Physical Development Flashcards
What is growth?
Growth is a variable across different parts of the body and is in an increase in some measured quantity.
What are some examples of growth?
Height, Weight, Shoe size, and more
What is development?
Development is complex changes that follow an orderly sequence including an increase in abilities and capabilities.
What is the age range for Birth to Infancy?
What is the age range for Early Childhood?
What is the age range for Adolescence?
What is the age range for Early Adulthood?
What is the age range for Middle Adulthood?
What is the age range for Later Adulthood?
What are the key features of birth to infancy?
Infants grow rapidly reaching approximately half their adult height by the time they are 2yrs old.
At around 1yr old infants can walk.
around 2yrs old infants can run.
What are the key features of early childhood?
They continue to grow at a steady pace.
They continue to develop strength and co-ordination.
What are the key features of adolescence?
They experience growth spurts.
They develop sexual characteristics during puberty.
What are the key features of early adulthood?
Young adults reach the peak of their physical fitness.
What are the key features of middle adulthood?
The ageing process begins.
Some loss of strength and stamina.
Women go through menopause.
What are the key features of later adulthood?
The ageing process continues.
Gradual loss of mobility.
Older adults will experience a loss of height (up to a few centimetres).
What are gross motor skills?
Large movements that involve using the large muscles in the body.
What are fine motor skills?
Smaller movements, which require precise direction and involve smaller muscles.
What are the developmental milestones for newborns?
Gross motor skills- Primitive reflexes such as grasp
Fine motor skills- Holds their thumbs tucked into their hands
What are the developmental milestones for 1-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Lifts chin, some control of their head
Fine motor skills- Opens hands to grasp fingers
What are the developmental milestones for 3-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Can lift their head and chest when lying on their front
Fine motor skills- Can briefly grasp a rattle
What are the developmental milestones for 6-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Rolls over, can sit up for a short time without support, kicks legs when held up
Fine motor skills- Moves objects from hand to hand, can pick up dropped toys if they are in sight
What are the developmental milestones for 8-10-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Crawls, pulls themselves up to stand, begins to cruise(walking while holding onto objects)
Fine motor skills- Uses fingers and thumb to hold a small object
What are the developmental milestones for 12-13-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Stands alone and can walk without help
Fine motor skills- Manipulates and places toys
What are the developmental milestones for 18-month-old babies?
Gross motor skills- Climbs on furniture
Fine motor skills- Builds a short tower with blocks
What are the developmental milestones for 2yr old babies?
Gross motor skills- Propels a sit-on toy with their feet, throws a large ball
Fine motor skills- Draws lines and circles, turns a page
What are the developmental milestones for 2 and a half yr old babies?
Gross motor skills- Jumps from a low step
Fine motor skills- Uses a spoon and fork, builds a tower of 7-8 blocks
What are the 2 types of grasp?
Palmar grasp and Pincer grasp
What is a Palmar grasp?
When an object is placed in the infant’s hand and strokes their palm, the fingers close and they will grasp it with a palmer grasp
When does this grasp occur?
Appears at birth and persists until 5-6 months of age.
What is a Pincer grasp?
Using the index finger and thumb, or the index and middle fingers opposing the thumb, to pick up small objects.
When does this grasp occur?
9-12 months of age
what are the motor skills for 3yr olds?
Gross motor skills- Use pedals to ride a tricycle, run, balance on 1 foot for 1 second
Fine motor skills- rn pages of a book
what are the motor skills for 4yr olds?
Gross motor skills- Kick, throw a large ball
Fine motor skills- Button and unbutton clothing, tripod grip, hand-eye co-ordination(using a spoon/fork & begin to use a knife)
what are the motor skills for 5yr olds?
Gross motor skills- Hop using each foot separately, walk in a straight line
Fine motor skills- Write their own name, cut out simple shapes, draw, form letters.
what are the motor skills for 6yr olds?
Gross motor skills- Skip, ride a bike
what are the motor skills for 7yr olds?
Gross motor skills- Run forwards and backward
what are the motor skills for 8yr olds?
Gross motor skills- Good strength and body co-ordination to take part in sports and activities, their ball skills improve
Fine motor skills- Used joined-up writing
What is the Tripod grasp?
it uses the thumb, index finger, and middle finger.
When does the Tripod grasp usually occur?
3-4yrs old
what is the Tripod grasp used for?
Gaining good pencil skills and is necessary for fastening buttons on clothes etc
What is an adolescence?
An important status change following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult
What is puberty?
A period of rapid growth during which young people reach sexual maturity and become biologically able to reproduce and sexual characteristics develop
What are hormones?
Chemical substances produced in the body and transported into the bloodstream that control or regulate body cells or body organs
What are Primary Sexual Characteristics?
Changes in the body and development of reproductive organs
What are Female Primary Sexual Characteristics?
The uterus enlarges and the vagina lengthens
The ovaries begin to release eggs
The menstrual cycle commences
What are Male Primary Sexual Characteristics?
Enlargement of penis and testes
Spontaneous erections caused by blood flowing into chambers in the penis
The testes begin to produce spermatozoa(sperm), beginning of ejaculation
What are Secondary Sexual Characteristics?
Outward/external signs of development
What are Female Secondary Sexual Characteristics?
Breasts develop and the areola(the area around the nipple) swells and darkens
Hair grows in the armpits and pubic area
Redistribution of body fat causing hips to widen
What are Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics?
Changes in larynx(adam’s apple) causing voice to deepen
Hair grows in armpits and pubic area, facial hair
Redistribution of muscle tissue and fat
What is the male hormone?
What are the female hormones?
Oestrogen and Progesterone
What are 4 physical effects of adolescence?
Body changes
More hair on the body
May gain weight
What is maturity?
Maturity is to have fully developed and physically grown (physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially)
What are the 6 characteristics of maturity in early adulthood?
Physical strength and stamina at its peak
Sexual characteristics are fully developed
Hand-eye co-ordination is at its peak
women are at their most fertile and can become pregnant and lactate
Full height is reached
Reaction time is at its quickest
At what age does a young adult’s physical health peak?
19-28 years
What do pregnancy hormones cause for women?
Mood swings
What can hormones affect in a woman’s body?
Shape and appearance of the breasts
Darkened veins
Nipples and areolas darken
Breasts become more sensitive and tender (preparing them to lactate to feed to baby/babies)
What are the physical effects of pregnancy?
Breasts grow
Stomach grows as the child/children grow
What is perimenopause?
The woman’s ovaries begin to produce less oestrogen meaning they stop producing eggs each month
What is menopause?
Menopause is the ending of female fertility including the cessation of menstruation and reduction in production of female sex hormones
What can menopause also be know as?
Adult Puberty
What are the physical effects of ageing in middle adulthood?
Increased weight and waistline
Loss of skin elasticity(saggy skin and wrinkles due to reduction in collagen)
Loss of muscle tone and strength/stamina
Greying hair
Hair thinning or hair loss (men may begin to lose hair)
What are the physical effects of ageing in later adulthood?
Loss of stamina
Higher susceptibility to infection
Thinning of hair on the head in a public place
What are the physical effects of ageing in later adulthood?
Loss of stamina
Higher susceptibility to infection
Thinning of hair on the head in a pubic place
Less elasticity in the skin due to reduction of collagen
Loss of height due to change in spinal structure
Loss of muscle strength leading to less mobility
Weaker bones due to reduced calcium content
Reduction in hearing or vision leading to reduce sensory awareness
Decline in the performance of organs such as the brain leading to memory loss or the onset of dementia
Increased likelihood of injuries cause by falls
Higher susceptibility to disease e.g. Normal changes in the heart components may lead to a higher risk of cardio-vascular disease