Physical Exams Flashcards
Normal Temperture for a Canine? Feline?
Where can you take the temperature if you cannot access the rectum?
Dog: 100.4-102.2° F
Cat: 101.3-102.2° F
Both can be up to 104° F with excitement
You can use the axilla (armpit if you will) and add 2.7° F
Normal Pulse of a dog? cat?
How do you count it?
Dog: 60-120 bpm
Cat 120-180 bpm (up to 220 with stress)
Count for 15 sec and multiply by 4
Normal Respiratory Rate of a dog? cat?
How do you count?
Dog: 10-30 bpm
Cat: 20-40 bpm
Count 30 seconds and multiply by 2
Which lymph nodes do you palpate in the dog?
- Mandibular
- Superficial cervical (prescapular)
- Popliteal
Normal Temperature of a horse?
99-101° F
Normal Pulse of a horse?
How do you count?
24-45 bpm
use the arteries in the head and count for 15 seconds then pultiply by 4
you should also auscultate the heart at the same time to assess for pulse variations/deficits. Pulses should be strong (easy to palpate), regular, and unvarying in strength

What other arteries should you palpate?

Normal Respiratorry Rate of a horse?
How do you count?
8-20 bpm
count for 30 seconds and multiply by 2 (they breathe slow so 15 seconds would give an inaccurate count)
Know it!

Where is the cecum located in the horse?
How long should you listen and what are you listening for?

Cecum in in the Right Dorsal quadrant.
Should hear 2-3 contractions (wave like sounds) every 1-2 minutes.
Ideally listen to all 4 quadrants for 2 minutes each
RD: Cecum LD: Small** Intestines & Small** Colon
RV: Large colon LV: Large colon

What lymph nodes do we palpate in the horse?
- The Submandibular lymph nodes
- Determine symmetry, size (<2.5 x2.5 cm), shape (circular to mildly ovoid), texture/consistecy
ex: 2 cm x 3 cm, oval, multilobulated, compressible, moveable, non-painful structure located axillar to the medial surface of the mid-left mandible.
Normal temperature for a sheep (ovine)?
102-104º F
What is the normal pulse of a sheep?
What about heart rate? How many sounds are usually heard?
Pulse: 70-90 bpm, taken from femoral artery
HR: 60-80 bpm and you hear S1 & S2 sounds normally
(I dont know the difference in these two values, but they were both listed as such in the ovine review, so dont shoot the messenger)
How many ruminations should you hear in a sheep? Where should you be listening and for how long?
You should hear ~2 rumminations/min
Listen on the left abdomen (aka the rumen, derp de derp) for about 2 minutes
Which lymph nodes do we palpate in our Barbados Black Bellies (and all sheep for that matter)?
- Submandibular
- Pre-scapular (superficial cervical)
- Pre-femoral
If enlarged, we worry about Cornybacterium pseudotuberculosis!
Know your sheep BCS

How old would you guess a sheep is if it has a few broken incisors?
~7-8 years

Can you flip a sheep?

You better be able to! Grab them by the head, under the jaw with one arm and use the other to pull hind limb closes to you forward and out from under them.
How do you do a halter tie?
Like that

Which senses should you use for every physical exam for every patien?
Sight, Touch, Hearing and Smell
I don’t recommend taste, but that’s your perogative.
How do you find the mitral valve in any animal?
Feel for the apical beat on the left side of the thoarx. (You have to really dig up under the horses axilla to find it)
When I say Cardiac Auscultation, you say MAP!

For the heart, what do we auscult on the right thorax? And where?

First we listen over the sternum on our way over from the left side.
BUT we listen to the Tricuspid valve on the right between the 4th and 5th rib spaces.
We also listen up into the axilla on this side.
What is happening durring a S1 sound? (Lub)
Systole! AV valves close and blood squirts out into the arteries
Heard best at the site of the apical beat
What is happenin durring a S2 sound? (Dub)
Dub for Diastloe! Aortic and Pulmonic Valves close, ventricles fill.
Heard best over the Aortic and Pulmonic valves .. go figure
How many places in the lung field should you auscultate?

When palpating the canine abdomen, we do so with the patient standing. Using the “praying technique”, what will you feel in the cranial section, middle section and caudal section of the abdomen?
Cranial: small intestine (thin walled, flattened and indistinguishable from omentum/messentary/vessels/lymphnodes); (in the cat we palpate their floating kidneys - right more cranial)
Middle: small intestine
Caudal: Bladder, Feces filled colon
T/F: When doing a rectal exam on a dog, you should not be able to touch the finger of the hand in the rectum to the fingers of the hand palpating the cuadal abdomen.
You should be able to do that. Be sure to check the urethra running ventral to the colon on the floor of the pevlis, the prostate gland of an intact mature male dog, irregular fused bones of the sacrum and the anal glands.
Note the quality of feces sticking to the glove.
What is the first part of any exam?
Distance exam! Observe all the things before you freak them out
What is excreted from the sebaceous glands located between the toes and thigh of sheep?
Lanolin, it is a yellow waxy substance
What is a common site for chorioptic mange in sheep?
The dew claws
We look for vesicles, pustules or scabs on the lips, nostrils, face and eyelids of sheep because these are common sites for what?
Contagious Ecthyma
When examining the sheep respiratory system, slight serious nasal discharge may be present in normal sheep.
What can unilateral nasal discharge be indicitive of?
What about bilateral purulent/bloody nasal discharge or coughing?
Unilateral: nasal bots or other obstruction. often induces sneezing
Bilateral purulent/bloody or coughing: Respiratory tract infection
T/F: Inspiratory sounds are normally louder than expiratory sounds.
What do you call it when the heart rate speeds up durring inhalation and slows down durring exhalation?
Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia
T/F: Crackles in the lungs result from vibratory sounds in narrowed airways, and wheezes result from the opening of closed airways.
False, it is the opposite.
Crackles result from the opening of closed airways. Like then you “crack open” a door.
Should you smell sheep feet?
Of course! Smell everything!
But seriously, Footrot has a very characteristic foul odor.
When palpating sheep mammarys (you perv) what should they feel like?
symmetrical, pliable and of uniform temperature
be sure to check for lesions
My Ewe has some reddish brown lochia at her vulva … ewww. Is this bad?
Not neccesarily, it is normal in Ewes up to 3 weeks post-partum.

Ram testicles should be what?
they should be large, uniform in size, mobile in the scorutm and firm
Where can you evaluate the mucous membrane for color, hydration and CRT on a sheep?
The buccal, conjunctival and vaginal membranes
What side of the horse do you start the exam on?
Where should the handler be?
You start on the left
The handler should be on the same side as the examiner. Controlling the head from the level of the shoudler.
You are being a handler for someone else’s exam, and you think the horse is about to buck. What should you do?
Lift their head up as high as you can (it makes it difficult to shift weight forward), and pull their head towards you (swinging thier back end away from the examiner).
If you are examining the horse between the head and cranial to the hind leg, where and how should you be standing?
Standing as close to the shoulder as possible facing the head and side of the horse.
If you are examining an area from the hind leg to the tail of a horse, where and how should you be standing?
Right up against the horse, stick to them like glue. Facing the tail end.
Horse eyelashes should be (vertical/horizontal) to the ground
If they are vertical it may be due to occular pain or Horner’s syndrome.
There are 4 reflections that make up the Purkinje light reflections. Which ones are typically present in the horse?
P1: anterior surface of cornea, large, superfical, moved in direction of light
P3: anterior surface of lens, smaller, further back, moves in direction of light
P4: posterior surface of lens, smaller, fainter, moves in opposite direction of light
You notice when palpating your horses larynx, that it doesnt feel symmetrical. What is most likely wrong?
Laryngeal Hemiplagia. Due to LEFT RECURRENT laryngeal nerve damage. This innervates the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle, which attaches to the cricoid and arytenoid.
Lets say you want to check the hydration of a young horse, or a horse who recently lost a good bit of weight. Where/how woud you do this?
You would assess skin tenting of the upper eyelid.
Skin tenting of the neck is unreliable in young or loose skined horses.
When you bonk a horse on the frontal sinus, what should a “healthy” sinus sound like?
A resonant hollow sound.
A dull thud sound is not normal.
How much of the head should you palpate?
ALL OF IT!! Feel that head up for symmetry, deformations, cutaneous alterations etc.
Oh no! What is this? Is my horse going blind?!?!

Naw, its normal. Just a little projection of the iris into the pupil known as corpora nigrans
When palpating the horses trachea, what should it feel like in a normal horse?
Non-compressible for entire length
Approx how long should it take to distend the horses jugular vein when being held off?
~30-60 seconds
it should be about 1” in diameter
We strum the horses jugular vein once disteneded to asses that it is …
compliant, with no firm/fibrous area & lacks heat, pain and swelling
T/F: You will only see a jugular pulse in the distal 1/3 for patholigical reasons.
False: Physiologic jugular pulses generally extend no more proxially than the junction of the middle and distal 1/3 of the neck when thehorses neck is in a normal errect position.
Why kind of murmurs can be physiologic in a horse?
Grade 3 or less, left heart base systolic ejection murmur
What heart sounds do wehear in the horse?
2 to 4 sounds.
S4 - S1 - S2 - S3
What is the most common Physiologic Murmur of the horse?
Mobitz I (Wenkebach) 2nd degree AV block
How do you locate PAM in a horse?
The mitral valve can be located at the place of the apex beat. PAM is on the left, at the 3rd, 4th, and 5th intercostal spaces.
T/F: When examining the horses legs, it it normal and safe to palce them between your legs.
False: When examining the hind limbs, NEVER place them between your legs. Instead lay it across your thigh of the inside leg.
The front limb may be placed between the examiner’s knees while examining.
How many ribs does a horse have?