Physiology Flashcards
- Primary oocyte meiosis
- 46->23 haploid cell and polar body
- Now a secondary oocyte
- Sperm enter fallopian tube via vagina and uterus
- Sperm penetrates corona radiata and zona pellucida to fertilise the egg
- 23-> 46, then 46->23 and a second polar body
Blastocyst formation
• 23+23-> zygote
• Cell divides rapidly to form morula
• Forms blastocyst with inner cell mass (embroyblast), blastocele, trophoblast
Gradually loses corona radiata and zona pellucida
- Blastocysts arrives at uterus
- Blastocyst reaches endometrium 8-10days after ovulation
- Trophoblast adheres to stroma of endometrium
- Outer layer of trophoblast is syncytiotrophoblast mixed with stroma of endometrium
- Stroma-> decidua to provide nutrients to trophoblast
- When blastocyt implants in endometrium, syncytiotrohphoblast produces HCG
- HCG: CL-> O/P
Development of embryo
- Blastocyst differentiates a week after fertilisation
- Embryoblast cells split into yolk sac and amniotic carrier
- Embryonic disc sits between yolk sac and amniotic cavity
- Embryonic disc forms foetus
- Chorion surrounds this complex; cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast
When does fetal heart form and start to beat
6 weeks
Lacunae formation
○ Trophoblast invades endometrium
○ Signals sent to spiral arteries, reducing their vascular resistance and making them more fragile
○ Arteries break down, leaving lacunae (lakes)
○ Maternal blood flows from uterine arteries into lacunae, and back out through uterine veins
○ Lacunae form at 20 weeks gestation
○ Lacunae surround chorionic villi, separated by placental membrane, O2, CO2 diffuses across
Pre-eclampsia: high vascular resistance in spiral arteries, sharp rise in maternal blood pressure
Placenta function
Respiration Nutrition Excretion HCG Oestrogen Progesterone Immunity
Placenta respiration
○ Oxygen source for foetus, affinity
○ CO2, H, HCO3, lactic acid, acid-base balance
Placenta nutrition
○ Glucose
○ Vitamins and minerals
○ Harmful substances: medications, alcohol, caffeine, cigarette smoke
Placenta excretion
○ Urea and creatinine
○ Act as kidneys
Placenta hCG
○ Syncytiotrophoblast produces HCG
○ Levels increase in early pregnancy, plateau at 10 weeks
○ HCG maintains corpus luteum until placenta can take over O/P production
○ HCG can cause nausea/vomiting
○ Higher levels of hCG occur with multiple pregnancy and molar pregnancy
Placenta oestrogen
○ ○ Softens tissues and makes them more flexible
○ Oestrogen allows muscles and ligaments of uterus and pelvis to expand
○ Cervix becomes soft and ready for birth
○ Enlarges and prepares breasts and nipples for breastfeeding
Placenta progesterone
○ Placenta takes over by 5 weeks gestation
○ Progesterone maintains pregnancy
○ It relaxes uterine muscles, preventing contraction and labour
○ Maintains endometrium
○ Causes side effects by relaxing other muscles: LOS heartburn, bowel constipation, blood vessels hypotension, headaches and skin flushing
○ Raises body temperature between 0.5-1degree
Placenta immunity
○ Antibodies transfer across the placenta to fetus during pregnancy
Cardiovascular changes in pregnancy
○ Increased blood volume ○ Increased plasma volume ○ High CO ○ Decreased vascular resistance ○ Low BP ○ Vasodilation ○ Varicose veins