Phys Flashcards
Park At VENTure AVenue (Purkinje->Atrial Muscle->Ventricular Muscle->AV node
WHEELHOUSE: which cytokine is produced EXLUSIVELY by lymphocytes??
IL-1 is primarily produced by mononuclear ________
macrophages (so i shouldn’t look for it in HGF’s??lol)
TNF-a is a cytokine primarily produced by activated _______
_______ is a cytokine chiefly generated by monocytes, macrophages, B cells, and NK cells and has numberous ANTIVIRAL functions
Interferon-alpha (IFN-a)
OOOO you should look for this primer with your HGF’s!! ____ is a cytokine secreted by macrophages, T-cells, NK cells, mast cells, endothelial cells, and FIBROBLASTS and stimularws production of granulocytes and monocytes…
GM-CSF (granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor)
Desmosomes rely on ________ vs hemidesmosomes rely on _______ for connections
desmosomes = cadherins…hemidesmosomes = integrins
Bullous phemphigoid is associated with ________ whereas Pemphagus vulgaris is associated with ______
Phospholipase C (PLC) activation is a step in the _______ second messenger system
inositol triphosphate (IP3)
What is the immediate step in tyrosine kinase signaling activity?
DIMERIZATION after the ligand binds to the receptor
Disorders of Sexual Development: X-linked mutation of androgen receptor, breast development, absent uterus/upper vagina/cryptorchid testes, absent pubic heair, karyotype 46, XY
COMPLETE ANDROGEN INSENSITIVITY SYNDROME (testosterone receptors thoughout the body are nonfxn)
Disorders of Sexual Development: Hypoplastic or absent mullarian ductal system, breast development, absent or rudementary uterus/upper vagina/normal overies, normal pubic hair, karyotype 46, XX
Mullarian Agenesis
Disorders of Sexual Development: Malformation of urogenital sinus and Mullarian ducts, breast development, normal uterus, abnormal vagina, normal overies, normal pubic hair, karyotype 46, XX
Transverse Vaginal Septum
Disorders of Sexual Development: Complete/partial absense of 1 X chromosome, variable breast dev, normal uterus/vagina/streak overies, normal pubic hair, karyotype 45,X
Turner Syndrome
Which type of pneumocyte makes up 97% of alveolar surfaces?
Type I pneumocyte
Which type of pneumocyte secretes pulmonary surfactant?
Type II pneumocyte
What is the difference between Adult Hemogobin and Fetal Hemoglobin
Adult = 2 alpha and 2 beta chains…Fetal = 2 alpha 2 gamma
Hemoglobin Barts is incompatable with life because the fetus is missing what components?
The fetus is missing BOTH alpha chain genes and therefore cannot release oxygen
Which cells are responsible for making ABP (androgen-binding protein)? What hormone stimulates them?
Sertoli Cells…FSH
What cells secrete testosterone?
Leydig cells
Glucagon binds to G protein-coupled receptors on hepatocytes, avictating ___, which in turn stimulates _______ to increase intracellular _______ levels
Gs…adenylate cyclase…cyclic AMP (cAMP)
cAMP activates _______ which leads to the activation of key enzymes in glycogenolysis, and gluconeogenesis
protein kinase A
Huh, interesting…what nerve would you electrocoagulate to stop excessive axillary sweating?
thoracic SYMPATHETIC trunk at the T2 segment
Michaelis-Menten kinetics: an INCREASE in the amount of ENZYME available in a system will cause an INCREASE in _____, but NO CHANGE in ___
increase in Vmax, no change in Km
Lineweaver-Burke: A reversible competitiive inhibitor- ____ of the enzyme INCREASES, while ____ remains UNCHANGED
Lineweaver-Burke: non competitive inhibitor- ____ DECREASES, ____ remains the same
Lineweaver-Burke: UNcompetitive inhibitor (can only bin to enzyme-substrate complex), ___ and ____ DECREASE, with NO CHANGE in the slope and therefore a Parallel line with a higher Y intercept
Km and Vmax
Which pathway does PROTHROMBIN TIME measure?
_____ kinases promote the synthesis and phosphorylation of transcription factors that control the entry of cells into the cell division cycle.
MAP kinase (mitogen-activated protein)
____ is a common SECOND MESSENGER in a G protein-coupled receptor signal transduction pathway. The FIRST effector molecule is PHOSPHOLIPASE C-gamma
DAG (diacylglycerol)
Complete me: PhosphoLipase C—>DAG and _____—>Calcium and Protein Kinase C
A DECREASED femoral-to-brachial BP ratio is associated with CO-ARC-TATION of the _______
A HOLO-SYSTOLIC MURMUR over the LEFT STERNAL BORDER is characteristic of _________???
In a VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT (VSD)…RIGHT atrial blood oxygenation will NOT be _________
EIS-EN-MEN-GER syndrome is associated with a longstanding LEFT to RIGHT ______ and pulmonary HTN, MUCOSAL ______ and FINGER ______ can be seen
Patent Ductus Arteriosis (PDA) is associated with a ________-like _______ over the UPPER percordium
A PDA (patent ductus arteriosis) allows for oxygenated blood to flow from the _______ to the _______, causing a SPIKE in the PO2 reading of this second structure.
HYPOCHROMIC, MICROCYTIC anemia is MOST COMMONLY caused by _______ secondary to blood loss (menstruation)
IRON deficiency
OMG WHEELHOUSE: PAGO-PHAGIA (a craving for ___) is SPECIFIC FOR _______
ICE…IRON deficiency
Pernicious anemia is a ________ anemia
OMG WHEELHOUSE: Glossal Pain, Dry mouth, atrophy of the tongue papillae
iron deficiency
The “nutcracker effect” lol: the pressure within the ____ renal vein is HIGHER due to compression between the aorta and the ______ artery.
LEFT….superior mesenteric artery
What is the main difference between a hydrocele and a varicocele? (besides location/structures involved)
Varicocele: NO transillumination…Hydrocele: Transillumination
______ is characterized by pigmented thickened plaques that arise in flexural regions such as the axillae or back of neck
Acanthosis NigRICans
Acanthosis NigRICans is usually associated with benign conditions such as INSULIN resistance or obesity…HOWEVER sudden appearance or rapid spread can signal the presence of MALIGNANCY within the _____ or _____
GI Tract or Lungs
Vitamin K is essential for the _____-________ of coagulaiton factors ___,____,___, & ____
Which antibody is INCREASED when there is a CD40L ligand decificency?
UV radiation causes _______ in DNA
What does METHYLATING C-G dinucleotide repeats in the promotor region of genes do to transcription of those genes?
it SILENCES transcription of those genes
What is the MOST COMMON lysosomal storage disorder?
GAUCHER disease
ALPHA-1 receptors and EPI: it functions via the __________________ second messenger system
Alpha-1 receptors and EPI: when EPI binds to the alpha-1 receptor a G_ protein becomes stimulated and activates _________
Alpha-1 receptors and EPI: Phospholipase C releases ____ AND ____ from MEMBRANE PHOSPHOLIPIDS
IP3 and DAG
Alpha-1 receptors and EPI: IP3 liberates ________, while DAG activates ________…all of this ultimately leads to SMOOTH MUSCLE contraction
The SECOND heart sound (S2) results from closure of WHAT 2 VALVES?
Aortic and Pulmonic Valves
WIDE SPLITTING of heart sound 2 (S2) can occur with conditions that PROLONG _______, like a RIGHT bundle branch block or pulmonary stenosis
IN GENERAL…do hydrophillic or hydrophobic materials cross the PLACENTA?
Hydrophobic readily cross the placenta…hydrophillic do not.
Which anatomical landmark of a small intestine enterocyte is responsible for producing epithelial stem cells and regeneration of the mucosal epithelium post infection?
What cell type is most prominent in the progression of LIVER CIRRHOSIS?
What type of cell is a Kupffer cell?
WHICH ION’s equilibrium potential contributes THE MOST to the neuronal membrane potential during DEPOLARIZATION?
LACTOSE INTOLERANCE results from a NORMAL _________ of lactase production by small intestine enterocytes
DOWNREGULATION…(lessens genetic expression)
COPD spirometry shows increased _______ volume and total lung capasity (that shit is stretched out yo!)
Residual Volume
A fall in renal perfusion pressure (e.g. systemic hypotension, renal artery stenosis/obstruction) will cause _______ arteriole constriction. This will increase GFR, but decrease ______. THIS OVERALL CAUSES AN INCREASE in the ______ ______.
efferent…RPF (renal plasma flow)…FILTRATION FRACTION
A major cause for postural hypotension is insufficient stimulation of vascular _______1-adrenergic receptors upon standing
Skeletal muscle (UNLIKE THE LIVER) lacks __________ and cannot produce glucose from glycogen
G-6-P (glucose-6-phosphatase)
In _________, increased intrathorasic pressure during a coughing episode decreases venous return and thus decreases cardiac output and cerebral profusion
cough syncope
When a female is pregnant and is doing a latex b-hCG urine test, agglutination in the sample = _______ and no agglutination = _______
agglutination = not pregnant…. no agglutination = pregnant
What is the most common enzyme defect of the UREA CYCLE?
OTC: Orn-i-thine Trans-Carb-amo-ylase deficiency
Defects in the OTC enzyme of the urea cycle result in accumulation of CARBAMOYL phosphate, which is converted to _______ acid by the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway
In COLLAGEN, which AA occupies EVERY THIRD AA position, allowing compact coiling of the helix?
In collagen synthesis: defective _______ hydroxylation will lead to failure of the triple helix formation and stabilization by pro-alpha chains.
Angiotensin 2 raises blood pressure by causing ________ in the blood vessles and promoting the secretion of _______
________ oxidase catalyzes the first step of the oxidative burst pathway that macrophages use to kill bacteria. A deficiency in this increases the risk of infection from CATALASE POSITIVE organisms (staph aureus)
NADPH oxidase
_______ every 7th AA (aka a “zipper”) is a result of a transcription factor