reduction in number of one or other cone population
- They confuse wavelength and intensity at points in the visual spectrum where normally sighted people can discriminate on the basis of wavelength alone