Physical growth, maturation, and aging Flashcards
Growth and aging change individual constraints how?
genetic and extrinsic factors combine to influence growth and aging
patterns that hold for all humans (everyone goes through- crawling)
individual variation
extrinsic factors
characteristics that one was not born with
- can have control over
developmentally appropriate example
soccer different for 5 year olds than 18 year olds
- field smaller
- goal smaller
- smaller number of players
- ball smaller
- shorter duration
- reduce number of rules
Important concept of growth and aging change individual constraints
educators and therapists can make tasks developmentally appropriate
Prenatal development (before birth)
early development is controlled by genes: normal and inherited abnormal development
- embryo or fetus is sensitive to extrinsic factors: positive and negative effects
example of negative extrinsic factor
smoke: less 02 to fetus, asthma, LBW (low birth weight- stunts growth)
alcohol: fetal alcohol syndrome
example of positive extrinsic factor
dieting well- healthy baby
embryonic development
- conception to 8 weeks
- differentiation of cells to form specific tissues and organs
- limbs formed at 4 weeks
- human form noticeable at 8 weeks
Important part of embryonic development
at cellular level when they form organs and tissues
1- brain: 1st part, develop reflex in vital organs
2- heart: 2nd part, genetic influenced
brain or heart did not develop
- uterus wall closes to create a sterile environment
- ovulation: 24 hour period egg to be fertilized
Doctor visit frequency when pregnant
- see doctor at 3 months pregnant, then after each month
- added 300-350 calories to normal diet
- 8th month: twice a month
- 9th month every week
- 5th month: genetic testing (triple serum test)
triple serum test
measures possibilities of genetic disabilities, taken at 5th month
2 birthing phases
1- contraction phase
2- pushing phase
Fetal Development
- 8 weeks to birth
- continued growth by hyperplasia (cell number) and hypertrophy (cell size)
- cephalocaudal (head to toe) and proximodistal (near to far): growth
- plasticity (capability of taking on a new function)
Why when baby born clean nose and mouth 1st?
1st breath of 02 is the most important
- lungs are the last to develop
- test color of embryo sac for 02
birth scale
+4 – 0 – -4
0- head birth canal
-4: ready to come out
test that checks to baby’s skin
- checks for rate of respiration, temperature, and how well getting 02 by skin
- score out of a scale of 10
- 8 or higher is good
- 7 monitor
- 6 or less bring in specialist
infant weigh loss requirement
- no more than 10% of weight lost for baby
- pediatrician appointment a week after to get back at birth weight