Physics Glossary CliffsNotes Flashcards
Absorption Spectrum
The specific wavelengths of light absorbed by a gas
(Vector; m/s^2) The rate of change in velocity
Without the exchange of heat with the external universe
Alternating Current
(Scalar; A) A type of electrical current that changes direction regularly in time
Alternating Voltage
An electrostatic potential that changes regularly in time
A device used to measure electrical current
(A) The SI unit of measurement of current; equivalent to Coulombs/s
(Scalar; m) The maximal displacement of an object in simple harmonic motion; the peak-to-peak height of a wave
Angular Acceleration
(Scalar; radians/s^2) The rate of change of angular velocity in time
Angular Displacement
(Scalar; radians) The angle between the initial and final radii after a given time of an object moving in a circle
Angular Momentum
(Vector; J-s) The cross product of the distance an object is from point and its momentum with respect to this point
Angular Velocity
(Scalar; radians/s) The rate of change of angular displacement in time
Points on a standing wave that have maximum displacement, due to the constructive interference of the component waves
Atomic Mass
The total number of nucleons in a nucleus
Atomic Mass Unit
(amu) The unit of mass appropriate to the nucleus of an atom, equivalent to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon nucleus
Atomic Number
The number of protons in a nucleus
Avogadro’s Number
(6.02214×10^23) The number of objects or particles in a mole of substance
The effect produced by interference of waves of slightly different frequency, producing a pattern of alternating intensity
Binding Energy
The energy difference between the mass energy of a nucleus and its separate constituent particles. Binding energy is released when nuclei come together during fusion
An object that absorbs all radiation falling on it and radiates it perfectly
Bohr Radius
(5.29×10^-11 m) The average radius of an electron orbiting a single proton
Boltzmann’s Constant
(1.38×10^-23 J/K) A fundamental constant, usually encountered in thermodynamics
British Thermal Unit
(252 calories of 1.054 kJ) A unit of energy frequently used in engineering
Bulk Modulus
(Scalar; N/m^2) The ration of pressure to the resulting compressional strain