Physiology of Exercise and CPX Testing Flashcards
Regarding cardiovascular changes with exercise (true or false):
Stroke volume increases during exercise as a result of increased end-diastolic volume
Regarding cardiovascular changes with exercise (true or false):
The maximum stroke volume is 200 ml/beat
False. Maximum 110–115 ml/beat.
Regarding cardiovascular changes with exercise (true or false):
The cardiac output whilst jogging is primarily driven by increasing heart rate and stroke volume
Regarding cardiovascular changes with exercise (true or false):
Trained athletes significantly increase their CO by their ability to increase their heart rate
False. Stroke volume is increased by hypertrophy of the myocardium.
Regarding cardiovascular changes with exercise (true or false):
Cardiovascular function is the factor that limits delivery of oxygen to the tissues
Regarding energy sources for exercise (true or false):
Glucose is the immediate energy source (1–2 seconds)
False. ATP is the immediate source as is the phosphocreatine and adenylate cyclase systems.
Regarding energy sources for exercise (true or false):
Each mol of ATP releases 7.3 kcal
Regarding energy sources for exercise (true or false):
If pyruvate builds up due to a lack of oxygen, lactic acid is produced
Regarding energy sources for exercise (true or false):
Glycolysis releases 28 mol of ATP
False. Glycolysis releases 39 mol of ATP.
Regarding energy sources for exercise (true or false):
Protein metabolism contributes as an intermediate energy source
False. Protein is only used in endurance sports or during starvation.
Regarding exercise physiology (true or false):
Aerobic glycolysis is the immediate fuel source
False. ATP is the immediate fuel source.
Regarding exercise physiology (true or false):
The lactate threshold can be used as a marker of exercise intensity
Regarding exercise physiology (true or false):
The control of CVS changes is mediated by the medulla oblongata
Regarding exercise physiology (true or false):
The mean arterial BP reduces during exercise due to vasodilatory mechanisms
False. The mean arterial BP increases during exercise.
Regarding exercise physiology (true or false):
Vasodilatory metabolites act in pre-capillary sphincters
Regarding the respiratory changes during exercise (true or false):
The O2 deficit is at the beginning of exercise and suggests that anaerobic metabolism contributes to total ATP production
Regarding the respiratory changes during exercise (true or false):
Ventilatory capacity reaches its maximum during high-intensity exercise
False. Ventilatory capacity never reaches its maximum during high-intensity exercise.
Regarding the respiratory changes during exercise (true or false):
The post-exercise oxygen consumption (PEOC) is only to reduce lactate levels to normal
False. PEOC also resynthesises stored phosphocreatine, replaces O2 stores and removes lactate.
Regarding the respiratory changes during exercise (true or false):
The PaO2 drops significantly at the beginning of exercise and this increases pulmonary ventilation
False. Arterial (PaO2) is maintained at a constant level during exercise.
Regarding the respiratory changes during exercise (true or false):
VO2 max is limited mainly by extraction of O2 by the muscles
False. The CVS/RS systems limit the VO2 max.