Physiology Flashcards
sources of estrogen
ovary –>17B-estradiol placenta –> estriol adipose –> estrone
potency of estrogen types
estradiol > estrone > estriol
function of estrogen
-development of genatalia, breast, and female fat distribution -growth of follicle, endometrial proliferation, and myometrial excitability -upregulation of estrogen, LH, and progesterone receptors; feedback inhibition on LH and FSH; then LH surge; stimulation of prolactin secretion -increases transport proteins, SHBG; increases HDL and decreases LDL
in pregnancy, what happens to estradiol, estrone, and estriol
estradiol and estrone are increased by 50-fold estriol increases by 1000fold –> indicator of fetal well being
estrogen receptors are expressed in ______ and translocate to________
the cytoplasm; the nucleus when bound by ligand
sources of progesterone
corpus luteum, placenta, adrenal cortex, testes
function of progesterone?
- stimulates endometrial secretions and spiral artery development
- pregnancy maintenance
- decreased myometrial excitability
- production of thick cervical mucus (inhibits sperm entry into the uterus)
- increases body T
- inhibits gonadotropins (LH FSH)
- uterine SM relaxation
- decreased estrogen receptor expressivity
- prevents endometrial hyperplasia
After delivery, pregesterone _______; why?
this disinhibits prolactin and allows lactation
increased progesterone is indicative of?
progesterone –>
prolactin –>
tanner stages of sexual development
each category can have separate stages
ex: stage 2 genatalia and stage 3 pubic hair
length of follicular phase vs luteal phase of menstruation
follicular varies in length
luteal is usually 14 days
decrease in progesterone leads to decreased…
estrogen stimulates…
progesterone maintains…
estrogen –> endometrial proliferation
prog –> endometrium to support implantation
>35 day cycle
<21 day cycle
intermenstrual bleeding
frequent but irregular menstruation