Physical access control
Physical access controls are items you can physically touch. They include physical mechanisms deployed to prevent, monitor, or detect direct contact with systems or areas within a facility.
Examples of physical access controls include security guards, fences, motion detectors, locked doors/gates, sealed windows, lights, cable protection, laptop locks, badges, swipe cards, guard dogs, cameras, mantraps/turnstiles, and alarms.
Badge Systems and Gate Entry
Physical security controls for human traffic are often done with technologies such as turnstiles, mantraps and remotely or system-controlled door locks.
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) approaches the challenge of creating safer workspaces through passive design elements
To authenticate a user’s identity, biometrics uses characteristics unique to the individual seeking access. A biometric authentication solution entails two processes.
-Enrollment—during the enrollment process, the user’s registered biometric code is either stored in a system or on a smart card that is kept by the user.
-Verification—during the verification process, the user presents their biometric data to the system so that the biometric data can be compared with the stored biometric code.