Physical Exam Terminology Flashcards
What do you call a flat skin lesion less than 1 cm in diameter?
A macule
What do you call a flat skin lesion bigger than 1 cm?
A patch
What do you call a flat-topped firm elevation of the skin that is blanchable?
A wheal
What do you call a solid, deep-seated, elevated mass on the skin?
A nodule
What do you call a solid, elevated change in skin thickness less than 1 cm in diameter?
A papule
What do you call a solid, elevated change in skin thickness larger than 1 cm in diameter?
A plaque
What do you call a visible accumulation of fluid just beneath the epidermis that is less than 5 mm in diameter?
A vesicle
What do you call a visible accumulation of fluid just beneath the epidermis that is greater than 5 mm in diameter?
A bulla
What do you call a moist and circumscribed loss of the epidermis? What is it called if it is deep, with loss of the underlying dermis?
An erosion
Deep = ulcer
What is it called when the extremities are cyanotic?
Acral cyanosis
What is it called when patches of hair have fallen out?
What is it called when one or both eyelids appear to be droopy?
What is the term for when someone looks to be unusually skinny/frail?
What is the name for a tender red lump found inside the eyelid?
Internal stye/internal hordeolum
What is the name for a tender red lump found on/within the eyelid itself?
External stye/chalazion