Physiology 2.5.14 GI Vomit and Defecation Flashcards
Net aboral movements of contents (how uch enteres and leaves)
500-600cc enter/day
150 cc leave
Waht are the muscular layers of the large intestine
Inner circular laer with outer longitudinal layer
how are outer longtifuindal layers arranged
as three bands caleld taeniea coli
They run to rectum
Longitudinal layers from rectum to anus?
Internal anal sphinter!
it is continous
Circular muscle thickens at anal canal to beocme the internal anal sphincber
External anal sphcinter
Overlapping and goign distal to internal anal sphincter are layer sof striated msucle which make up external anal sphincter
cotractions of circular muscle divide colon into segments called haustra
Reform elsewhere on colon (haustrations)
PS innervation of 1st half of colon
by vagus
PS innervatio nof caudal half of colon
Pelvic nerve PS pereganglioinc fiber
Innervation of rectum and anal canal
Sympathetic fibers form Hypogastric Plexus
INnervation of external anal sphincter
Somatic fibers of Pudendal Nerves
What are examples of Osmotic mechanisms of diarrhea
Lactose intolerance sea water MgSO4 Steratorrhea Post-prandial dumping syndrome
What are secretory causes of diarrhea
Bacterial toxin
Cholear (cAMP mediated Cl- secretino)
Enteropathic E. coli (Increase intracellular concentration)
What are malabsorptive cuases of Diarreha
Bile acid malabosrption
Gluten enteropahty (Celiac Disease)
Cholelithiasis (gall stones)
exudative causes of diarreha
invasive organisms
Salmonella, amoeba histolytica, with inflammation and blood loss
Influenzea, Crohn’s Disease (ileitis)
Ulcerative colitis
Excess motor activity cuases of diarreha
Irritable Bowel
bacterial action on unabsorbed long-chain FA
Results of Chroniic Diarrhea (6)
- Dehydration
- Hypokalemia
- Acidosis (loss of HCO3-)
- Loss of water soluble vitabmins
- Possible loss of Ca2+
6 Possible loss of fat soluble vitamins
What is Hirschprung’s Disease/Megacolon, denervation
Severe constipation is seen in concentinal megacolon
Absencse of ENS in teh internal anal sphcinger and often rectum
Denervated are has increased tone
Colon proximal to diseased area becomes grossly distended
What is Irritable colon syndeome,
Increased/decreased signmoidal segmentation
Common in audlts
Abdominal pain is couple with either constipation or dirrhea
Stress produces increased sigmoidal segmentation and constipation in some people
Others, decreased sigmoidal segmenation and diarrhea
How does stress induce irritable colon syndrome
Stress produces increased sigmoidal segmentation and constipation in some people, in others, decreased sigmoidal segmentation and dirrhea
What is the mechanism of Diverticula?
in older adults, outpoucing of the mucosa thorugh the uscular wall fo teh colon can develop. These are called diverticular and may be due to chornic high intraluminal pressure
What are the phases of vomiting
- Nausea
- Sympathetic discharge
- Unuusal motility
- Retching
- Stop respriation (valsalva aneuoer with Explusion/emesis)
What is the driving force for expulsion
Contraction fo the abdominal wall and diaphragm skeletal muscles