Physics Term 3 Flashcards
Boyle’s Law
The pressure if a fixed amunt of gas is inversely proportional to the volume it occupies at constant temperature
Temp of gas
average kinetic energy of particles
pressure of gas
number of collisions of the gas particles with each other and the container they are in
EM induction
the production of an EMF across an electrical conductor in a changing magnetic field
Faraday’s law
the emf induced in a coil is directly prop. to the rate of change of magnetic flux
Lenz’s law
induced current will flow in a direction so as to set up a magnetic field to oppose the change in magnetic flux
the energy provided by a battery per unit charge flowing through it
the rate of flow of charge
the ratio of the potential difference across a resistor to the current in the resistor
internal resistance
the resistance withn a battery when current is flowing which cause a decrease in the pot. diff. the battery can supply to the external circuit
ohm’s law
the pot. diff. across a conductor is directly proportional to the current in the conductor at constant temp
arrhenius acid
produces hydrogen ions when dissolved in water
arrhenius base
produces hyroxide ions when dissolved in water
bronsted acid
acid is a proton donor
strong acid
ionises completely in water to form a high concentration of hydronium ions
strong base
dissociates completely to form a high concetration of hyroxide ions
substance that can act either as an acid or a base
reaction of a salt with water
equivalence point
point of a titration at which the acid and base have completely reacted with each other
point of a titration where the indicator changes colour
pH scale
scale 0-14 to express acidity or alkalinity of a solution
auto ionistaion
the reaction of water with itslf to form H30 and OH ions