Physics book Flashcards
What is the equilvalent dose?
Dose x Weight factor
what is the weighting factor for different molecules
1 for electrons and photons (gamma and x-ray)
5-20 for neutrons
5 for protons
20 for alpha
What is the effective dose?
Equilvalent dose x tissue factor
What is a deterministic effect? Stochastic effect?
- Deterministic
- there is a threshold (burns, gut necrosis, cataract)
- Severity is dose related
Stochastic - there is no threshold - Shit happens = cancer
- Severity is not related to dose
- Probability increases with dose
- heritable effects and carcinogenesis
What is LET and what does it stand for?
Linear energy transfer - amount of energy deposited per unit path
High LET: Neutrons, protons, alphas, heavy ions
Low LET: Photons, Gamma rays, electrons, positrons
What is the RBE?
It is the relative capability of radiation with differeing LETs to produce a biologic reaction.
RBE = Dose of 250 kV x-ray/Dose in Gy of test radiation
Ex: A reaction is produced by 5 Gy of test radiation. It takes 10Gy of 250kVp x-rays to produce the same reaction…what is the RBE?
10/5= 2 RBE= 2
As LET increase RBE does what?
Increase…to a point. Then any more LET is just over kill. Can kill shit twice.
What is the difference between Direct and indirect radiation?
- Direct
- Acts on DNA
- Most likely for High LET radiation
- Indirect
- Acts on water creating free radicals which then damage DNA
- Low LET
- This process is promoted by the presence of O2
What are the most sensitive phases of the cell cycle?
G1 has the most variable length cause faster cell turn over.
What part of the GI tract is most sensitive to radiation?
Small bowel.
What is the most sensitive cell in blood?
lymphocytes (0.25 Gy is enough to depress circulating)
What are the phases of Acute radiation syndrome and when do they occur?
- Bone marrow
- >2gy
- Latent period 1-6weeks
- GI
- >8Gy
- Latent period 5-7 Days
- Death in 2 weeks from sepsis
- 20-50 Gy
- Latent period 4-6 hours
- Death within 3 days
What is a marker of severity of radiation exposure and is a poor prognosis?
Early vomitting… the earlier the worse.
What is the L50/30 in radiation exposure and what dose it mean?
Lethal dose for 50% of the people in 30 days
Radiation effect of the fetus:
- First two weeks is called what and what happens when exposed to 50-100mGy?
- 8-15 weeks is considered what as a period of sensistivity? What happens to the fetus?
- After 15 weeks what happens?
- Implantation - death at 50-100mGy
- 8-15 weeks is the most sensitive time - Reduced head diameter and mental retardation
- Brain is less sensitive to radiation
What is the difference between senile cataracts and radiation induced cataracts?
Senile involve the anterior lens
Radiation induced involve the posterior
What is the threshold for cataracts?
2.5Gy acute
Annual = 150mSv
The majority of biologic change is mediated by what?
Free radicals
Risk of radiation induced cancer for adults and kids?
Adults = 4-5% per Sv
15% per Sv in kids
What is the greatest source of exposure to ionizing radiation for the general population in the US?
Medical imaging - CT