physical universe unit 1 Flashcards
age of our solar system
5 billion years
age of the universe
14 billion years
age of galaxies
10 billion years ago
modern man age
400,000 years
astronomical unit, average distance between the sun and earth. describes distance WITHIN our solar system.
distance that light travels in one year. used to measure distances OUT of our solar system.
large cloud of dust and gas, stars are born from here.
star cluster
a grouping of 10-10,000 stars that are in the same neighborhood
galactic cluster
galaxies appear clustered in groups of 20, our galaxy is part of the LOCAL GROUP
-nearest cluster is the Virgo Cluster
positive charged
sidereal day
time it takes for earth to do one 360 degree spin (2h 56 mins)
solar day
time it takes for sun to return to the same E/W position above us. (24 hours)
synodic month
time it takes for moon to complete its phases (29.5 days)
spring equinox
march 21, equal day/night, the equator
fall equinox
sept. 21st, equal day/night, the equator
solar calendar
matches with the sun. our year starts 11 days after the winter solstice.
lunisolar calendar.
add a leap month. each month is a lunar month, so 29.5 days. SO they alternate 29/30 etc. new month = a new moon. to account for the 354 days that this lunisolar calendar creates, we add leap month every 2-3 years to make up for lost time.
kiva layout
wooden roofs above the kiva with an alter and benches
cultural significance of pueblo bonito
at the end of the north road form pueblo bonito, there is a lot of broken pottery. meant to help people in their next lives, left because climate became even worse
aristotle’s view of motion
earth material always returns to earth. everything returns to where it came from. heavier things fall faster than light things.
the universe’s layout according to aristotle
-the planets, moon, and sun all revolve around earth
-earth is geocentric (ptolemy believed this too)
-a celestial sphere surrounds the solar system with holes poked into it. light from the heavens shine through the holes and this is why we see stars
Matter is discrete.Or matter is made up of tiny building blocks called atoms.
Measured the size of the earth
Your senses cannot show your truth; only clear, rational thinking can lead you to truth
Objects fall downward because they are made of earth, and earth wants to return to earth
The stars lie in the celestial sphere. They are actually the light from the heavens shining through holes in the fabric of the celestial sphere.a
Men have more teeth than women. Heavy objects fall faster than light ones.These statements make good, rational sense, so they must be true.
Got science started when he argued that the universe can be known and understood.
Allegory of the Cave
Introduced epicycles to explain why we see retrograde motion of planets.
Wrote the Almagest (the Great Book)
His model of the universe can predict the positions of the planets with high accuracy (which is impressive, considering his model was wrong)
Math is the tool that we must use to understand the universe.
1 billionth of a meter, 10^-9
solar system
a star and everything that orbits around it
binary star system
1/2 of stars in the sky are like this. 2 stars orbit around each other
collection of billions/hundreds of billions of stars that are held together by gravity. (milky way, large and small Magellanic cloud, andromeda)
2+ atoms bonded
smallest component of an element which have chemical properties of the element
3 quarks/proton and 3 quarks/neutron
sidereal month
time it takes the moon to do one orbit around the earth
when the sun returns to its same N/S position in the sky, time it takes earth to complete one full orbit around the SUN
what causes the seasons?
directness of the light (more concentrated light)
winter solstice
december 21, sun is at the most southern position
summer solstice
june 21, longest day, sun is most northern position
lunar calendar
new moon = start of a new month, months move through the seasons
Pueblo Bonito
biggest structure, largest building in North America until 1900.
Fajada Butte
spiral petroglyph. sun pierces through the three rocks and lands on the middle of the spiral (summer solstice). only at 12pm on summer solstice. SUN DAGGER (this pic is winter solstice)
when they left pueblo bonito
-bricked up the windows and doors on kivas
-they removed the roofs
-maybe they are trapping the evil?
THE UNIVERSE IS KNOWABLE. (first philosopher). father of science.
allegory of the cave.
-don’t trust your senses
-trust your mind but only a well-trained mind
-there may always be more to learn.
(socrates- plato- aristotle)
-fourth philosopher
-first natural philosopher
-the elements
aristotle’s belief that this fills empty space. it is the 5th substance (earth, wind, fire, water) which keeps things moving after you’ve pushed them
how to do science according to aristotle?
listen to your mind
the nature of matter according to aristotle
thought that matter was continuous and could keep being divided forever. (water example)
why is aristotle famous?
-people believed him for a long time
-first natural philosopher
-his work in other areas are still really relevant
-150 CE, last of the philosophers
-astronomer, geographer
-wrote “The Almagest” which describes Aristotle’s universe mathematically (proofs book)
-retrograde motion (explains this mathematically)
epicycle (ptolemy)
a small circle whose center moves around the circumference of a larger one.
heliocentric (Aristarchus)
-sun is the center
Aristotle’s teacher
Aether fills all of the empty space between objects
the Earth is at the center of all that exists, surrounded by moon, sun and planets all orbiting in perfect circles.
The sun is at the center of the universe, not the earth.
Embellished Aristotle’s model of the universe by adding mathematical detail
Matter is continuous.For example, water cannot be divided down to a smallest piece because no such smallest piece exists.
The Earth isn’t perfectly ordered nor totally chaotic. The earth separates the perfectly ordered heavens above from the chaotic turmoil below.