Physical Agents Final Review Flashcards
What is the minimum amount of electrodes you need for a closed current?
at least two
What is the positive side of an electrode
ion deficient
what is the negative side of an electrode
ion rich
What type of current has one electrode positive as the other stays negative?
Which type of current has the electrodes swtiching between positive and negative
Which type of current is constantly changing direction of flow?
Which type of current moves in the same direction at all times?
How many phases = a pulse in biphasic current
2 phases = 1 pulse
once the current crosses isoelectric line it becomes a new phase therefore the charges are canceled out
What type of current is high volt?
1 phase= 1 pulse
What is monophasic current used to treat?
can decrease edema from the build up of charge
What is the unit for how strong the current is?
What tends to be a more comfortable frequency for the patient?
How do you stimulate denervated muscles?
must directly stimulate muscle because there are no nerves
What is the order of recruitment on the strength- duration curve when increasing the pulse duration?
- A beta sensory
- motor
- A delta sharp pain
- C dull pain
- denervated muscle
What is the x- axis on the curve measuring?
pulse duration
What is the y-axis on the curve measuring?
What does accommodation do?
Prevents you from having to keep turning up the e stim in order to feel e-stim.
Make sure you stay in the correct therapeutic range.
What is propagation of an impulse along a conduction system in the SAME direction it normally travels.
What is propagation of an impulse along a conduction system in the OPPOSITE direction it normally travels.
can occur artificially during estim
How to calculate the current density?
Current density: current ÷ size of electrode
What size electrodes does AC current use?
sAme size so they have the sAme current density
What size electrodes does DC current use?
uses Different sizes
Indications for TENS
Pain control/relief
Reduce dependency on pain medication
Increase functional movement and mobility with less discomfort
Give patient active role in pain management