Physiology 1.30.13 Intestinal Absorption Flashcards
What part of GI tract is food absobed?
Small Intestine
what is Celiac Spprue :
problems with absoprtion of nutrients with patients
Sensitive to gluten –> increase destructino of SA
Susspetivele to destuction of cell divison
How often is epithelium changed
changed every 5-7 days
What happened to man that was poisoned with Polonium?
Destroyed/damaged epithelial cell–> died
What is the stored form of animal carbs called? What are its branches like?
alpha1,4, and alpha 1,6
Higlhly branched
What is vegetable form of stored carbs?
Starch! 45-60% of dietery CHO
What are types of vegetbal carbe
Amylose (alpha 1,4) linear
Amylopectin alpha 1.4 and alpha 1.6
How are sugars linked in Amylose
Alpha 1,4
How is Amylopectin linked
Alpha 1,4; alpha 1.6
Not as much alpha 1,6 linkages as glycogen
What two sugars make up Sucrose
Glucose and Fructose
What two sugars make up Lactose
Glucose and galactose
Where can fructose be found?
In Fruit
What is role of amylase? What organs secrete amylase
Amylase is secreted as an active enzyme
It is released from Mouth, and released during hewing to break down carbs (Salivary Amylase)- secretion from exocrine pancreatic acinar cells
It is also secreted by PANCREASE (pancreatic amylase) and is stimulated by CCK
What hormone stimulates the release of pancreatic amylase
Secretion from exocrine pancreatic acinar cell
What can alpha amylase cut??? is it an exoenzyme or endoenzyme
Glucose is never the product of amylase activity
Can alpha amyloase break terminal alpha 1,4 linkages?
Can alpha amylase reak down adjacent 1,4 linkages
Can alpha amylase break down brnaching 1.6 linakges
Can alpha-amylase breakdown terminal alpha-1,4 linkages?
What is cellulose
Major polysachaide in plants
What is the linkage of Cellulose
Beta-1,4 linkages
Can amylose breakdown beta 1,4 linakes? why or why not?
NO! B/c amylase can’t break down beta linakges
How is CHO digestion completed?
by membrane bound enzymes
breaks down lactose –> glucose + Galactose
Can break down TERMINAL alpha-1,4 linakges
Breaks down alpha-dextrins –> Glucose
Will generate single glucose molecule
Breaks down Sucrose –> Glucose + Fructose
Breaks down alpha-dextrins –> Glucose (
Only enzyme to breakdown alpha 1,6 linkagesW
what is the only enzyme that breaks down alpha-1,6 enzymes
Lactose Intolerance
Nearly all infants and children are able to digest lactose
When does lactase activity decrease
after weaning (time course dependent on hereditary factors)
What causes lactase deficiency
it is autosomal recessive (3% Danes are LI
97% Thais are LI)
therefore thais probably have less milk in diet
What happens when lactose is ingested bu there is no lactase activity (or activity is deficinet)
Lactase-deficient individuals hyrolyze less lactose to glucose
bacteria product form lactsoe breakdown –> Hydorgen
Lactase goes into Large Intestine, not absorbed by SI
Colonic bacteria metabolize lactose to yield H2