Physical Education (PE) Flashcards
Physical Education activities are divided in ___ sections which are _____,_____, and _____.
K-2, 3-5, and 6-9
Locomotor activities are ones that….
Move a body through space (up, foward, backward, sideways)
Some basic locomotor skills are…
Jumping, Skipping, Galloping, Sliding, Hopping, Walking, Running, etc
A series of step-hops with alternating feet.
Nonlocomotor activities are ones that….
Are done while standing in one place (Twisting, turning in place, bending, swaying.
What is Newton’s First Law and how does it apply to physical fitness?
A body in motion will stay in motion, a body at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force. (Law of Inertia, or the tendency to remain unchanged.
A basketball is shot toward a hoop. As it moves through the air, it is being acted on by outside forces. Gravity is pulling it down. Friction is applying an opposite force against it’s directional movement. When it reaches the hoop, either the rim or the backboard will act on it. All of these forces will change its motion.
What is Newton’s Second Law of Motion and how does it apply to physical fitness?
F=MA (Force is proportional to mass multiplied by acceleration. Acceleration is change in velocity. In the case of the basketball, mass is conserved. So the force applied by the shooter will result in proportional acceleration. The greater the force, the greater the acceleration. This also means that the greater the mass, the more force necessary in order to reach the same acceleration.
What is Newton’s Third Law of Motion and how does it apply to physical fitness?
For every action, their is an equal and opposite reaction. This is best examined through baseball. A baseball as thrown with a Force from the pitcher. As mass is conserved, the balls acceleration is proportional to the force applied. As the ball travels to the plate, it is retaining mass while reaching a peak velocity (Minus what is lost to wind resistence and gravity). Upon being struck by the bat, mass is conserved while velocity drops suddenly to 0, this change in velocity (Acceleration x the mass of the ball being equal to the force applied to the bat. But the bat and batters mass are applying an equal force to the ball. The velocity then reverses, creating a greater force acting upon the bat which is stilla accelerating, generating a greater force that sends the ball back in the other directions.
Isometric, or ______, is exercise that…
Static, has no visible movement
Isotonic, or ______, is excercise that…
Dynamic, requires visible movement.
Muscular strength is the amount of _____ that can be applied by muscles.
Endurance is the ability to….
sustain physical effort over length of time.
Flexibility is…
the ability of muscles and joints to go through full ranges of motion.
Body Composition is…
a ratio of body fat to lean body mass, and is measured by the thickness of selected skin folds.
Cardio-respiratory (Aerobic)
The ability of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system to bring oxygen and nutrients to where they are needed in the body while undergoing sustained activity. Being out of breath is a sign that the cardio-respitory system is as max capacity.
Target Heart Rate, or (THR) is calculated by…
Maximum heart rate (220-AGE) multiplied by 70-85% (.70-.85). Aerobic activity should include 20 minute activity at target heart rate.
During any aerobic activity, children should spend _____ minutes at ______.
Twenty minutes at target heart rate (.70(220-Age)
Heart rate is calculated by….
counting pulse for 10 seconds, and multiplying by 60 for beats/ minute.
Use FITT Fitness guidelines when creating fitness activities. What does FITT Acronym stand for?
Frequency: How many sessions will it take to meet a goal?
Intensity: How difficult is the activity?
Time: How long does a session take?
Type:What kind of activity?