Physical Assessment of the child Flashcards
Growth vs development
Growth is physical
Development is mental
Growth a d development pattern
They are definite, predictable, continuous, orderly, progressive and basic to all humans
Development and maturation form head to toe.
Ex. Head develops first and is kore complex, then lower body (smaller and simpler)
Near to far.
From midline out
Bilateral and symmetrical
Mass to specific
Gross movement takes place before fine motor skills
When is child most susceptible to physical and psychological maladaptation
Physical-First 90 days
Psychological-First year
Assessing G and D
Growth charts, graphs, scales
Screening tests-DDST
-what can a child do at each age. Done from birth to 6 years old
Anterior fontanel
Closes in 18 months
Posterior fontanel
Closes in 2 months
Assessing fontanel
Shape, bulging, sunken in
Begins at 6-7 months but varies
6-8 teeth by 12 months
Full set by 2.5 yrs
Calculating teeth
Age in months - 6
Measure circumference of head, chest, and abdoman
Vital signs of infant and toddler
Count respirations first
Apical hear rate 2nd
Blood pressure 3rd if needed
Temperature last
Physical assessment
Apical pulse is 120-160 (most reliable until 2 years)
-less than 100 is cause for concern
Record child’s activity
BP of 50-70 systolic and 25-40 diastolic
-cuff should be 2/3 of upper arm
Temp-stabilizes after 1 week.
-if feels warm recheck
-if administer Tylenol recheck in 45-60 minutes
Respiratory rate-30-60
-by 12 months less than 30
-note abdominal movements
Fine motor development
Use of hands and fingertips to hold things
Palmer grasp
By 5 months able to grasp with palms. hold bottle by 6 months.
Replaced by pincer grasp by 10 months.
-hold crumbs, bread and eat finger foods.
Cognitive development
Language is apart of it
First form of verbal communication
What does cooing and laughing occur as a response to
Being spoken to
8 months
Saying dada
9 months
Knows name
Meaning of mo
12 months
Says 2-3 words with meaning
8 months: peek a boo
10 months: patty cake
Nursing interventions
Talking softly
Meet infant at eye level
Avoid sudden intrusive gestures
Talk to client from outside room
Maintain safe distance
Is head circumference usually larger than chest
Do we have to assess measurements and fontanels
When can fontanels have normal bulge
When baby cries
What can cause a sunken in fontanel
Shape of normal fontanel
What do reflexes assess
Central Nervous system
Landmarks for measurements
Eyebrows for head
Nipples for chest
Rooting reflex
Stops at 3-4 months
Palmer grasp
Disappears at 3-4 months
Plantar grasp
Disappears at 8 months
Tonic neck
Disappears at 3-4 months
Maro reflex
Disappears at 3-4 months
Babinski relex
Disappears at 12-18 months
Stepping/dancing reflex
Disappears at 3-4 months
Preschooler Vitals
Pulse-90 to 100 bpm
Resp-22 to 25 breaths per minute