Physiology Flashcards
- ) Total body water:
- Total body water? RBC volume? Overall?
- CO? Water? Sodium? RAAS?
- ANP/BNP? Causes? (2) - ) Cardiac: HR? CO? SCR? Due to? Avoid? PAP/MAP? Wedge pressure?
- Oncotic pressure? Plasma volume? Take BP how?
- Regional BF: Brain/liver? Breast/Skin/Uterus? Kidneys?
- Venous pressure? Leads to? (3)
- Valsalva does what? (3)
- ) Increases by 2L; Increases; Hemodilution
- Increases; Increases more than sodium; Increases
- Increases; vasodilation to oppose RAAS - ) Increases; Increases; Decreases; Progesterone increases NO; vasodilators; Down; Same
- Decreases; increases; Sitting
- Same; more; much more
- Increases; Edema; varicose; hemmerhoids
- Increase intathroacic pressure; less venous return (preload); high SVR (afterload); increases Sympathetics to maintain CO
- ) Pulm: RR? VC? Ins. Cap? TV? IRV? FRC/ERV/RV/TLC? Minute vent? FEV1/FVC?
- Respiratory? Metabolic? Ph? PO2? PCO2?HCO3-?
- Progesterone effects what? Leads to?
- Chest diameter? Diaphragm? Breathing?
- Dyspnea? Asthmatics? - ) Renal: Hydronephrosis common on what side?
- Bladder capacity? GFR? CrCL? GFR:RPF? BUN/CR?
- Pts. with chronic renal issues? Increase risk for?
- ) No change; no change; Up; Way up; down; up; no change
- Alkalosis; MA; high; high; low; low
- CO2 sensor in resp. center; hypervent
- Bigger; up; more diaphragmatic; less costal
- Common complaint; stay on meds - ) Right side
- Decreases; Up; Up; Down; Down
- Can worsen it; pre eclampsia
- ) Heme: Thrombo? Leukocytes?
- DVT side? Risk of hemorrhage? C? S? 11/13?
- Treatment early pregnancy? 36 weeks? - ) GI: Saliva? Stomach motility? GERD? PUD?
- Effect of BHCG? Progesterone? Liver enzymes? - ) Derm: Hyperpigment due to? Stria gravidarum?
- ) Low; high (Th2, low NK, low TH1)
- Right; Down; same; down; down
- LMW Heparin; Unfractionated - ) More; down; more; less
- Nausea; Decrease motility; can increase - ) HCG stim melanocytes; stretch marks
- Insulin sensitivty early? Later?
- Hormones that increase IR? (3)
- Gestation weight with high glucose?
- Baby with T1DM? Why?
- Erbs Palsy?
- TSH? What increase TBG? TT4/3? Fetus T4?
- Mom iodine consumption? Hyperthyroid feeling from?
- Hypothyroid issues? (3)
- Hyperthyroid issues? (3)
- What is post partum thyroiditis?
- Increase; Decrease
- Increases
- Small; vascular issues
- C5-C6; MC, Suprascapular, Axillary
- Slight decrease; estrogen; Increases; mom for 1st trimester
- Increase; estrogen
- Neuro delay; preeclampsia; preterm
- Fetal tacky; IUGR; Prematurity
- Hyper to hypo
- Renal: decrease osmo stat for? Leads to?
- Role of syncytiotropho? To who?
1. ) HCG: Maintains what? a same as? (3) B? Regulates what invasion? Cyo to? Apop of? TSH activity? Leydig? Relaxin?
2. ) HPL: Metabolic adjustments to? Main role?
3. ) HPGH: Contributes to? Secreted how? Cross placenta?
4. ) CRH: + role on?
5. ) Progesterone: Maintain what? Dependent on? Dicidua? TH2? SM effect? What breast effect? SVR? Milk?
6. ) Estrogen: Increases placental what? Clotting factors? Uterine BF? Pit size? Blood volume? TGs?
- Lower osmo stat for vasopressin; hyponatremia
- Hormone powerhouse; mom»»baby
1. ) corpus luteum; LH, FSH, TSH; LH; tropho; syncytio; endo T cells; Produce tesosterone; lower SVR/ Increase GFR
2. ) Deliver nutrients to baby; lactogen
3. ) IR; tonically; no
4. ) Parturitition
5. ) Pregnancy; LDLR’s; formation; Increases; relaxant; Lobular development; Lower; inhibits secretion
6. ) Aromatase; Increase all