Phylum Annelida Flashcards
• vermiform (worm-shaped) –elongate (longer than wide) –circular in cross-section (roughly) – soft-bodied • chitinous bristles (at least one pair) – setae/chaetae (apomorphy) • metamerism (metameric segmentation) –body divided into numerous repeating units –each unit repeats: (“skin”, muscles, nervous system, reproductive system, excretory system)
•body consists of: –complete regionalized digestive tract (tube within a tube) –body cavity - eucoelom - schizocoelous –12,400 described species –some of largest worm-like invertebrates •3 m earthworm - Australia •2 m earthworm - Africa –some very small •interstitial species (between soil particles) - few tenths of mm
•virtually all habitats with sufficient water –many marine species – freshwater – terrestrial •free-living •commensal (with other species) •parasitic
• three major groups
• Class Polychaeta - marine segmented worms
- majority of annelids
• Class Clitellata
–Subclass Oligochaeta - earthworms and relatives -freshwater and terrestrial
–Subclass Hirudinea - leeches
- freshwater and terrestrial; few marine
•anterior prostomium
•peristomium directly behind
•posterior pygidium
•present before segmentation begins (presegmental)
•segments between peristomium and pygidium
produced during development and growth
Body wall
•outer layer –thin, flexible, permeable –cuticle secreted by epidermis (often) •thin layer of connective tissue •muscles: –circular (not always continuous) –longitudinal (sometimes in bands) •peritoneum (lines coelom)
Body cavity
- segmentally separated by septa (from peritoneum)
- compartmentalized coelom
- ancestral condition (retained in some)
- coelomic fluid in each segment isolated (allows independent movement of segments)
- polychaetes - cavity divided by septa and by digestive tract + peritoneum in centre
• body divided into “segments” or “metameres”
• evident externally as:
–rings or “annuli”
–repeated structures (e.g. appendages)
• internally - septa
–peritoneum from each segment with connective tissue in between
Serial homology
–repetition of structure
–different areas modified differently
• appendages
• internal structures
Nervous system
•anterior cluster of ganglia •longitudinal cords run posteriorly •cerebral ganglion (“brain”)
–connectives (nerves) around digestive tract to:
•suboesophageal (below digestive tract) ganglion
• pair of solid ventral nerve cords
• segmental ganglia (nerve cluster in each segment)
• may fuse to form single cord
• segmental ganglia may fuse
• giant nerve fibres in cord
Circulatory system
•closed circulatory system
•fluid enclosed in vessels
–leeches different
•major dorsal vessel - anterior transport
•major ventral vessel - posterior transport •capillaries connect two on each side
• no “heart” - specialized pumping organ
• vessels have intrinsic contractile properties
• contraction + valves –> one-way circulation
–hemoglobin (oligochaetes, leeches)
• in cells and dissolved
–chlorocruorin (iron, but green - dissolved)
–hemoerythrin - iron - in cells
Excretory system
• Protonephridium –“end cell” closed, filters material –works in small or acoelomate organisms –usually many, so close to fluids • Metanephridium –open funnel –larger animals, open body cavity/more fluid
–open tubes - coelomic fluid flows to outside
–drawn into tube by cilia
–tube wrapped in circulatory vessels
–absorption and excretion along length of tubule (like human)
–excreted fluid very different from: • coelomic fluid
• circulatory fluid
–role in osmoregulation
–funnel opening (nephrostome) in one segment
–rest of unit (pore to outside (nephridiopore), tubule and blood vessels) in next segment
Digestive tract
Not metameric
•fluid-filled coelom + segmentation + circular and longitudinal muscles =
•selective contraction of regions
longitudinal muscle contraction - coelomic fluid generates lateral force - segment widens
•circular muscle contraction - coelomic lfuid exerts pressure anterior and posteriorly - segment elongates
•alternate these - peristaltic waves
•peristalsis needs anchoring
- chaetae
Subclass Oligochaeta
•“few chaetae” - body more “naked” than polychaetes •3500 described species •<10% marine •most FW & terrestrial •most are scavengers •dead organic matter, esp. vegetation •deposit feeding - ingest organic matter from mud and soil cylindrical body • few lateral projections • no parapodia (lateral extensions) • no real “head” • no tentacles • few photoreceptors • prostomium small rounded lobe • aquatic species have longer setae
–series of segments in anterior half of body –swollen with glandular tissue –secrete mucous • role in copulation –secrete cocoon to hold eggs
Internal Earthworm
- body cavity divided by septa
- septa relatively complete (esp. burrowing species)
- well developed circular muscles
- earthworms - valves control coelomic fluid movement
Earthworm locomotion
- wave of contraction by circular muscle passes down length of animal
- chaetae anchor parts of body against substrate
- contraction of circular muscles lengthens segment - extends anterior portion of animal forward
Oligochaeta gas exchange
- no specialized structures
- diffusion across moist cuticle
- hemoglobin in circulatory fluid (larger species)
- aquatic species in very low oxygen or anaerobic conditions briefly
Oligochaeta reproductive system
• gonads are discrete tissues –limited to a few segments –(very different from polychaetes) • hermaphroditic (usually) • some asexual reproduction (esp. aquatic species) • some species - no sexual individuals known • clitellum -aquatic species - one cell thick –earthworms - thick
Oligochaeta clitella
Mucous production for copulation secrete wall of cocoon
Secrete albumin in which eggs are deposited in cocoon
Earthworm - leech connection
Earthworm reproduction
• male and female reproductive organs in each
• don’t self-breed - mate with others
• copulation, but no direct intromission
• sperm travel long distance from male genital openings (segment 14) to opening to sperm storage organ (between segments 9 & 10, and 10 & 11)
• sperm migrate along enclosed channel of slime between individual worms
• +/- simultaneous transmission
• sperm stored in spermatheca
• copulation / fertilization
• cocoon secreted by clitellum after a few days
• slides forward as worm pulls back
• then, eggs deposited from female gonopore (genital opening)
• then, sperm from spermatheca
• actually a sort of external fertilization within cocoon
• cocoon deposited in soil
• development direct in cocoon - no larval stage