Physiology Of The Adrenal Gland Flashcards
What is the rate limiting step in the synthesis of all corticosteroids
Cholesterol → pregnelolone via P-450ssc
Name the 4 main hormones produced in the adrenal cortex and state which layer their are produced in
- Aldosterone in the zona glomerulosa
- Cortisol in the zona fasciculata
- DHEA and androstendione in the zona reticularis
What is DHEA & androstendione converted to in the peripheral tissues & what enzymes allows this
Testosterone & dihydrotestosterone
In peripheral tissue by 5⍺ reductase
Describe the HPA axis
Hypothalamus secretes corticotropin releasing hormone
Anterior pituitary secretes ACTH
Adrenal cortex secretes cortisol (& androgens)
Describe the control of the HPA axis
Negative feedback control by cortisol on anterior pituitary & hypothalamus
But also CRH secretion influence by stress, illness & time of day
What regulates aldosterone secretion
The RAAS system
High AII & low K+
Briefly describe the RAAS system
Drop in blood pressure →
Kidneys release renin →
Angiotensinogen converted to angiotensin I →
Angiotensin I converted to angiotensin II by ACE →
Aldosterone secreted by adrenal cortex →
Salt retention & Increase in BP
What is secreted by the adrenal medulla
Adrenaline & noradrenaline
What is adrenaline & noradrenaline produced from
Tyrosine that forms dopamine that then forms NA or A