Physical Challenges of Old Age Flashcards
Is Degenerative Aging universal in all forms?
No; it is not universal in all life forms.
-example: trees grow perpetually (do not die from “old age” they die from being killed)
How long is the human lifespan?
100 years
Caps on the end of chromosomes (telomeres fray with each cell division)
Enzyme maintains telomeres (fraying of chromosomes, disrupts cell functioning~production of proteins)
The Aging Process consists of what 3 last steps?
1) Chronic Disease
2) Disability
3) Death
Osteoporosis (Chronic Disease)
Bone loss
Atherosclerosis (Chronic Disease)
Heart Disease
Instrumental ADL
trouble performing tasks to live independently
Basic ADL
incapable of performing self-care activities
When does the Social Economic Status health gap become visible?
It becomes visible in middle age
The poverty-illness relationship is?
It is bidirectional
Affluent people live…?
Affluent people live longer and enjoy better health.
When systematic disadvantage occurs, it limits what?
Systematic disadvantage LIMITS personal choice**
ex. the cost of eating healthy
Typical Path (based off socioeconomic status & gender)
30s-60s: Normal aging
60s-70s: Chronic diseases
80s:Need help w/ ADLS
90s: Death
If Poor Path (based off socioeconomic status & gender)
30s: Normal aging
40s-50s: Chronic diseases
50s-mid 60s: Need help w/ ADLS
late 60s-90s: Death