Physical Development Flashcards
What is growth?
Growth is a variable across different parts of the body and is in an increase in some measured quantity.
What are some examples of growth?
Height, Weight, Shoe size, and more
What is development?
Development is complex changes that follow an orderly sequence including an increase in abilities and capabilities.
What is the age range for Birth to Infancy?
What is the age range for Early Childhood?
What is the age range for Adolescence?
What is the age range for Early Adulthood?
What is the age range for Middle Adulthood?
What is the age range for Later Adulthood?
What are the key features of birth to infancy?
Infants grow rapidly reaching approximately half their adult height by the time they are 2yrs old.
At around 1yr old infants can walk.
around 2yrs old infants can run.
What are the key features of early childhood?
They continue to grow at a steady pace.
They continue to develop strength and co-ordination.
What are the key features of adolescence?
They experience growth spurts.
They develop sexual characteristics during puberty.
What are the key features of early adulthood?
Young adults reach the peak of their physical fitness.
What are the key features of middle adulthood?
The ageing process begins.
Some loss of strength and stamina.
Women go through menopause.
What are the key features of later adulthood?
The ageing process continues.
Gradual loss of mobility.
Older adults will experience a loss of height (up to a few centimetres).
What are gross motor skills?
Large movements that involve using the large muscles in the body.
What are fine motor skills?
Smaller movements, which require precise direction and involve smaller muscles.
What are the developmental milestones for newborns?
Gross motor skills- Primitive reflexes such as grasp
Fine motor skills- Holds their thumbs tucked into their hands
What are the developmental milestones for 1-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Lifts chin, some control of their head
Fine motor skills- Opens hands to grasp fingers
What are the developmental milestones for 3-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Can lift their head and chest when lying on their front
Fine motor skills- Can briefly grasp a rattle
What are the developmental milestones for 6-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Rolls over, can sit up for a short time without support, kicks legs when held up
Fine motor skills- Moves objects from hand to hand, can pick up dropped toys if they are in sight
What are the developmental milestones for 8-10-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Crawls, pulls themselves up to stand, begins to cruise(walking while holding onto objects)
Fine motor skills- Uses fingers and thumb to hold a small object
What are the developmental milestones for 12-13-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Stands alone and can walk without help
Fine motor skills- Manipulates and places toys
What are the developmental milestones for 18-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Climbs on furniture
Fine motor skills- Builds a short tower with blocks
What are the developmental milestones for 2yr old babies?
Gross motor skills- Propels a sit-on toy with their feet, throws a large ball
Fine motor skills- Draws lines and circles, turns a page