Physiological Changes of Pregnancy Flashcards
> > 1 pregnancy = 9 calendar months=10 lunar months = 280 days
> > First Trimester– from LMP through week 13
> > Second Trimester– week 14 through 26
«Third Trimester– week 27 through 40
The # of weeks since the 1st day of LMP
> > Birth the occurs before the 20th week of gestation
- Also referred to as “Termination Pregnancy”
The normal duration of pregnancy
> > 37-42 weeks
The time between conception and the onset of labor.
> > AKA Prenatal
The time from the onset of true labor until the birth of the placenta.
The time from the birth of the placenta until the woman’s body returns to pre-pregnant condition.
Pre-term of Premature Labor
Labor that occurs after 20 weeks, BUT before 37 weeks
Post-term of Post-term Labor
Labor that occurs after 42 weeks
Infants born death after 20 weeks gestation.
> Capacity to live outside the uterus
About 22 to 24 weeks gestation
Fetal weight > 500 grams
Funic Souffle
> A sound made by blood rushing through the umbilical vessels
> Synchronous with the fetal heart rate
Uterine Souffle
> Sound made by blood in the uterine arteries
> Synchronous with the maternal heart rate
Terms of Pregnancy
Any pregnancy, regardless of duration
Never been pregnant
Pregnant for the first time
In her second or subsequent pregnancy
More Terms
> Para
– Birth after 20 weeks, regardless of outcome
– Does not count infants, just births
> Nullipara
– No births after 20 weeks gestation
> Primipara
– One birth at more than 20 weeks gestation
> Multipara
– More than one birth after 20 weeks gestation
Sami Jo is pregnant for the second time. She is 22 weeks pregnant. Her first pregnancy ended at 19 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. She would be termed a:
Billi Jean has just delivered her first baby at 38 weeks gestation. The OB nurse will refer to her as a:
of Infants
Two methods used for documenting Gravida/Para
> Gravida/ Para/ Ab
G = Gravida
T = Term
P = Preterm
A = Abortion
L = Living Child (children)
Pregnancy Test
> Serum or Urine tests:
– Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone
—Earliest biochemical marker for pregnancy
> Pregnancy tests are based on the recognition of hCG or a beta subunit of hCG
> > Production of the beta subunit begins as early as the day of implantation
> > Can be detected as early as 7–10 days after conception
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Produced by the products of conception until
- placenta is developed 12-14 wks
Preserves the function of the ovarian corpus luteum
Ensures a continued supply of estrogen and progesterone (before the placenta can begin production of estrogen & progesterone)
Miscarriage occurs if the corpus luteum stops functioning before the placenta can begin production of estrogen and progesterone
HCG levels
> The peak between 60–70 days after conception
> Higher than normal levels of hCG may be seen with:
> > Hydatidiform Mole (Molar) Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
Abnormal gestation (Down Syndrome)
Multiple gestation
> An abnormally slow increase or a decrease in hCG may indicate an impending miscarriage
Hormones during pregnancy
Ovulation stops during pregnancy
Corpus luteum continues to produce estrogen and progesterone
What is the corpus luteum?
As the placenta takes over secreting the hormones, the corpus luteum will begin to regress and atrophy by the middle of the pregnancy.
The uterus grows in size to accommodate the growing fetus
Weight of the uterus grows from 60 grams (0.13lbs) to 1100 grams (2.4lbs)
The capacity of the uterus grows from holding about 10 ml to about 1500 ml
Uterus (cont)
Before pregnancy:
> Uterus measures 7.5 x 5 x 2.5 cm
At the end of the pregnancy:
> Uterus measures 28 x 23 x 21 cm
Uterus (more)
12 weeks - 14 weeks of gestation:
Palpated right above the symphysis pubis
Size of a grapefruit
20 - 24 weeks gestation:
The uterus is about the level of the umbilicus
36 weeks gestation
Touches xiphoid process
38–40 weeks gestation (approximately)
> Lightening
> > Height drops as the fetus settles into the pelvis
> > Usually felt about two weeks before the term for primigravida pts
> > May not occur until the morning of the birth for multiparas.
Uterine Blood Flow
Increases during pregnancy to meet the requirement of the placenta
Before pregnancy:
Uterine blood flow is the rate of
15–20 ml/min
End of pregnancy:
500–750 ml/min
Hegar’s sign
It occurs during the first trimester
Softening of the isthmus of the uterus
Area between the cervix and the body of the uterus
Feels as thin as tissue paper
The bimanual exam will reveal Hegar’s sign
*Softening of the lower uterine segment