Obstetric emergencies Flashcards
Shoulder dystocia pathophysiology
Shoulder dystocia occurs when there is impaction of the anterior fetal shoulder behind the maternal pubic symphysis, or impaction of the posterior shoulder on the sacral promontory.
A delay in delivery of the fetal shoulders leads to hypoxia in the fetus, proportional to the time delay to complete delivery.
Shoulders lie in anterior-posterior position
Pre-labour risk factors for shoulder dystocia
Previous shoulder dystocia – increases recurrence risk by x10
Macrosomia – fetal weight above >4.5kg. However 48% happen in babies weighing <4kg.
Diabetes – increases risk by x2-4 (due to increased risk of macrosomia – baby’s weight distribution is disproportionately bigger in abdomen compared to head)
Maternal BMI > 30
Induction of labour
Intrapartum risk factors for shoulder dystocia
Prolonged 1st stage of labour
Secondary arrest (when there is initially good progress in labour and then progress stops, usually due to malposition of the baby)
Prolonged second stage of labour (time whilst fully dilated and pushing)
Augmentation of labour with oxytocin
Assisted vaginal delivery (e.g forceps or ventouse)
Clinical features of shoulder dystocia
Delay in delivery of the shoulders following the head during a vaginal delivery with the next contraction after using normal traction.
Difficulty in delivery of the fetal head or chin.
Failure of restitution – the fetal remains in the occipital-anterior position after delivery by extension and therefore does not ‘turn to look to the side’.
‘Turtle Neck‘ sign – the fetal head retracts slightly back into the pelvis, so that the neck is no longer visible, akin to a turtle retreated into its shell.
Management of shoulder dystocia
call for help
stop pushing
avoid downwards traction on fetal head
consider episiotomy
first line manoeuvres for shoulder dystocia
McRobers manoeuvre
Suprapubic pressure
mcrobers manoeuvre
hyperflex maternal hips (knees to chest position) and tell the patient to stop pushing.
This widens the pelvic outlet by flattening the sacral promontory and increasing the lumbosacral angle.
This single manoeuvre has a success rate of about 90% and is even higher when combined with ‘suprapubic pressure’, (see below).
suprapubic pressure
applied in either a sustained or rocking fashion to apply pressure behind the anterior shoulder to disimpact it from underneath the maternal symphysis.
second line manoeuvres for shoulder dystocia
posterior arm
internal rotation
posterior arm
insert hand posteriorly into sacral hollow and grasp posterior arm to deliver
internal rotation
apply pressure simultaneously in front of one shoulder and behind the other to move baby 180 degrees or into an oblique position.
further manoeuvers for shoulder dystocia
cleidotomy- fracturing the fetal clavicle
symphysiotomy- cutting pubic symphysis
zavenelli- returning fetal head to pelvis for delivery of baby via c section
post-delivery for shoulder dystocia
Active management of third stage
PR examination to exclude 3rd degree tear
Debrief with mother and partner
physiotherapist review before discharge: pelvic floor, musculoskeletal pain and temporary nerve damage
paediatric review is recommended: brachial plexus injury, humeral fracture, hypoxic brain injury
complications of shoulder dystocia
maternal: 3rd or 4th degree tears, PPH
fetal: humerus or clavicle fracture, brachial plexus injury, hypoxic brain injury
cord prolapse types
Occult (incomplete) cord prolapse – the umbilical cord descends alongside the presenting part, but not beyond it.
Overt (complete) cord prolapse – the umbilical cord descends past the presenting part and is lower than the presenting part in the pelvis.
Cord presentation – the presence of the umbilical cord between the presenting part and the cervix. This can occur with or without intact membranes.