Phylum Nematoda Flashcards
meaning of nema
Phylum Nematoda are…
slender worms
habitat of slender worms
aquatic or terrestrial
habit of slender worms
mostly parasitic
cavity found between the gut and body wall
their bodies are…
non-segmented and covered with cuticle
their digestive system is simple, composing of…
a one-way digestive system: oral-anal route
nervous system
nerve ring
excretory system
Protonephridia and canals
a network of dead-end tubules lacking internal openings
sex of slender worms
separate male and female (dioecious)
slender worm species that are androdioecious, consisting of hermaphrodites and rare males
Caenorhabditis elegans
reproduction of slender worms
sexual (gametic fusion); female: genital pore; male: copulatory spicules
spiral amphids (roundworms)
Class Chromadorea
worms that can choose where they want to live
filarial worms
terrestrial whipworms
Class Enoplea
pinworms and threadworms
Class Secernentea
classes under Class Nematoda
Chromadorea, Enoplea, Secernentea