Physics Boards Flashcards
Nyquist limit?
1/2 prf
Near zone length?
What determines the range of brilliancies within a displayed image?
A television image is made up of how many closely spaced horizantal lines?
Bistable images , which only appear in black and white have what kind of contrast?
What determines the brilliance of the displayed image?
Brightness = brilliance
Greyscale imaging was first made possible with the use of what?
Scan Converters
What does the scan converter do?
Ultrasound info is obtained from pulses emitted by a transducer that penetrates into the body. Multiple penetrations, or spokes, are needed for each two dimensional image. However television displays video infromation as 525 interlaced , horizantal lines divided into two fields. THE SCAN CONVERTER TRANSLATES THE INFORMATION FROM THE SPOKE FORMAT INTO VIDEO FORMAT.
The process of storage of information into the scan converter is called what ?
Writing. Image is then read from the scan converter for display on the CRT
What are analog #’s?
Real world numbers that are found in our everyday lives
What are digital numbers?
associated with a computer device
What is Spacial Resolution?
Image detail
What are the four limitations of analog scan converters?
image fade
image flicker
Digital scan converters use computer technology to convert images into numbers using a process called?
What is a pixel?
The smallest building block of a digital picture?
What is the number of picture elements per inch?
Pixel density
Higher pixel density is achieved what?
smaller pixels
Spacial resolution is improved with high or low pixel density?
Low pixel density = ?
Larger pixels
What is the smallest amount of computer memory?
Bit 0’s and 1’s
What is a byte?
A group of 8 bits of computer memory
A word of computer memory is made up of 2 bytes or 16 bits
More shades of grey appear on an image with more what?
More bits per pixel.
Images that have many shades of grey have superior what?
Contrast resolution
More shades of grey = ?
How do you determine the number of shades of grey there are in an image?
Multiply 2 by itself the same number of times as there are bits
2 to the (number of bits) power)
How many possible shades of grey are displayed with 5 bits of memory?
mulitpling 2 by itself 5 times yield 32
2x2x2x2x2 = 32
Any processing of the reflected signals before storage is called what?
pre-processing.Pre processing alters the image data forever and cannot be reversed or “un-done”.
What is the manipulation of an image after storage in the scan converter, a process that can be reversed or applied to a frozen image?
Post Processing
Read magnification occurs during what stage of processing?
Post processing. It can be catorigized by the number of pixels or scan lines in the magnified image is the same as the original image. MAGGING AFTER YOU HAVE ALREADY AQUIRED.
Write magnification occurs during what processing stage?
pre processing. It is applied during data aquisition. Mag’ing DURING SCANNING
Harmonic imaging = ?
2 x fundamental frequency
Contrast harmonics are created because of uneven changes in the size of the bubble when exposed to a sound beam of adequate strength. What is this called?
The amount of contrast harmonics produced may be estimated by a number called what?
Mechanical Index
The mechanical index depends on what ?
frequency of transmitted sound
pressure of the sound wave
Harmonic production (as well as the mechanical index) increases with :
more pressure
lower frequency
what is the frequency used in ultrasound?
2 to 4mz
low MI =
less than .1
high frequency sound
low beam strength
medium mi(high mi)=?
.1 - 1.0 mi
low frequency
highest mi =
greater than 1
bubble disruption
lowest frequency
What are the 2 characteristics of contrast agents?
the nature of the outer shell
the gas that fills the microbubble
When are tissue harmonics created?
During transmission
Beams that are least likely to create artifacts are most likely to create what?
What causes the strongest harmonic signal?
Contrast harmonics because bubble diruption creates the strongest harmonic signal.
sound in compression travels ______ than sound in rarefaction
Volume of blood moving at a particular time?
When exposed to the high pressure component of a sound wave, a microbubble will ________.
In phasic flow, blood accelerates and decelerates from what?
Phasic flow appears in _________ circulation.
Pulsitile flow occurs in _________ circulation.
Steady flow occurs when?
In venous circulation when an individual stops breathing for a moment. (decrease in venous return)
What exist when the flow streamlines are aligned and parallel and blood travels at individual speeds?
Laminar Flow
What are the 2 forms of laminar flow?
Plug Flow
Parabolic Flow
What occurs when all of the layers and blood cells travel at the same velocity?
plug flow
What kind of flow is it when the velocity is highest in the center of the lumen and gradually decreases to its minimum at the vessle wall? Has a bullet shaped profile?
Parabolic Flow
What predicts whether flow is laminar or turbulant?
Reynold’s number
What is characterized by chaotic flow patterns in many different directions and at many different speeds?
turbulent flow
Sound associated with a turbulent flow is called what?
murmur or a bruit
Tissue vibration associated with turbulence is called what? It can also be described as a palpable murmer?
a thrill
How does blood flow from one location to another?
energy gradient
A form of potential or stored energy. It has the ability to perform work
pressure energy
THis type of energy is a form of stored;potential energy and is associated with an elevated object
Gravitational energy
A narrowing of the lumen of the vessel
Pressure Gradient = ?
Flow x Resistnace
Pressure gradient increases when either the flow increases or resistance increases
Voltage = ?
current x resistance
What is the typical resistance of veins?
low resistance
The shape of a vein during normal function is:
flattened or hourglass shaped
As more pressure occurs within the vein, what happens to the shape?(during excercise when venous flow increases)
Becomes more circular
The pressure acting to expand the veins is known as what?
transmural pressure
What is related to the weight of blood pressing on a vessel measured at a height above or below the heart?
hydrostatic pressure
The significance of hydrostatic pressure in clinical medicine is demonstrated when?
When taking a patients blood pressure.
Blood pressure is accurately assessed when the measurement is made at what location?
at the same level of the heart. Blood pressure will obviosley be WAY too high at levels below the heart and WAY to low at levels above the heart.
When a patient is supine, what is the hydrostatic pressure?
- All parts are at the same level of the heart
During inspiration, the diaphragm moves downward, the chest cavity expands. This creates what kind of pressure in the chest?
Negative thoracic pressure (inspiration), produces a suction that does what to the venous return towards the heart?
During expiration, the diaphram moves upward which increases the thoracic pressure in the chest. Expiration does what to the venous return to the heart?
During inspiration, the abdominal compression increases abdominal pressure which does what to the venous flow in the legs?
It increases with expiration(flow to the legs)
Doppler shift is also called what?
doppler frequency
The frequency does not change when the distance between the sound source and the receiver remains _______.
Frequency changes as a result of what?
Relative motion between the source and the reciever
What principle is used to measure red blood cell velocities?
Doppler principle
What is the doppler shift?
The low frequency that rides on top of the much higher transducer’s transmitted frequency
The process of extracting the low doppler frequency from the higher transducer frequency.
What is the formula for doppler shift?
Doppler Shift = reflected frequency - transmitted frequency
If the doppler shift is a positive number, that obviously means there is a positive shift.
Transmitted frequency - 5,000,000
Reflected Frequency - 5,003,000
shift = + 3,000
When RBC’s move toward the transducer, the doppler shift is _____, that is , the reflected frequency is _______ than the transmitted frequency.
positive; higher
What is the equation for Doppler Shift?(elongated)
Doppler shift= 2 x speed of blood x transducer frequency x Cos 0
propagation speed of blood
My grandsons bag of marbles contain 30 marbles, If he decrease his bag by a factor of three, how many marbles does he have?
10. 30/3 = 3 # at first divided by the factor
Simplify the expression 10 to the -3 power?
-3 is milli which is thousandths
.1 = tenths .01= hundreths .001= thousanths
Simplify the expression 10 to the 3rd power
1000 \+3 is thousands 10=1 take 1 and move it three to the right and you get thousand \+1 = tens \+2= hundreds \+3 = thousands
What is the reciprocal for the prefix milli? 10 to the -3?
.00875 equals what in notation?
8.75 x 10 -3 power
Density is defined as ?
mass per unit volume
What are the acoustic variables?
A sound wave is a traveling variation in quantities called:
acoustic variables
With longitudinal waves , particles oscillate ______ to the direction of the sound beam?
If the amplitude is doubled, what happens to the intensity?
Increased by a factor of 4
Bulk modulus refers to which of the following quantities?
Arrange the following media in order in terms of propogation speed from lowest to highest
bone, muscle, air , fat
air - fat - muscle - bone
What is the formula for wave lenght?
Propogation speed / frequency
Pulse duration =?
# of cycles x period 0r
of cycles / frequency
Spacial pulse length= ?
of cycles x wavelength
of cycles / frequency
Common SPTA intensities are greater or less than 720 mW/cm?
less than 720 mW/cm 2
If the intensity transmission coefficent is .74, what is the reflection coefficient?
The advantage of a 256x256 image format compared to a 64x64 image format is = ?
more pixels = greater spatial res/detail
Elastography is an ultrasound imaging mode that depicts tissue _______.
A bistable picture is represented by only two shades , black and white, and requires _________bits.
2 to the x power(number of bits) = 2 shades(black and white)
2 to the 1 power will give you 2
The ability of grey scale display to distinguish between echoes of slightly different intensities is called _________
contrast resolution
Picture Archiving and Communications System
The averaging of sequential frames together to provide a smoother image appearance is called __________.
In which excitation technique do ensembles or trains of pulses drive the transducer to generate a single scan line?
coded excitation
What is the purpose of write zoom?
Improve spacial resolution of the displayed image
How many pixels compose an image in which the matrix is described as 500 rows and 500 columns?
What is the Reynolds number that predicts when turbulence will occur?