Phrophacy Flashcards
What is a phrophet?
A phrophet is someone who was sent to spread the word of God
What is a phrophecy?
A message of devine truth reviling Gods will the act of speaking out such a message or perdicting something
How did God communicate with the prophets
God communicated thourgh their dreams
Which part of the bible tells the storys of the prophets?
The old testerment
What is social justice/injustice
Social injustice is when a group of people are treated un-equaly and social justice is when everyone is treated eqaly
What is the differance bettween a minor and major prophet
Major has a long book and minor is a small book
What sort of messages (from God) did the prohphets give
That there is only one God and to follow the 10 commandments and to not sin
Why was it dangerous to be prophet in Bible times?
Beacuse you could be assasinated
Name one male phrophet and one female
Moses and Josephine bekita
What did Elijah do?
He proved that our God was real by God sending down holy fire
How did Romero speak out about injustice?
He wrote letters to the prime minister and broadcasted on the radio
What happened to Josephine Bakita when she was 7?
She was kiddnaped
Why was Josephine so Greatfull to the slave traders?
Because otherwise she wouldn’t have found Christianity
What is Josephinen patren saint of
Human traficing
One of the things we can learn from Josephine Bakhita
That you have to perserver beacuse God will help, you find the way
Who does God promise will come to us as a great saviour?