Physicists Flashcards
first expressed the relation between the direction of a current in a conductor and the direction of the lines of force
Andrei Marie Ampere
Discovered radioactivity in 1986
Antoine Henry Becquerel
Found that the volume of a gas at constant pressure is proportional to its absolute temperature
Charles Jacques
- Proved that atmospheric pressure varies with the altitude
- Discovered Pascal law which states that enclosed fluids transmit pressure in all directions without loss, i.e., with equal force on all equal areas
Blaise Pascal
discovered the relationship between buoyancy and displacement of liquids known as Archimedes Principle
Invented the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Invented the:
- Phonograph
- Incandescent electric lamp
- Multiplex telegraphy
- Telephone carbon transmitter
- Moving picture camera
++ Edison storage cell
Thomas Alva Edison
- kite experiment
- invented the lightning rod
- gave the names “positive” and “negative” to the two parts of electric charges
Benjamin Franklin
- Invented the electromagnet
- Discovered the laws of electromagnetic induction
- Built the first electric motor
Joseph Henry
Found the speed of light in vacuum to be 299,736 km/s
Albert K. Michelson
Invented the:
- electromagnetic recording telegraph in 1844
- Morse code
Samuel Morse
Two brothers who invented the airplane
Orville Wright & Wilbur Wright
Formulated the Boyle’s law
Robert Boyle
Invented the:
- Bunsen burner
- Spectroscope
- photometer
Robert Bunsen
- Designed the thermometer scale in 1714
- Made the first mercury thermometer
Gabriel Farenheit
Studied the solar spectrum with a spectroscope
Joseph Fraunhofer
- Invented the air pump
- Magdeburg hemispheres experiment
Otto von Guericke
- Firmly established the law of conservation of energy
- First scientist to discover the use of resonators
Herman von Helmholtz
Investigated and discovered the existence of electromagnetic or radio waves in 1888
Heinrich Hertz
- Investigated the factors which affect electrical resistance in a conductor
- author of Ohm’s law
George Simon Ohm
Discovered a new and invisible radiation known as X-rays, while experimenting with a vacuum tube in 1895
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
First to succeed in isolating room many tons of pitch-blende, a new substance which she named radium
Marie Curie
- Discovered the electromagnetic induction
- Built the first dynamo
- Discovered the laws of electrolysis (Faraday’s law)
Michael Faraday
formulated Hooke’s law
Robert Hooke
- Helped establish the law of conservation of energy
- Determined the mechanical equivalent of heat
James Joule
Author of the Law of Universal Gravitation: also Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Sir Isaac Newton
- “Father of Modern Science”
- Discovered the laws of freely falling bodies, and laws of pendulum
- Made the first thermometer and the first astronomical telescope
Galilei Galileo
Invented the commercial wireless telegraphy
Guglielmo Marconi
Inventor of:
- Electric battery
- Electroscope
- Electric condenser
- Electrophorus
+ first to discover the potential difference produced by the contact of dissimilar substances, and of maintaining an electric current by chemical reactions
+ developed the cell (voltaic cell)
+ unit of electromotive force (volt) is named after his honor
Alessandro Volta
Invented the mercury barometer
Evangelista Torricelli
- Invented the pendulum clock
- Worked out the wave theory of light very completely
- Explained refraction in terms of his theory
- Discovered polarization of light
Christian Huygens
Discovered superconductivity
H.K. Onnes
Developed the:
- kinetic theory of gases and the mechanical theory of heat
- electromagnetic theory of light on a mathematical basis
James Maxwell
- Credited with the invention of the main features of the modern stream engine
- unit of electric power (watt) is named in his honor
James Watt
Discovered the presence of a magnetic field around a conductor
Hans Oersted
First one to measure the velocity of light by studying the eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites
Olaus Roemer
- Advanced the kinetic theory of heat
- Invented the electrometer
- The absolute scale of temperature is named after him
Sir Williams (Lord Kelvin) Thomson
Used steam produced from the heat of a volcano to produce electric power in 1067
Arturo Alcaraz
- Developed accelerator chips
- Helped make the internet possible
- Created the local bus concept for personal computers
Diosdado Banatao
Researched methods of producing alternative fuels
Julian Banzon
Wrote many papers in the field of nuclear medicine; first radioisotope
Paulo Campos
- Recognized for his contributions in the field of Applied physics, particularly in the field of photonics and electro-optic instrumentation research
- Honoured as an Outstanding Filipino scientist by the National Academy Of Science and Technology 2006
Vincent Ricardo Daria
- The first person to discover a recurring area of open water in sea ice in the cosmonaut sea
- Studied global warming at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Josefino Comiso
- Known for his researches on ultraviolet light of different wavelengths, effect of radioactive radiation on Euglena.
- Recipient of a Presidential award in 1965
- Conferred as a National scientist in 1984
Casimiro Del Rosario
Designed car that runs on water
Daniel Dingel
Received a French patent award for a fluorescent bulb
Agapito Flores
- discovered Red Spot
- joined the Hubble Heritage team to image the Quad transit in Saturn by using the Hubble Space Telescope
Christopher Go
Developed profitable biogas system, building a power generator fueled by coconut oil
Felix Maramba
Researched on the assimilation and fluorescence spectroscopy of crystals, particularly rare-earth crystals
Melecio Magno
Recognized in the advancement of theoretical apparatus to clarify turbulence
Amador Muriel
Made a significant role to the theories on biophysics and recombinant biotechnology including his own conceptual framework on the structure of RNA/DNA investigation
Apolinario Nazarea
Developed a state-of-the-art but cheaper coating technology for cutting tools useful in metal, wood and plastic fabrications for producing construction supplies, car, computer parts etc.
Henry Ramos
Filipino astrophysicist known for receiving the “Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award” for her major role in the discovery of the largest number of “obscured quasars”
Reinabelle Reyes
Led the development of a method to generate high-contrast images of semi-conductor sites via one photon optical beam
Caesar Saloma
His team produced unique semi-conductor compounds such as gallium arsenide (GaAs)
Arnel Salvador
Led a team to develop a low-cost material that exhibits superconductivity at higher temperature or anywhere close to room temperatures with the use of crystal oxides
Roland Sarmango
- Discovered around 1930 the law of electrical kinetic resistance (Zara Effect)
- Patented a two-way video phone
- Developed / improved alternate energy technologies in the 1950s and 1960s
Gregorio Zara