History P1 Flashcards
positive breeding of people regarded as superior and negative breeding of those regarded as inferior due to having undesirable traits which can be inherited (Improve the racial stock of humans through selective breeding)
an attempt to kill specific national, ethnic, racial or religious groups
information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
a ranked order with the best in the top position
surgery which makes it impossible to have children
penal colony
a place where people convicted of crimes were sent
a state in which the governemment has total poweer with no opposition allowed
racial suicide
the extinction of a racial or ethnic population that occurs when the birthrate falls below the death rate through the deliberate restriction of reproduction (China one child policy)
racial decay
outside factors result in the birth rate dropping below the death rate of a particular race (forbearance encouraged for blacks in 1930s America)rac
social darwinism
the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better and that weaker races will die out because of natural selection.
anti miscegenation
prohibition of marriage between people who are considered to be members of different races.
dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries
the idea that one race is better than another nd that is is justifiable to treat people differently according to race
pseudo scientific racism
false ideas used to try and prove that one group of people was superior to the other
absorption and assimilation
the incorporation of half caste children into white australian society
stolen generation
Aboriginal children who were forcibly removed from their parents by the Australian authorities