Physiology of Somatosensation-Allard Flashcards
The different sensory receptors (skin mechanoreceptors) was discussed.
pacinian corpuscle: deep pressure, vibration
meissner’s corpuscles: fine tough
merkel’s receptors: pressure and texture
ruffini endings: skin stretch, deep pressure
What are some of things that help to localize where on our body something is touching us and the fine detail of the thing touching us? What are the determinants of stimulus localization and sensory acuity?
sensory acuity: how acute are your senses able to discriminate the shape of something and the fine details of something that is impacting your somatosensory receptors
- Size of the Receptive Field
- Density of Innervation
- Convergence
- Lateral Inhibition
all of these affect sensory acuity
For the sensations of smell and sound, balance and taste, localization and acuity follow different mechanisms.
Sensory acuity refers to how well we can determine all the sensory attributes of a stimulus (modality, strength, size, color, frequency, shape, location, scent, taste)
What is receptor field?
that spatial region that is innervated by the primary afferent neuron; area of skin that contains those tactile sensory receptors: some will have small or large receptive filed or some of them will be densely innervated on that skin (pack tightly in some areas of skin and may not on other areas of the skin)
Size of the receptive field influences the sensory acuity or the precision with which stimuli can be localized (spacial resolution) and its characteristics be defined.
Large RF = low resolution
Small Rf = high resolution
Pacinian corpuscles
-senses touch
-structural refined to sense vibrating touch or repeating on or off touches
-has a large receptive field
in the image may only have 2 receptors so it is not densely innervated in the hand
Meissner and Merkels
- purple dots represent the size of their receptive fields
- they have very small receptive fields!!
- they are densely packed in the tips of our fingers
- usually when you try to feel the texture of something you use the first two fingers and thumb, not as manu
how the function and size of receptive field changes and how it relates how they function in real world
Stimuli applied where gives a larger impact on the receptor potential?
When something touches that receptor field it has greatest impact in the center of the receptor field it will fire a higher frequency of APs
-when stimuli is applied in the periphery the firing of APs is lower (as shown with blue)
2-Point Discrimination: Sensory Acuity Test
how well are you able to determine two points close together are two separate points
the small dots represents the caliber
LARGER receptive fields:
in b you will not be able to tell that it is two points; it will feel like something larger is hitting you in the area and not two points
SMALLER receptive field when the caliber is father apart like in the red you can tell that is two distinct points
For larger receptive fields:
2 points must be separated by greater distance in order to be distinguishes as separate.
For smaller receptive fields:
2 points can be closer together and still be distinguished as separate.
demonstrates the size of the receptive field allows you to have better sensory acuity or 2 point discrimination
Different Body areas have variable proportions of sensory receptors.
Receptive field size varies across the body surface; fingertips and peri-oral regions have smallest receptive fields
Areas with sensory receptors that have small receptive fields show better resolution/acuity in two-point discrimination.
What would be a reasonable assumption about the size, density, convergence, divergence in the cheek compared to the belly?
cheek has much more sensory acuity than the belly
Receptor Field Convergence
- means that somewhere along this pathway signals from two or more sensory neurons will converge onto another neuron
- Convergence and overlap decreases sensory acuity (it will combine all the receptive fields as ONE)
-Areas with small receptive fields and little overlap /convergence have the highest degree of sensory acuity.
Lateral Inhibition
- you will get this concept again in the visual system
- happens in many of our sensory system that when something is hitting the sensory field of one neuron and the stimulus is really impacting the receptive field of neuron B but is also impact the field of A and C; so then all 3 of these neurons will fire at different frequencies
Neuron B sends collaterals to its neighbors and those collaterals are connected to their neighbors by inhibitory interneurons. Same thing with its neighbors inhibiting it as well
so your surrounding neurons inhibits its adjacent neighbor thus sharpening the signals
that neuron getting the brunt of the signal will have a much stronger inhibitory effect in its neighboring neurons than the neuron that is in the periphery (just getting a little bit of that stimulus)
- lateral inhibition increases the contrast between the receptive field that is getting most of the stimulus impact compared to those that are just getting a little bit
- so this helps our brain to determine border much more clearly of where the stimulus ends and where the stimulus starts
so lateral inhibition helps sensory acuity by helping us to more clearly define borders of where the stimulus ends and starts
-Capacity of an excited neuron to reduce the activity of its neighbors
Provides high localization precision by decreasing convergence and dissipation of signal.
-Surround (lateral) inhibition also enhances the ability to localize stimuli and perform spatial discriminations
This is really demonstrated in our visual system with horizontal cells providing inhibitory synapses.
Lateral inhibition provides contrast and allows our visual system to more clearly identify boundaries or edges.
- remember that pain and temp is also part of the somatosensory system
- allows us to know the temp of things imapcting uor skins
- the receptors are channels embedded in the peripheral free nerve endings
- their ion channels regulated by the temperature (open up when it gets cold or warm, etc)
- often times these receptors are activated by different chemicals (capsaicin pepper) and your tongue feels temp hot or menthol that has a cool feeling on your skin)
- some of these thermoreceptors are actually innervated by chemicals in our food
- are free nerve endings -there are channels associated with them that can be stimulated by temp, touch that is very intense and different chemicals
- generally (any damaging stimuli)
- unmyelinated fibers for slow or dull pain
- slightly myelinated fibers for initial sharp pain that we feel
Proprioceptors: Muscle Spindle: Change in muscle length/stretch
Proprioception is concerned with position and balance
Kinesthesia is concerned with movement,
Fiber Type:
Ia (Aα), II (Aβ) = large and myelinated
Adaptation: low adaptive quality
Proprioceptors: Golgi Tendon Organ
muscle tension/tendon stretch
Fiber Type: Ib (Aα)
Adaptation: very slow adapting
Sensory Receptors of the Joint
- proprioceptive fibers in our joints that allows us to tell the angle and movement of joints
- help to determine the positional relationship of one body segment with another
- looks like and function like the tactile receptors in the skin
- the reason you can close your eyes and touch your nose with your finger without having to look where you arm is and so forth
-they are associ
Somatosensory Fiber/Axon Types
Largest and fastest is Type I or Aalpha: 13-20 um, 75-120 m/sec
II, Abeta: 6-12 um, 35-75 m/sec
III, Agamma: 1-5 um, 5-35 m/sec
IV, C: less than 1.5um, 0.5-2.0 m/sec
-was related based on speed of conduction or the size (reason for the different notation)
Somatosensory Receptors & Fiber Type
- muscle spindles: Ia/II, Aα/Aβ; Muscle length and velocity
- golgi tendon organ: Ib, Aα; Muscle tension
- joint: pacinian and ruffini: II, Aβ; Joint movement and angle
- Meissner’s corpuscles: II, Aβ; Stroking, fluttering
- Merkel disk: II, Aβ; Pressure, texture
- Pacinian corpuscle: II, Aβ; vibration
- Ruffini ending: II, Aβ; Skin stretch
- Hair-follicle: II/III, Aβ/Aδ; Stroking, fluttering
- Free nerve ending: III/IV, Aδ/C; pain, temperature, crude touch
- pretty much all of our tactile skin somatosensory fiber is associated with the same fiber type (Type II or Abeta)
ASCENDING Sensory Systems (this is Gondre-Lewis lecture!!!)
Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus:
- Discriminative Touch, Vibration, CONSCIOUS Proprioception
- Aβ fibers
- in our skins and muscles
- Crude Touch, Pain and Temperature
- Aδ and C fibers
- UNCONSCIOUS Proprioception
- Aalpha (really involved in refining movement)
Crude touch means it is difficult to localize.
First, Second, and third order neurons
What is the number one thing secondary neurons do?
-decussate at the midline
-neurons to the cerebellum DO NOT do that as they receive information from the same side (ipsilateral)
First Order Neuron (1°) (Primary Afferent Neuron)
-Cell bodies located in dorsal root ganglia, trigeminal ganglion, or mesencephalic nucleus
Second Order (2°) Neuron -Cell bodies located in ipsilateral, dorsal horn of spinal cord, ipsilateral medulla, or ipsilateral pons. Cross the midline to the contralateral side.
Third Order (3°) Neuron
-Cell bodies located in the contralateral VPL or VPM nucleus of the thalamus.
Project to the somatosensory regions of the cerebral cortex.
Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus Pathway vs Spinothalamic tract
Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus Pathway:
- First order neurons in the DRG send fibers through the gracile and cuneate fasciculus that will ascend to the medulla that have the cell bodies for the secondary neurons in the nucleus cuneatus or nucleus gracile; they will send fibers that will
- decussate as internal arcuate fiber to the contralateral side and the fibers will now be called the medial lemniscus
Spinothalamic tract
-same thing for primary afferent neurons found in the DRG and these will synapse as soon as they get into the SC and may travel one or two segments down or up (not like the dorsal column which travel all the way up to the medulla); secondary neurons decussates and goes to the VPL (ventroposterior lateral) nucleus in the thalamus which is holding our fine touch, pain, and temp information in the thalamus
Primary Afferent Neurons: Body
Proprioception, Fine Touch, Pain and Temperature: all located in the Dorsal Root Ganglion
Proprioceptor fibers- mesencephalic
1° Afferent Neurons: Face
-trigeminal ganglion hold the cell bodies of the primary afferent neurons for the face
as well as neurons for pain and temp in the face BUT for proprioception many cell bodies especially those of the phasic stretch receptors are found in the mesencephalic nucleus
Sensory Pathways: Fine TOUCH from Face
- the trigeminal ganglion cells body
- second order neuron in the principal sensory nucleus of the V nerve and that one decussates and travels up just medial to the medial lemniscus pathway
- third order neurons travel from the ventro-posterior medial (VPM) nucleus of the thalamus which will send fibers to middle somatosensory cortex
Sensory Pathways: Pain and Temp. from Face
trigmeinal ganglion=semilunar ganglion
will synapse in the spinal nucleus of trigeminal
General somatic nociceptors, thermoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors sensitive to crude touch and pressure from the face conduct signals to the brainstem over GSA fibers of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X. The afferent fibers involved are processes of monopolar neurons with cell bodies in the semilunar, geniculate, petrosal, and nodose ganglia, respectively. The central processes of these neurons enter the spinal tract of V, where they descend through the brainstem for a short distance before terminating in the SPINAL NUCLEUS OF V. Second-order neurons then cross over the opposite side of the brainstem at various levels to enter the ventral trigeminothalamic tract, where they ascend to the VPM of the thalamus. Finally, third-order neurons project to the “face” area of the cerebral cortex in areas 3, 1, and 2.
Sensory Pathways: Proprioception from Face
secondary neuron fibers go into the the Principal sensory nucleus of the thalamus which sends fibers crossing over to go to the Mesencephalic nucleus of V or through the spinocerebellar pathway???
The Somatosensory Cortex Has Three Major Divisions
-third order neurons go to the somatosensory cortex where we have integration of the information from other areas of the brain that impact the cortex to give us impact or meaning to us
Primary Somatosensory (SI) -in the postcentral gyrus
Secondary Somatosensory (SII) -superior bank of the lateral fissure
Posterior Parietal Association
-Broadmann’s area 5 and 7
The Sensory Homunculus
The primary somatosensory cortex is “topographically” organized.
The amount of cortex devoted to each body part is proportional to its level of sensory acuity.
-somatosensory cortex is arranged topographically
-somatosensory homunculus
so if we were to draw the body according to the amount of cortex dedication to processing info from the surfaces on our body
our brain thinks its much more important to process very accurately sensory stimulus that is impacting our lips, tongue, hands, and feet and not so much what is coming from the trunk of our body; sensory homunculus tells us about the sensory acuity in those areas of the body (density of receptors, size of receptive fields, densely packed areas, etc.)
Primary Somatosensory Cortex (SI)Broadmann’s Areas
Area 3a receives input from proprioceptors in muscles
Area 3b mostly receives cutaneous input from slowly and rapidly adapting receptors (tactile receptors)
Area 1 receives input from rapidly adapting cutaneous mechano-receptors (pacinian corpuscle)
Area 2 mostly receives input from proprioceptive of our joints and deep tissues.
Secondary Somatosensory Cortex (SII)
Innervated by neurons from SI (gets a lot of info from primary somatosensory cortex and projects to insula)
Projects to the insula cortex:
- Believed to be involved in
- Self-awareness
- Emotion (emotional context to touch) & Psychopathology
- Perception and Cognition
Insula innervates regions of the temporal lobe believed to be important for tactile memory.
Posterior Parietal Cortex Broadmann’s Areas 5 and 7
- this area is very important for integrating all of that tactile information
- this is the area that allows us to pick up something and know what it is without looking (just feeling its edges and touching it around)
should allow the boy to pull out his favorite toy out of the bag without looking or someone drawing a 3 on your hand and you are aware even though you are not looking
Critical for higher order processing of somatosensory information.
The circuitry necessary for discriminative somesthesis must be sent to the posterior parietal association cortex for the meaning of the stimulus to be appreciated.
Stereognosis and graphesthesia require an intact posterior parietal cortex and are abolished without it, even if SI cortex is intact.
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP)
- are electrical potentials that can be recorded from the surface of your skin that is generated from the APs that are traveling in those neurons
- used by surgeons while they are doing an operation so they make sure they are not affecting any part of the somatosensory system; they want to see that the ascending conduction is normal and is there
Electrical responses to stimulation of peripheral nerves recorded over limbs, spine and scalp
Used to evaluate the integrity of the somatosensory pathways
Recordings obtained from all levels of the sensory system:
- Peripheral nerve
- Spinal cord
- Cortex
in the past we were measuring the integrity of the pathways (Seeing if the delay is normal or the amplitudes are normal)
Somatosensory system (Touch) is Crucial for Development
Consequences of absence of significant touch experience early in life:
- Depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Skin ailment
- Immune dysfunction
Babies that grew up in orphanages (without touch in early periods of life) almost all of them ended up suffering from a lot of emotional and skin problems (depression, schizophrenia, immune dysfunction, etc.). Collaterals of the somatosensory system are important for immune system and psychological development.