Ch1- Intro to Maternal/Newborn Nursing Flashcards
Maternity Nursing
Refers to the care of women during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, as well as the care of infants for 4 weeks following childbirth
Maternal Health Care Team
Obstetrician/ Pediatrician
Certified Nurse Midwife
Nurse Practitioner (Neonatal…)
Lactation Consultant
Childbirth Educator…
Family-Centered Care
> Family-Centered Care
Maternity Nurses also care for the fathers, significant others, families….
> Emphasis is on the family and the family’s choices about the birth experience.
> Partners are encouraged to be active participants
> Siblings are encouraged to visit the new member of the family
Family will be making choices about?
Place of birth
Hospital, Birthing Center, Home…
The person delivering the baby
Obstetrician, CNM, Lay midwife…
The birth experience
Analgesia, anesthesia, the position of birth.
Issues to Consider in Maternal Nursing
Access to Healthcare
Healthcare Disparities
Childbirth Practices
Trends in Fertility and Birthrate
Trends in Low Birth Rate and Preterm Births
Trends in Maternal and Infant Mortality
Legal Issues/Ethical Issues
Vulnerable Populations
Access to Health Care
> Lack of access can be due to:
-Lack of health insurance
47 million (15.8%) of the population lack health insurance
-Medicaid is the most prevalent form of insurance for pregnant women
-Lack of healthcare providers who will care for Medicaid patients
-Lack of transportation
-Cultural and family influences
Health Disparities
> Significant disparities exist in morbidity and mortality rates among women and children from different ethnicities/cultures
> Greater number of infant and maternal mortality rates, more birth defects, more sexually transmitted diseases among women who are?
> African American, Native American, Hispanic, Alaska Natives, and Asians/Pacific Islanders when compared to Caucasians
Prenatal Care
Native American, African American & Hispanic women are more than twice as likely to seek prenatal care in the third trimester, than Caucasian women.
Childbirth Practices
> Prenatal Care
> Preventative Care
- Promotes healthier pregnancies and better outcomes.
- Early prenatal care will:
>Promote better pregnancy outcomes.
>Provide early risk assessment
>Promote healthy maternal behaviors.
Childbirth Practices
Who attends more births? Physicians or midwives?
Where are women giving birth?
More Vaginal births or Cesarean sections?
Infant and Maternal Mortality
> Infant Mortality
>Number of deaths of infants younger than 1
year of age per 1000 live births
> Maternal Mortality
>Number of maternal deaths from complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the first 42 days after termination of the pregnancy per 100,000 live births
> > There are 18.5 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the U.S., up from 12.4 deaths per 100,000 births in 1990
Contributing Factors to Infant Mortality
Limited maternal education
Young maternal age
Unmarried status
Lack of prenatal care
Poor nutrition
Alcohol use
Maternal chronic health issues
Morbidity & Mortality
> The risk of morbidity & mortality increases for LBW, VLBW, and Preterm newborns.
> Contributing factors include:
>Cigarette Smoking
>Premature births
>Multiple births
>Older age at childbearing
Trends in Low Birth Weight, Very Low Birth Weight and Preterm Births
> LBW Infants
>Weigh less than 2500grams (5lb, 8oz)
>In 2015, the incidence was 8.07 per 1000
> VLBW Infants
>Very Low Birth Weight Infants
>Weigh less than 1500grams (3.3lb)
> Preterm Birth
>In 2015, the incidence was 9.63%
>This is very costly to the healthcare system!
Vulnerable Populations in the Community
What makes each of the following groups of women vulnerable in Maternal Nursing?
Adolescent Girls?
Women in Poverty?
Women with low literacy?
Homeless women?
Incarcerated women?
Women who reside in rural areas?