Physiology in Pregnancy Flashcards
What are some of the general changes that occur during pregnancy?
- Mechanical changes: Relaxin causes relaxation of the ligaments in the pelvis and softens and widens the cervix
- Reflux: because of relaxation of sphincters
- Fatigue – particularly early pregnancy
- Oedema because in 3rd trimester they are unable to excrete sodium as effectively
- Thyroid: iodine deficiency, if already deficient there will be goitre
- General state of immunosuppresion
- Weight gain - 2kg in 1st tri, 5kg in both 2nd and 3rd trimesters. (12kg is about normal total gain)
What are the breast changes in pregnancy?
- Increased size and vascularity – warm tense and tender
- Increased pigmentation of the areola and nipple
- Secondary areola appears
- Montgomery tubercules appear on the areola
- Colostrum like fluid can be expressed from the end of the 3rd month
What are some of the CVS changes in pregnancy?
- Significant changes during 1st trimester
- Increased circulating blood volume -50-70% of non pregnant
- Systemic vascular resistance falls – maximal at 20-32 wks
- Increased blood flow
- Increased cardiac output (40%), stroke volume increases (SVxHR= CO)
- Increased heart rate
- In supine position – 25%reduction in cardiac output
- Increased O2 consumption
Why if lying flat will you get a 25% reduced in cardiac output?
The IVC is compressed by the enlarged fetus
How should CPR change when with a pregnant woman?
Put her in left lateral position – need to use pillows of jumper if you are outwith hospital

Why do women appear to have a glow when they are pregnant? What is the role of the epidural and what are the risks?
increased blood flow, for the same reason they are susceptible to nose bleeds (purely physiological).
Pain removal BUT also increases BP but increasing peripheral vasodilation
What are the interpartum (during pregnancy) CVS changes?
- Autotransfusion of contractions
- Pain - causing increased catecholamines
- CO increases by 10% in labour and by 80% in 1st post delivery hr
What are the postpartum (post pregnancy) changes?
- CVS should return to normal by 3mths
- Blood volume decreases by 10% 3 days post delivery
- BP initially falls then physiological increases again days 3-7(pre preg levels by 6 wks)
- SVR increase over first 2 wks to 30% above delivery levels
- HR returns to pre preg over 2 weeks
- CO increases by up to 80% 1st hr post delivery then continues to fall over the next 24 weeks
What are the respiratory changes during pregnancy?
- Significant increase in oxygen demand (20%)
- 40-50% increase in minute ventilation
- Increased respiratory rate
- Increased tidal volume
- Decreased functional residual capacity
- PEFR and FEV1 unchanged
- PCO2 ↓
Asthmatics do not really change during pregnancy – because of endogenous steroids produced
Lungs are squashed in pregnancy
75% women suffer SOB – majority is purely physiological
What are the changes in the renal system due to pregnancy?
- R kidney tends to become dilated: because uterus tends to push this way
- Increased renal plasma flow – 60-80% by end of second trimester
- GFR ↑ and creatinine clearance increases by up to 50%
- Protein excretion increased
- 80% have oedema
- More prone to UTIs because of shortening of urethra
- Gestational diabetes (this is screened for)
- Glycosuria common
- Urate ↑ with increasing gestation
- Urea ↓, creatinine ↓
What are the haematological changes in pregnancy?
- Physiological anaemia – plasma volume increases and haem cannot catch up, platelets drop because of dilution
- Iron deficiency anaemia – iron goes to fetus, so iron need is 3x
- Folic acid: given to reduce neural tube defects (10-20x increase requirement)
- WCC increases
- Hypercoagulable
What happens to Hg, WCC, platelets in pregnancy?
- Hg - decreases
- WCC - increases
- platelets - decrease/stay same
What happens to CRP, ESR, Urea, Creatinine, Urate?
- CRP: stays same
- ESR: Increase
- Urea/Creatinine: decreases
- Urate: decreases (but increases with gestation)
What happens to 24hr protein, total protein, albumin?
- 24hr protein: increased
- Total protein: decreased
- Albumin: decreased
What happens to AST/ALT/GGT, Alk Phos?
- AST/ALT/GGT: decrease/stays the same
- Alk Phos: Increases a lot [placenta produces]
What happens to bile acids/d dimer?
- Bile acids: stay the same
- D dimer: increased