Human Development Flashcards
Piaget is associate with…..
Stages of Cognitive Development.
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development are organizes into ___ stages which are…
4, Sensorimotor (0-2) Preoperational (2-7) Concrete Operational (7-11) Formal Operational (11+)
Schooling in ones primary language will help when being schooled in a new language is an idea put forth by…
Primary language is necessary so children can _____ another new language.
Think about (Vygotsky says thought bolsters language and language bolsters thought.)
Kohlberg is associated with…
Stages of Moral Development.
Anxioux-Avoidant Attachment Disorder is when…
A child is apathetic to the comings and goings of caregiver and often avoids them upon return.
Anxious-Resistant Attachment Disorder is when…
Child becomes anxious when caregiver leaves and upset while they are gone.
Disorganized-Disoriented Attachment Disorder is when…
when the child becomes contradictory or confused after a caregiver leaves and returns.
When a Child uses caregiver as a base to safely explore their surroundings, they are said to have a _____ attachment.
Positive Social and Emotional support for children among their peers is the best way for them to develop ______.
Higher Self-Esteem.
A Childs temperment is determined by _____, _____ and ______, which directly influences the development of ________.
Inborn trains, moods, and enviroment.
Thought is not a social trait but a ______ one.
What are the three types of common eating disorders and how are they characterized?
- Anorexia Nervosa: Self starvation over intense fear of gaining weight (Perfectionist)
- Bulimia nervosa: uncontrollable eating followed by self-induced purge (Impulsive)
- Binge eating disorder: eating large amounts of food in secrecy even when not hungry without purging.
A Discrepancy between measured intelligence and classroom performance may be a sign of a ______.
Learning Disability.
Low birthweight can result from…
poor prenatal nutrition, abuse of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy, smoking while pregnant ( Drugs and alcohol can bring about teratogens which can tamper with development, lead to premature births, low birthweight and still births).
Low socioeconomic schools often have difficulties with parents not having the __________ or the ability to _________ when needed.
Financial means
take time off work.
Encouraging a student to develop ________ can help reduce cultural prejudice.
Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence results in children who are _______, ________, ________, and _______.
Understand different perspectives.
Listen better.
Express mature cognitive-emotional feelings.
more motivated to share and cooperate with other children.
A child who is capable of understanding different perspectives, thoughtfully listening, good at expressing mature feelings, and is motivated to cooperate and understand others is displaying advanced _______.
Emotional Intelligence.
A mental representation of something in the world.
When a child adds new information to an existing schema while not changing the information already present.
When a child is met with information that conflicts with a current schema, and then adjust the schema to make sense of the new information or creates a new schema to account for it.
Four assumptions of Piaget’s Cognitive Development:
- Children naturally inspired to think, learn, and comprehend.
- Children see the world differently than adults.
- Children’s knowledge is organized into Schemas.
- All learning consist of Assimilation and Accomadation.
The belief that nonliving things have lifelike qualities and intentions. That the world is acting on them rather then existing inertly while they live on it.
Transitive Inference (Transitivity) is developed during _____ state and refers to a childs ability to……
Concrete Operational (7-11)
Infer relationships between two things based on relationships those two things have with a third intermediary.
Koopa is Larger than Sesame
Sesame is larger than Max.
Who is larger: Koopa or Max.
A child capable of transitivity understands that the first two axioms lead to only one conclusion, that Koopa is larger than Max.
Howard Gardner proposed the theory of _______.
Multiple Intelligence.
Classical Conditioning is associated with _____ and _____. The most famous experiment used ____, which was demonstrated by….
Pavlov and Watson.
Stimulus-response, Pavlovs dog being conditioned to salivate at the ring of the bell, even when no food was brought.
Classical conditioning states that behavior is learned through _____,_____ and _____.
Repitition, association, and anticipation.
Operant Conditioning is associate with ______, who is more generally associated with the ______ movement.
BF Skinner.
The Behaviorist Movement.
Explain Classical and Operant Conditioning, who is involved in each, what they claim, and how it applies to teaching.
Classical Condition is associated with John Watson and Ivan Pavlov, famous for is Dog/Bell/Food experiments. Whenever Pavlov provided food to his dogs, he would ring a bell beforehand. The bell was applied with REPITITION, so became ASSOCIATED with eating. This meant that when the dog heard the bell, it was begin salivated in ANTICIPATION of food. This bell-salivate behavior is learned, and implies that behaviors (and concepts) and that things can be learned in a structured, predictable enviroment.
Operant Conditioning is associated with BF Skinner who headed the behaviorist movement of psychology. He suggest that all behavior is learned through interaction with enviroment. Behavior that is good will be reinforced by society and hence become more likely to be repeated, while non-reinforced behavior, or behavior that is punished will reduce in likeliness to occur again., This is a powerful idea to keep in mind as a teacher because it suggest that good behaviors can be reinforced, and become more likely to continued while poor ones can be mitigated. Alter enviroment for better outcomes.
Erik Erikson is associated with….
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development.
Vygotsky emphasizes that learning is done through _____ and ______.
Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding.
Bandura emphasizes that learning is done through….
observing and modeling. Children imitate.
Temperment is defined as….
An inborn trait affecting mood, behavior, and threshold of stimulous to display emotion.
Types of play.
- Functional (Baby screwing around with sensorimotor movement)
- Constructive (kids building with blocks)
- Pretend (Kids imagining that doll or action figure is real, talking to imaginary friend, pretending tea is actually in teapot.
- Rough and tumble play (simple games with energy exerted in opposition to opponents, tag, wrestling, chase.)
- Games with rules (defined rules that order play and all agree upon.)
Play is good for…
Building social skills and cognitive development.
Enviromental agents which can cause developmental abnormalities in the fetus are called:
Alcohol consumption while pregnant can result in….
Low Birth weight, FAS, unusual facial characteristics
Teratogens affect…
Normal cell division during embryonic and fetal growthj.
The most vulnerable time in fetal development is…
2-8 weeks.
Nicotine during development can lead to….
low birth weight, miscarriage, and poor respitory functioning.
Drugs can lead to…
low birth weight, premature birth, learning disabilities and all kinds of crap.