Physical Examination Findings Flashcards
What are the general statement findings?
Age, general appearance
Weight, height, BMI
Vital signs: pain score & location of pain if present, temp., pulse, resp., and BP
What findings would you look for in mental status?
Physical appearance & behavior
Cognitive: consciousness level, response to questions, reasoning or judgement, arithmetic ability, memory, attention span, specific mental test scores
Emotional stability: depression, anxiety, disturbance in though content, hallucinations
Speech & language: voice quality, articulation, coherence, comprehension
What findings would you find for skin?
Color, uniformity, integrity, texture, temperature, turgor, hygiene tattoos, scars
Presence of edema, moisture, excessive perspiration, unusual odor
Presence & description of lesions
Hair texture, distribution, color, quality,
Nail configuration, color, texture, condition, nail base angle for clubbing, ridging, beading, pitting, peeling, nail plate firmness, adherence to nail bed
What findings for the head?
Size & contour of head, scalp appearance, head position
Symmetry & spacing of facial features, tics, characteristic fancies
Presence of edema or puffiness
Temporal arteries: pulsations, thickening, hardness, tenderness, bruits
What findings for the eyes?
Visual acuity( near, distant) visual fields
Appearance of orbits ( edema, sagging tissue, puffiness, color of conjunctivae, & sclera, eyelids (redness, flakiness, fasciculations, ptosis) eyebrows
Extraocular movements, corneal light reflex, cover/uncover test, nystagmus
Pupillary shape, size, consensual response to light and accommodation, depth of anterior chamber
Opthalmoscopic findings of cornea, lens, retina, red reflex, optic disc, macular characteristics, and ateriovenous (AV crossings) arterioles-venue ratio, exudates, hemorrhages
What findings for the ears?
Configuration, position & alignment of auricles; nodules, tenderness of auricles, or in mastoid area
Otoscopic findings of canals (cerumen, lesions, discharge, foreign body) and tympanic membranes (integrity, color, bony landmarks, light reflex, mobility, bulging, retraction), fluid, air bubbles
Hearing: Weber and Rinne tests, whispered voice, conversation
What findings of nose?
Appearance of external nose, nasal patency
Presence of discharge, crusting, flaring, polyp
Appearance of turbinates, alignment of septum
Presence of sinus tenderness, swelling
Discrimination of odors
What are the findings for throat and mouth?
Number, occlusion, and condition of teeth; missing teeth, presence of dental appliances
Characteristics of lips, tongue, buccal and oral mucosa, and floor of mouth (color, moisture, surface characteristics, symmetry, induration)
Appearance of oropharynx, palate, and tonsils, tonsil size
Symmetry and movement of tongue, soft palate, uvula & gag reflex
Voice quality
Discrimination of taste
What are the findings of the neck?
Fullness, mobility, suppleness, and strength
Position of trachea, tracheal tug, movement of hyoid bone, and cartilage with swallowing
Thyroid size, shape, nodules, tenderness, bruits
Presence of masses, webbing skin folds
What is the findings for chest?
size and shape of chest, anteroposterior versus transverse diameter, symmetry of movement with respiration, superficial venous patterns
Tenderness over ribs, bony prominences
Presence of retractions, use of accessory muscles
Diaphragmatic excursion
What are the findings for lungs?
Respiratory rate, depth, regularity, quietness or ease of respiration
Palpation findings: symmetry, and quality of tactile fremitus
Percussion findings: quality and symmetry of percussion notes
Auscultation : characteristics of breath sounds, (intensity, pitch, duration, quality) phase and location where audible
Characteristics of cough, stridor
Presence of friction rub, egophony, bronchophony, whispered pectoriloquy, vocal resonance
What are the findings for breasts?
What are the findings for the heart?
What are the findings for blood vessels?
What are the findings of abdomen?